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Lesson #32

! High Dutchman Gianus
8 posters

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyLesson #32



The best Synchron build


Some of you might recognise this name, while others may have never heard of it.
The Synchron archetype is a collection of Tuner monsters that Yusei and various other duelists used in the 5D's anime. The most familiar monster of this Archetype is of course "Formula Synchron".
This kind of deck has multiple variations depending on your playstyle, such as Chaos, Tuningware OTK and a TeleDAD variation.
During the September 2011 format one of these kind of decks appeared in the top 16 of a few YCS's, known as "Quickdraw-Dandy-Warrior". However, Synchron decks never actually topped a YCS while they do have great potential.
Synchron decks do have a chance while playing against the current top tier decks (e.g. Dino-Rabbit, Inzektors, etc.), however they do not see alot of play anymore, especially after the banning of Spore and Glow-Up Bulb.

In my opinion, Sychron decks are too underrated. And that is why I have made this lesson for you all to learn a thing or two about Synchrons.
Your job is to explain which kind of a Synchron deck you prefer over other variations that you know of.
To explain what kind of Synchron deck would be the best to use.

This includes, but is not limited to:
-Draw engine(s)
-Search cards
-What makes the deck consistent
-What techcards do you use
-What is the deck's core strategy
-What are the weaknesses of your deck and how do you counter that
-Which Synchron cards do you prefer using over other Synchron cards

Remember to always explain why you use certain cards or why you prefer this over that and to back-up your statements with good arguments.

One last important thing!
I want you to give a full list of your Side- and Extra-Deck with a detailed explanation on why each card that you have listed is in there.

Reward: 400 DP

Before you respond, please read the Classroom Rules here.

Last edited by ! Gianus on Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

Here's my answer.

Spoiler :

1x BLS - he is sexy and loves decks with Lights and Darks
1x Chaos Sorc - Good card. I have had bad experiences with 2 in this type of deck before
1x Dandylion - Who does not like tokens
1x Dark Armed Dragon - Dem 3 darks, he gets there
1x Darksea Rescue - Synch with it and draw a card and is a machine for Road
1x Debris Dragon - He gets Dandylion back + BRD? + Tokens
2x Doppelwarrior - SS a monster. get doppel. synch. Tokens
3x Effect Veiler - Meta full of effects
1x Gorz - Dat Gorz is good
1x Junk Forward - He can easily be SS'd and then used to synch
3x Junk Synchron - Summon him and he summons a monster from grave - synch and possible doppel tokens
1x Level Eater - He eats levels and makes it possible to synch for things that are normally unavailable and he goes great with Quickdraw Synchron
2x Quickdraw Synchron - Can be easily SS'd and can pitch a monster that would help in grave to SS him
1x Sangan - he searches and he can search things like Swift Scarecrow and save you in a duel
1x Spell Striker - easy to SS and put to use
1x Swift Scarecrow - he is a machine and he is better than Battle Fader imo in that he does the same thing but Solemn Warning stops Fader and not Swift
1x Synchron Explorer - He explores and finds synchrons
1x T.G. Striker - he can be easily SS'd and he is a Tuner
1x T.G. Warwolf - Easy to SS and put to use
1x Tragoedia - Good with Level Eater and good range on possible synchro options with him
1x Tuningware - Can synch and be a lvl 1 or lvl 2 and can draw a card when used in a synchro summon
1x Unknown Synchron - Easy to SS and a bawse with Road Warrior
1x Book of Moon - it stops things
1x Dark Hole - it destroys things
1x Foolish Burial - it sets up things
1x Heavy Storm - it destroys things
1x Mind Control - it janks things and synchs with them
1x Monster Reborn - it reborns a monster
1x MST - It destroys things
1x One for One - it sets up things
1x Pot of Avarice - It gets me two draws and recycles things
3x Tuning - it finds tuners

Deck can be weak to Steelswarm Roach and also things from the side deck like Rivalry of Warlords, Gozen Match, Skill Drain, anti-SS things, To compensate for this I side in MST and think carefully in game.

