Here's my answer.
1x BLS - he is sexy and loves decks with Lights and Darks
1x Chaos Sorc - Good card. I have had bad experiences with 2 in this type of deck before
1x Dandylion - Who does not like tokens
1x Dark Armed Dragon - Dem 3 darks, he gets there
1x Darksea Rescue - Synch with it and draw a card and is a machine for Road
1x Debris Dragon - He gets Dandylion back + BRD? + Tokens
2x Doppelwarrior - SS a monster. get doppel. synch. Tokens
3x Effect Veiler - Meta full of effects
1x Gorz - Dat Gorz is good
1x Junk Forward - He can easily be SS'd and then used to synch
3x Junk Synchron - Summon him and he summons a monster from grave - synch and possible doppel tokens
1x Level Eater - He eats levels and makes it possible to synch for things that are normally unavailable and he goes great with Quickdraw Synchron
2x Quickdraw Synchron - Can be easily SS'd and can pitch a monster that would help in grave to SS him
1x Sangan - he searches and he can search things like Swift Scarecrow and save you in a duel
1x Spell Striker - easy to SS and put to use
1x Swift Scarecrow - he is a machine and he is better than Battle Fader imo in that he does the same thing but Solemn Warning stops Fader and not Swift
1x Synchron Explorer - He explores and finds synchrons
1x T.G. Striker - he can be easily SS'd and he is a Tuner
1x T.G. Warwolf - Easy to SS and put to use
1x Tragoedia - Good with Level Eater and good range on possible synchro options with him
1x Tuningware - Can synch and be a lvl 1 or lvl 2 and can draw a card when used in a synchro summon
1x Unknown Synchron - Easy to SS and a bawse with Road Warrior
1x Book of Moon - it stops things
1x Dark Hole - it destroys things
1x Foolish Burial - it sets up things
1x Heavy Storm - it destroys things
1x Mind Control - it janks things and synchs with them
1x Monster Reborn - it reborns a monster
1x MST - It destroys things
1x One for One - it sets up things
1x Pot of Avarice - It gets me two draws and recycles things
3x Tuning - it finds tuners
Deck can be weak to Steelswarm Roach and also things from the side deck like Rivalry of Warlords, Gozen Match, Skill Drain, anti-SS things, To compensate for this I side in MST and think carefully in game.
2x Gemini Imp - VS DW
2x Neko Mane King - VS DW or WU
2x Spirit Reaper - VS Hero or Dragon
1x MST - VS Field spell and troublesome back cards
2x Prohibition - VS known key cards in opposing decks. Rabbit in Dino. Grapha in DW. Alius in HERO. WU Rat in WU. Hornet in Inzektor. ect.
2x Bottomless Trap Hole - VS Dragon Dino DW HERO other decks with big monsters
2x Debunk - VS DW and Dragon for Pulsar
2x Chain Disappearance - VS Inzektor Dino
AoJ Catastor - He destroys things
Armory Arm - he makes things bigger
BRD - goes BOOM
Brionac - Makes things bounce
Drill Warrior - Flees and sets things up - comes back and brings a friend to your hand
Formula Synchron - Is the key to the formula for shooting star or quasar
Junk Archer - he banishes a monster and gets in there
Junk Warrior - He is a lvl 5 Quickdraw target and he can be good with tokens and the like
Mist Wurm - he is a lvl 9 target and he bounces things and gets in
Road Warrior - he gets a machine with his effect and keeps things moving
Scrap Dragon - he scraps things
Shooting Quasar Dragon - he is a boss
Shooting Star Dragon - he is Quasar's little brother and also good
Stardust Dragon - he stops things and does things and makes Shooting Star
T.G. Hyper Librarian - lets you draw a card when you synchro summon. Is good when going for Quasar
I like this build better than others because this build is very versatile and has many monsters that can be special summoned easily to use in synchro summons. The strategy in this deck is to spam synchros easily and answer the opponent with monster abilties. The versatility and large amount of options in this deck make it consistent to be able to answer many threats and power through.
I know it was not said that we needed to list main but we are supposed to list Side and Extra and doing the same with main served to be a good way of explaining the answer to me.