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descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyLesson 10 (Done)

Today's class will be on Monster Effects.

1) What happens when you have Skill Drain on the field, your opponent summons Zaborg the Thunder Monarch and you activate
Bottomless Trap Hole as response - You have a monster on your side of the field.

2) If you activate Book Of Moon as a chain to a Monarch's effect what happens?

3) What happens if you target Spirit Reaper with Book of Moon?

4) If Zombie Master's effect is activated (cost has been payed) and you Book of Moon it. What happens?

5) What is the difference between these 2 cases.

I have Light and Darkness Dragon - My Opponent plays fissure and chain Book Of Moon to LADD's effect
I have Horus LV 8 - My Opponent plays fissure and chain Book Of Moon to Horus's effect

6) Does Skill Drain negate DoomCalliber Knight's effect?

7) Does NecroValley negate Dark World monsters?

8. What happens when you have LADD and your opponent uses Treeborn Frog's effect.

9) Does Skill Drain negate Jinzo or vice versa?

10) Does DoomCalliber Knight negate
- Cyber Dragon
- Wildheart

11) Can a Penguin Soldier target itself? Explain where it can return itself to the hand and when it can't and why.

1/11=25 DP
2/11=50 DP
3/11=75 DP
4/11=100 DP
5/11=125 DP
6/11=150 DP
7/11=175 DP
8/11=200 DP
9/11=225 DP
10/11=250 DP
11/11=275 DP

L gets 8.5 DP/11 - 213 DP

Ahmed gets 10/11 - 250 DP

Nekofjung gets 11/11 - 275 DP

FenixFX gets 8.5/11 - 213 DP

Unkown gets 10/11 - 250 DP

Psychic Fighter gets 6.5/11 - 163 KP

A-A-A gets 3/11 - 75 DP

Unkown 2 of your reasonings are wrong but i didn't deduct marks as i decided not to base the score on explanation.

Congrats Nekofjung for being the first and the only to score full in 2 academies.

Last edited by Assassin on Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:00 pm; edited 7 times in total

descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyRe: Lesson 10 (Done)

Why did you wrote KP instead of DP ?

descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyRe: Lesson 10 (Done)

This was his lesson posted on DK. He copied it on DA also.

descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyRe: Lesson 10 (Done)

Umm I dont think you can do that and count it for your LV 2 teacher status...I asked Jin if the lessons can be same :/
but if its for fun then yea..im not sure tho so ask Jin ;D

descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyRe: Lesson 10 (Done)

Ofcourse its not counted as another lesson.
No one in DK got 11/11 so i decided to post it here as its obviously educational - which is my main concern.

descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyRe: Lesson 10 (Done)

1) What happens when you have Skill Drain on the field, your opponent summons Zaborg the Thunder Monarch and you activate
Bottomless Trap Hole as response - You have a monster on your side of the field.

1st Zaborg is summoned and its effect activates. You BTH it - It is removed from play.
it is no more on the field so Skill Drain Does not negate it - Skill
Drain has nothing to do with activation it effects the effect and not
the activation.
AS monarchs effect can resolve even if they are not on the field the monster is destroyed.

2) If you activate Book Of Moon as a chain to a Monarch's effect what happens?

Monarch's need not be face up for its effect to resolve - Priority comes into picture.

3) What happens if you target Spirit Reaper with Book of Moon?

Reaper's effect activates after its targeted card's effect resolves -
BKSS. AS it is face down after BoM resolves its effect its negated.

4) If Zombie Master's effect is activated (cost has been payed) and you Book of Moon it. What happens?

Master needs to be face up on the field for its effect to resolve - Its
an exception to priority - So effect does not activate.

5) What is the difference between these 2 cases.

I have Light and Darkness Dragon - My Opponent plays fissure and chain Book Of Moon to LADD's effect

is a quick effect but its an exception to one specialty of Quick
effects. It effect can activate only once in a chain - so it negates
fissure but does not negate BoM and is flipped face down.
When its flipped face up it gets its original 2800 ATK.

I have Horus LV 8 - My Opponent plays fissure and chain Book Of Moon to Horus's effect

Its has a normal quick effect and can be used more than once in a chain and negates both Fissure and BoM.

6) Does Skill Drain negate DoomCalliber Knight's effect?

Drain does negates the effect and not the cost or activation. And when
DoomCalliber pays its cost it is no more on the field so SD does not
negate it.

7) Does NecroValley negate Dark World monsters?

does not negate effects that activate when in the grave and as DW
monster's effect activates when its sent to the grave from the hand its
effect is not negated.

8. What happens when you have LADD and your opponent uses Treeborn Frog's effect.

is summoned during the same SP and LADD keeps negating it until it does
not have the ability to loose the LP required to negate. LADD ends up
with 300 LP.

9) Does Skill Drain negate Jinzo or vice versa?

If SD is already active Jinzo's effect is negated. If Jinzo is summoned first its effect does not allow SD to activate.

10) Does DoomCalliber Knight negate
- Cyber Dragon

Cyber Dragon is an inherent special summon which does not start a chain - So Doom does not negate it.

- Wildheart
It has a continuous effect so Doom does not negate it.

11) Can a Penguin Soldier target itself? Explain where it can return itself to the hand and when it can't and why.

Yes Penguin soldier can target is itself usually.

when the BP is designed in such a way that Destroying occurs before
flipping so when Penguin flips its already destroyed so it cannot
target itself.

If there are any mistakes in my marks post here and i will check it out.

descriptionLesson 10 (Done) EmptyRe: Lesson 10 (Done)

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