2x Gemini Imp - VS DW
2x Neko Mane King - VS DW or WU
2x Spirit Reaper - VS Hero or Dragon
1x MST - VS Field spell and troublesome back cards
2x Prohibition - VS known key cards in opposing decks. Rabbit in Dino. Grapha in DW. Alius in HERO. WU Rat in WU. Hornet in Inzektor. ect.
2x Bottomless Trap Hole - VS Dragon Dino DW HERO other decks with big monsters
2x Debunk - VS DW and Dragon for Pulsar
2x Chain Disappearance - VS Inzektor Dino

AoJ Catastor - He destroys things
Armory Arm - he makes things bigger
BRD - goes BOOM
Brionac - Makes things bounce
Drill Warrior - Flees and sets things up - comes back and brings a friend to your hand
Formula Synchron - Is the key to the formula for shooting star or quasar
Junk Archer - he banishes a monster and gets in there
Junk Warrior - He is a lvl 5 Quickdraw target and he can be good with tokens and the like
Mist Wurm - he is a lvl 9 target and he bounces things and gets in
Road Warrior - he gets a machine with his effect and keeps things moving
Scrap Dragon - he scraps things
Shooting Quasar Dragon - he is a boss
Shooting Star Dragon - he is Quasar's little brother and also good
Stardust Dragon - he stops things and does things and makes Shooting Star
T.G. Hyper Librarian - lets you draw a card when you synchro summon. Is good when going for Quasar

I like this build better than others because this build is very versatile and has many monsters that can be special summoned easily to use in synchro summons. The strategy in this deck is to spam synchros easily and answer the opponent with monster abilties. The versatility and large amount of options in this deck make it consistent to be able to answer many threats and power through.

I know it was not said that we needed to list main but we are supposed to list Side and Extra and doing the same with main served to be a good way of explaining the answer to me.

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

@Gracco, I don't think that you quite understood this lesson.
You just posted your decklist on here and explained what each card does on itself. The thing I am looking for is an explanation of how these cards work together and why.
-You haven't told the core strategy of the deck.
-There are like 3-4 cards in your deck that allow you to draw other cards, which makes the deck look kinda slow.
-You have not explained anything on other types of Synchron decks.
-What are the keycards? Why do you focus on them?

Basicly, there are alot of things that I am missing with your Synchron deck.

Also, you can tell how many copies of certain cards you run in your deck but please do not post the whole decklist!

I asked for a detailed explanation, not a decklist!!

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

I use a quickdraw synchron deck that also includes junk synchron. It's usually quite successful, because quickdraw gives me access to the synchro "warrior" monsters which I would usually have to run other monsters in the deck for, which might slow it down. Naturally, tuning is the best synchron search card, because it is made just for the archetype. You can search your deck for a synchron tuner monster and add it to your hand. It doesn't give a level limit, so you could add quickdraw, who is level 5. And then, you mill a card. It's taking a bit of a chance in a quickdraw deck because it's likely that it won't be something that you want to mill, but it is possible to use any monsters in the grave in some means.

The main loop with quickdraw synchron and dandylion was to send dandylion to the graveyard to special summon quickdraw, then use 1 of the 2 tokens produced by dandylion to synchro for a level 6 with quickdraw, which is drill warrior, or, if more power was needed, synch with both for nitro warrior, a nice 2800 beatstick with an effect that boosts attack by 1000 for its next attack if you use a spell card.

The reason people went for drill warrior is because he can halve attack and attack directly, going for an instant 1200 life point damage, then you can discard, banish him, and when he comes back in the standby phase you can pick up a monster from your grave, which would usually be dandylion or quickdraw. THis doesn't really work any more, becaue dandylion is limited, so I only have 1 drill warrior on my extra deck.

My general replacement for this strategy is using 3 quillbolts, so I can summon them from gracve if I have quickdraw. I also run 3 doppelwarriors, so if I can special summon quillbolt from grave I can instantly get doppelwarrior on the field. This helps because his effect creates tokens, and I run 3 junk synchrons, which are useful because in this instance I haven't normal summoned. Let's say I have quillbolt, quickdraw, doppelwarrior and junk synchron in hand. I discard quillbolt to special summon quickdraw. Special summon quillbolt, special summon doppelwarrior. Synch with doppel and quickdraw for nitro warrior. Doppel's eff, 2 tokens. Normal summon junk synchron, there isn't any space on the field for anything else. Synchro for another level 7, junk berserker or junk archer. If I had 2 quickdraws in that situation, rather than a junk synchron, I could have synchroed for road warrior, and still been able to normal summon the last card in my hand if it was a monster.

A card worth mentioning specifically in my extra deck is junk destroyer. a level 8, it can be summoned with either junk synchron or quickdraw. Level 1 monsters are good for this when using quickdraw, because when it is synchro summoned you can destroy cards on the field up to the amount of non tuner synchro material. It clears the field quite nicely, and in most situations is a better choice than scrap dragon.

Other than the main synchrons, I also run other tuners. Effect veiler, because it is a staple card, especially in synchro decks, because of its effect negating ability and also it being a level 1 tuner. I also run debris dragon; because I have 1 tuningware, 1 dandylion, 2 card troopers and 3 synchron explorers it could summon, so I have access to level 2s and 3s that it could summon, as well as having brionac, black rose, stardustand scrap dragon in my extra deck for it. The last other tuner I run is T.G. striker. It has a useful effect in being a tuner with an inherent summon that doesn't cost anything. It's also worth it because T.Gs are splashable in almost any synchro deck; warwolf special summons itself very easily, especially when you have striker, and rush rhino is a quick 2000 attack when you attack with it, which can help out of tough situations. And if any of hem get destroyed, you can search for another one. Overall, these synchroes are the reason I run standard synchroes like hyper libarian, brionac, and stardust.

The draw engine primarily consists of cards like tuningware, T.G. Hyper librarian, and pot of avarice. Unfortunately, this is a bit lacking; it doesn't really have much of a draw engine, so this is its weakness in a sense. You could get over the weakness by running morphing jar, becase that fills up your hand outright, and because you can practically ditch your whole hand into a huge pile of monsters in a single turn it is useful to have this card. In most decks, when it is flipped up it becomes a dead field space. But because this is a synchro deck, and morphing jar is a level 2, you can use it in a synchro monster with all the cards you just drew.

Lastly, 2 very useful cards in the deck are synchron explorer and de-synchro. Synchron explorer's effect lets you summon a synchron monster from your grave when it is normal summoned, and this is normally quickdraw because you can then summon a level 7 synchro monster, which in my case is usually nitro warrior, but sometimes junk archer or junk berserker are used. De-synchro is useful because you can use a synchro monsters effect, such as junk archer or junk destroyer, activate de-synchro, then summon another synchro monster, or even the same monster before you use another effect. it could also work if your opponent was using a synchro deck, but this wouldn't be as effective. When used properly, junk destroyer allows you to destroy at least 2 cards. This means that using de synchro and summoning him again would be a +1 CA. Alternatively, you could summon the only other level 8 monster requiring a synchron monster, chevalier de fleur, to negate a spell or trap while you are attacking, but I don't run it because the other synchro monsters in my extra deck all need to be there for my style of play.

Side deck:
1* veiler. Other 2 are in main, and it's useful against effect based decks.
3*chain dissappearance. Banishing 3 rescue rabbits, TGUs, dragonflies, hornets, wind up rats, or even those annoying cards in less common decks, like swap frog or ronintodin.
3* fiendish chain. Useful agains effect decks which also carry beatsticks, such as chaos dragons.
3*Light imprisoning mirror. Kills light based decks, likee lightsworns.
2* royal decree. Kills trap decks, like trap stuns.
3* shadow imprisoning mirror. Kills dark decks, like infernities.

Extra deck:
1*Black rose dragon. FIELD NUKE! And it's got 2400 attack.
1* colossal fighter. Has revive effect, and I run a lot of warriors.
1* drill warrior. Can be summoned with quickdraw, insta 1200, recycles monsters.
2*Junk destroyer. Destroy those nasty cards you don't like.
2* junk warrior. Junk synchron. No other description necessary.
2* nitro warrior. Easily summoned by quickdraw, 2800/3800 attack beatstick.
1* road warrior. Amazing if you can get him. Free summons and a 3k beatstick all around!
1*Scrap dragon. Good for using up those dead call of the haunteds, and also just instakilling opponent's monsters.
1* Stardust dragon. Protection.
1* junk archer. Banish a monster for a turn; useful for dealing with cards like stardust, as well as monsters you can't kill easily for OTKing, cards that can only be special summoned in one way, and XYZs.
1*T.G. Hyper librarian. 2400 attack, lets you draw cards when you synchro summon.
1*Brionac, Dragon of the ice barrier. Return backrow and extra deck cards to the hand so you can easily attack directly. Also return difficult monsters like neo spacian grand mole if you can't kill them for OTKing.

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

1 + 1 x 3 = Junk

My Synchron Deck is simplistic in its design but powerful in its strategy. The main focus is to Synchro Summon Junk Warrior while The Calculator is out, allowing Junk Warrior ro gain tremendous amounts of ATK.

Basically, The Calculator is a LIGHT Thunder monster, Level 2. His effect increases his ATK by 300 for each level on my field. So by himself he has 600 ATK. Junk Warrior gains the ATK of all face-up Level 2 and lower monsters I control when he is Synchro Summoned. Since The Calculator's effect changes the moment Junk Warrior hits play, Junk Warrior will gain the full ATK of The Calculator (a minimum of 2100 with just those two monsters.)

The key cards are:
Junk Synchron. The primary tuner to summon Junk Warrior. He is also a DARK and a Warrior, and can revive The Calculator for a quick Synchro into a Lv 5 such as Junk Warrior or T.G. Hyper Librarian.
Quickdraw Synchron, used to substitute for Junk Synchron and can help swarm the field if need be. As a level five, he can give me The Calculator a boost if I need some extra firepower.
The Calculator. This card is what makes the deck run the way it does. With his Atk reaching 2100 or more when I Synchro Summon Junk Warrior, he makes the deck.
Junk Warrior, the Ace monster of this deck.

Support Cards Used in this build
Tuning, to search for the appropriate Synchron when I need one quickly.
Reinforcement of the Army. Junk Synchron is my main Tuner and he is a Warrior that fits the level requirements of ROTA.
Black Luster Soldier/Chaos Sorcerer. Junk Synchron and Warrior are each DARKs while The Calculator, Formula Synchron, and Tuningware are LIGHTs.
T.G. Hyper Librarian and Formula Synchron for additional draw power.
Tuningware, a card I believe is a staple monster for any Synchron deck.

The decks consistency is pretty solid. I regularly am able to Synchro Summon almost every turn. This deck is pretty much my response to the DandyWarrior deck because I refuse to follow the crowd. I have enough draw and search power to dig for exactly what I need when I need it.

The deck is strong but has a fatal flaw: Special Summoning locks and Effect Veiler. If my monsters' lose their effects or I cannot Special Summon, then the majority of my deck is null. I rely to heavily on those factors, but when I do have them the deck runs rampant.

I prefer to run Junk Synchron over the others mainly because of his Warrior-typing. He has so much added support by that factor and he is the main Tuner to summon my favourite Synchro Monster: Junk Warrior. Turbo Synchron is one of the ones I like next since I can use it for an easy Formula Synchron using Tuningware or a Scapegoat token.

Side and Extra deck with Explanation:
Extra Deck
3 Junk Warrior - The deck's ace monster and overall goal to summon
2 Drill Warrior - Too good of a Synchron Warrior to not run it. He helps me set up my graveyard and recover my Tuners for later use.
2 Stardust Dragon - One of the most used and best Synchros in the game. I can easily call him out with Quickdraw and Junk Synchron.
1 Formula Synchron - See next card
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian - This card alongside Formula make up for the lack of draw power in the deck. Each are easy to summon and can splash into most Synchro based decks.
1 Colossal Fighter - Easy as Stardust to summon, but he gets a power boost from my Tuners and Synchros and can recover my Junk Warrior if Needed.
1 Junk Destroyer - When in a pinch, I can use this guy for a field clearing.
1 Black Rose Dragon - for a less conservative field nuking that Junk Destroyer.
1 Shooting Star Dragon - Seeing as how I can easily bring out Formula and Stardust, and this guy has a boost for Tuners (I run like 9 Tuners) he fits rather well.
1 Armory Arm - Great Union monster and adds to the theme of Super Junk Warrior. Plus he is a LIGHT for Soldier.
1 Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste - I run many Warriors and a few Synchro Dragons, and since I don't like running too many generic Synchros that don't support my theme I used him.

Side Deck
2 Miracle Synchro Fusion - For Dragon Knight. Also a great MST bluff card for a free draw.
2 Synchro Material - Great if I have the appropriate monsters in play and can steal your big boss for a Synchro. Works really well with Formula Synchron.
2 Wind-Up Zenmaines - In case I need to switch to Xyz style game 2/3.
2 Torrential Tribute - Since it isn't main decked.
2 Dark Bribe - Additional protection
2 Super Polymerization - For Draco-Equiste against Samurai.
1 Dark Armed Dragon - I use many DARKs and he has proven useful early game 2.

I love the Synchron archetype and am glad that I gave them a shot when they came out. Junk Warrior has a special place in my heart and he will remain my favourite Synchro for all of YuGiOh.

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

@jjh927 Overall, your answer is OK. Still missing some thing like Search cards, Key cards, Tech cards (if used) and I am especially missing the core strategy ok your deck.
Also, try to give solid statements. Like for example, why do you use Chevalier? Because most people won't run Chevalier in a Synchron deck.

@Nottu, good try, but In my opinion your answer lacks alot of things. For example What makes the deck consistent?
In order for your main combo to work, you will need to normal summon twice. Because special summoning "The Calculator" with the effect of Junk Synchron will not help.
Junk will simply negate the continuous effect of The Calculator. Making it have an original attack of 0 as long as it is face-up on the field.
How do you solve this major problem?
Furthermore, this is basicly the only thing that you are talking about. Your deck is certainly not only build around getting this combo.
What do you do when you cannot pull of the combo? Try to tell more about your deck.

At both of you; I wanted a detailed explanation of why you use each card listed in your Side- and Extra deck. Try to give answers that consist of more than 1 sentence.

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

Reward raised from 300 to 400 DP.
Try your bests!

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

Main cards : Quickdraw Synchron x3 - Key/Main card that gets the deck running
Junk Synchron x3 - Second Main card
Quillbolt Hedgehog x3 - Staple for synchro decks
Synchron Explorer x2 - For reusing the Synchrons
Tuningware x2 - Draw Engine

Other Cards : Battle Fader x2 - Used for emergencies
Boost Warrior - Many warrior type used, also useful for Synchro
Creation Resonator - For added Synchro capability
Dandylion x2 - For combo with Quickdraw, also useful for stalling
DoppelWarrior - Another Reinforcement for Synchroing
Glowup Bulb - Staple for Synchro decks
Level Eater - Great for strengthening Junk Destroyer,among other things
Spell Striker - More Synchro Material, also a good defense against pierce
Turbo Booster : More Synchro Material !
Weeping Idol : More Synchro Material again !

S/T : Dark Hole - Field Clearing
Giant Trunade - Spell/Trap clearing, also for reusing revival cards
Mind Control - Synchro my opponent monster !
Monster reborn - More Synchro reusing !
Pot of Avarice - Reusing cards and drawing
Scapegoat - Stall, Synchro Material
Tuning x2 - Staple in Synchron decks
Call of the Haunted - Reusing Monsters
Limit Reverse - Reusing monsters again
Dark Bribe, Magic Drain, Mirror Force, Seven Tools of the bandit, Solemn Judgment - For protecting the cards

Side deck : D.D Crow x2 - Staple tech card
Effect Veiler x2 - For countering effect heavy plays
Junk Forward - More Material, but i never played this crd, so it goes here
Bri Synchron - Tuner i don't think is really useful
Changer Synchron - Another i don't use often
Battle Waltz x2 - For Battling
DeSynchro - Reusing Junk Destroyer
Recycle - reusing spell and trap cards
Ultimate Offering - The Deck already has enough summoning power
Assault Spirits - Support for battle
Raigeki Break - Teching
Royal Oppresion - More Teching

Extra Deck : Ally of Justice Catastor - Staple card
Ally of justice Decisive Armor - Sometimes you have too much cards...
Armory Arm - Great support card
Black Rose Dragon - Basically a creature dark hole
Brionac - Staple card
Chevalier De Fleur - For added protection
Goyo Guardian - Staple card
Junk Archer - Clearing the field
Junk Destroyer x2 - Field Clearer
Junk Warrior - Beatstick
Nitro Warrior - Another Great beatstick, and personal fav
Stardust Dragon - Staple card
Trishula - Staple card
Nitro Warrior - Another Good Beatstick with Great Effect

Main Strategy : There's many special summon combo but mainly :

1. Special summon Quickdraw, discarding Dandylion/Quillbolt, then use the token/Quillbolt to synchro a lv 7, then normal summon Synchron Explorer, revive Quickdraw and Synchro another lv7.

2. Special summon quickdraw, discard Dandylion, Revive Tuningware with any revive card, special summon level eater by targeting Quickdraw, Then Synchro Junk Destroyer for Field Clear, and attack

There's more combo in the build, but this two are the easiest and i most often use

Strengths : Versatile, has quick synchro combos, and good stalling capability, even
with no effect Main battle cards can still hold their ground well

Weakness : Weak to Special Summon Negater, And Discord
Cards in Main Deck are weak in term of Battling

Workarounds : To Sp.Summon Negater and Discord : Just stall using N.Summon
To Effect Negaters : Even without effects, only Junk Synchron and
Synchron Explorer is affected, thus only slowing down, not Stopping the deck
Against Strong Monsters : There's the Field Clearers

And there's my answer, sorry for engrish and messy layout, honorable teacher

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32


x1 dandylion

x2 doppelwarrior

x2 effect veiler

x3 junk synchron

x3 level eater

x3 quickdraw synchron

x1 quillbolt

x2 synchron explorer

x1 tuningwave

x2 unknown synchron


x1 dark hole

x1 heavy storm

x1 monster reborn

x3 mystical space typhoon

x1 pot of avarice

x1 pot of duality

x1 reinforcement of the army

x1 scapegoat

x1 warrior returning alive

x2 tuning

x2 bottomless trap hole

x2 dimesional prison

x1 mirror force

x1 negate attack

x1 scrap-iron scarecrow

extra deck:

x1 ally of justice catastor

x1 formula synchron

x1 junk archer

x2 junk warrior

x1 nitro warror

x1 road warrior

x1 shooting star quasar

x2 shooting star dragon

x2 stardust dragon

x2 T.G. halberd cannon

x1 T.G. hyper librarian

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

47cards in deck


x2 quickdraw synchron-with its effect i can discard any monster then summon a monster with the level of 1 then synchro summon brionac allowing me to return his cards to his hand and then attack directly

x3 quillbolt hedgehog-if i control a tuner monster i can special summon him and synchro summon a stronger monster that will allow me to destroy one of his monsters or even attack my opponent directly

x2 sonic chick-good for the synchro summon of low level synchro monsters(for good defense)

x3 junk synchron-makes a very good combo with the combination of some spell cards and monsters i can summon a really strong synchro summon

x1 unknown synchron-used for the synchro summon of low level monsters for defense and for drawing

x3 effect veiler-for the synchro summon of low level monsters and to negate the effects of strong monsters

x2 tuningware-is usually good for the summoning of high level monsters like black rose dragon with the combination of quickdraw synchron

x2 T.G warfolf-good because of his effect and since he is a level 3 monster i can use quickdraw synchron to synchro summon stardust dragon who has a great attack and is used to negate many thing putting you in an advantage

x2 doppel warrior-since he is used to summon 2 tokens this allows him to summon more synchro monsters

x1 dandylion-if used a synchro monster he leaves 2 dandylion tokens allowing to synchro summon again

x1 gorz the emissary of darkness-good for attacking since most synchron monsters have a low attack and has a strong token within his side

x1 battle fader-good for defending direct attacks

x2 level eater-good for the summoning of high and low synchro monsters

x1 T.G striker-usedas a good combination and if used right can even summon shooting star dragon


x1 dark hole-destroys all monsters for a huge advantage for you

x1 heavy storm-destroys all spells and traps keeping you in a huge advantage for direct attacks

x2 tuning-allows you to get one synchron monster

x2 mystical space typhoon-destroys 1 spell/trap card

x2 pot of duality-allows you to choose between three cards to add one to your hand

x1 pot of avrice-take 5 cards from your graveyard to draw 2 cards

x1 scapegoat-summon 4 tokens


x1 mirror force-destroys all attack monsters your opponent controls when he attacks

x2 magic cylinder-inflict damage from an attack of your opponents monster that you should have taken

x2 bottomless trap hole-banish all monsters your opponent controls with 1500 atk or more

x1 negate attack-negate your opponents attack and end the battle phase

x2 scrap iron scarecrow-negate an opponents attack and then it goes back to set mode

x2 solemn warming-pay 2000 life points and negate an opponents card

15 cards in extra deck:-

x1 formula synchron-
When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can draw 1 card. During your opponent's Main Phase: You can Synchro Summon (from your Extra Deck) using this face-up card you control as a Synchro Material Monster.

x2 blackrose dragon-when he is summoned you can use his effect and destroy every card on the field

x2 stardust dragon-can negate the effects of cards

x1 T.G hyper librarian-each time a synchro monster is summoned draw 1 card

x2 junk warrior-
When this card is Synchro Summoned, it gains ATK equal to the total ATK of all Level 2 and lower monsters you control.
x1 junk berserker

x2 junk archer-
Once per turn, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls. Remove that monster from play. During the End Phase of this turn, it returns to your opponent's side of the field, in the same Battle Position.
x1 gravity warrior

x1 brionac,dragon of the ice barrier-retuns as many cards on your opponents field but you must discard a card for each card returned to your opponents hand

x2 shooting star dragon-Each of these effects can be activated once per turn: ● Reveal the top 5 cards of your Deck. Shuffle them back in, and this card's maximum number of attacks this turn is equal to the number of Tuner monsters revealed. ● Negate the activation of an effect that would destroy a card(s) on the field, and destroy that card. ● When your opponent's monster declares an attack you can select it, then remove this card from play and negate the attack. During the End Phase, Special Summon this card that was removed from play by this effect.

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

well my syncron deck's strategy is to use mostly quickdraw synchron to synchro summon monsters easily for example quickdraw needs to discard a monster to get himself on the field (doesnt need to but fastest way) i can discard a monster such as level eater or quilbolt and immediatly without even a normal summon i can bring 1 of them back (using there own effects) to perform a synchro summon. now many people now a days always have cards to negate special summoned stop effects etc. so say you use quickdraws eff and discard a card and his eff is negated (the card you discared stays in grave because it was cost) and the card you discarded was dopple who doesnt have a effect to bring himself back from the grave as other cards do, no worries because you will also be running junk synchron in the deck which can bring dopple back from the grave and will be a easy lvl 5 synchro or if you have a monster such as boost warrior or another dopple in your hand could be a lvl 6 or 7 synchro which would be good in any situation. When it comes to getting cards to your hands you would be using cards such as reinforcement of the army, tuning, magical mallet, one for one, and pot of avarice. those cards will get cards from your deck on to the field and in the grave yard and in your hand for use. For example tuning you can bring junk synchron to ur hand and top card goes into the grave yard which most likely would be a lvl 2 or 1 monster or with any luck could be dandy lion (another card ran in this deck) which would give you 2 tokens on the field ready to be synchro'd. Reinforcement of the army would simply bring junk synchron (i would advise if you have a lvl 2 in the grave do that) or any warrior type monster like boost warrior (who can be special summoned if tuner is on the field) dopple (can special summon if you have junk synchron or anything to bring a monster from the grave back to the field) or marauding captain who can special summon a lvl 4 or lower to the field (i suggest summoning junk synchron with marauding to sync a lvl 6) magical mallet is self explanitory if you dont like the hand you gotten put some back and get some others (which in a stressful situation can win you the duel depending on what you get) One for One would be useful because discarding a card that can bring itself back from the grave would be like using monster reborn after a summon for example (discard quilbolt and bring tuningware to the field and already have quickdraw on the field, quick lvl 8 summon using only 2 cards in your hand) Another way to use that is discard a monster bring out tuningware use machine duplication and sync lvl 8 with quickdraw not only would you have a lvl 8 synchro monster on the field but you just drew 3 cards which would help you greatly. Also Pot of avarice is good because your going to be throwing cards in the grave constantly (because of synchro summons mostly) pot of avarice can bring some of those key cards back to your deck and you draw 2 cards in the process. The deck is consistent because you will always have a chance to synchro summon and be able to over power your opponents right away. The weakness of the deck is if someone leaves you with no graveyard in my opinion thats the biggest weakness of this deck because if you have no grave not alot of special summons are going to happen and without special summons not alot of syncros but there is a way to counter see the backrow of this deck isnt really for defending yourself because you will already have over power'd syncs, its to negate traps and spell cards that can destroy your monsters. Cards that negate such as darkbribe and solemn judgement or to just destroy spell and trap cards before they are able to be used card like heavy storm for example they use macro cosmos (which is most commonly used remove from play card) you can always dark bribe or solemn judgement it but if its a monster that is removing cards from play such as banisher of the light or banisher of the radiance you also have Dark hole or just destroy them with your synchros. because even though you will not have a grave you still have monsters that can special summon from your hand so synchro summoning will not be impossible just more difficult. you will also have mirror force and solemn warning just incase (can never be to carefull lol) and there will also be de-synchro because incase you synchro summon a monster and you and there eff only activates when summoned you can de-synchro and sync again to use that same eff x2 for example like junk destroyer when summoned destroys a card on the field for the amount of non-tune monsters you used to make him bring him out destroy a card de-sync and sync again destroy another card (most likely with this deck you will use 2 so 2 cards destroyed then de-sync and another 2 but ya you get the point) i also have double summon in the deck because just incase you have monsters you cant summon right away like dandy or debris dragon you can summon both and sync. another card in the deck is BLS because since your gonna be throwing your monsters in the grave anyway you can remove 1 light and dark to bring out this op warrior which can win you the duel in most cases. The synchron i prefer the most is quickdraw not only because he can be summoned and used for syncs so easily but also because he looks cool :3

key cards would be :

quickdraw x3 junk syncron x2 dopple x2 quillbolt x2 tuning x1 1one for one

fusion deck

ally of justice castador, blackrose, brionac, chevallier de fleur, drill synchron, junk archer, junk beserker, junk destroyer, junk gardna, junk warrior, stardust, turbo warrior I use these because they are easiest to synchro summon because of quickdraws eff that he counts as any synchron and also they are most useful syncs in my opinion

side deck

Prohibition (because just incase you vs a deck like dino rabbit you can take out there most essential card which in dino rabbit is rescue rabbit)

thats my synchron deck that would be in my opinion be best to use

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32


Until now, Kot0 has been the only one that has given me a more or less satisfying answer.
Talking about the core strategy of the deck, keycards, search and draw engines.
The only thing I am missing with your answer is a complete list of your extra deck and side deck with detailed explanations about why you use those certain cards and why you prefer using them instead of cards like Road Warrior which is not listed in your extra deck.

If you give a complete list of your extra and side deck with detailed explanations etc., then I will reward you with the points.


Again, I do not want a complete decklist! I only wanted a list of your extra and side deck with a long explanation of how the deck works.


Not what I asked for at all. No explanation, I don't want the full list, etc.


I think you live in another format. Furthermore, try giving answers that consist of more than 1 sentence.

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

the rest of my fusion deck

i have ancient fairy dragon instead of road warrior because her effect would be more useful for example like i have junk synchron in my hand and i dont have no monsters in the grave i can use her eff to special summon to sync easily which will leave me to summon 1 more time also although i wont be able to attack that turn the sync monster is summoned i still would find that more useful and also another great thing vsing decks that use field cards frequently i can easily to destroy it and get a boost of 1000 lp to match

Blood Mefist i have him because him alone can be a burn deck while on the field

stardust dragon because well hes self explanitory his eff can save you from hell situations

ally of justice castador because he is always a good card to use against almost any deck (example: lightsworn, worms etc.) besides dark decks (dark worlds inzects etc.)

Black rose dragon for the fact that she can nuke the field nd probly change the tide of the duel completely

brionac cause to help open ur opponent you can send cards back to your opponents hand by throwing cards in the grave that already need to be there (example: quilbolt, dandylion, any lvl 2 or lowers for junk synchron etc.)

chevallier de fleur cause she can negate 1 card each players turn and her 2700 atk can help you lower ur opponents defense

drill warrior cause if your opponent doesnt have that much lp left and has strong monsters so you cant get past them he can attack directly by halfing his attack which can probly win you the duel

Junk archer cause he can remove from play a monster you cant get past and attack directly which will probly win the duel for u

Junk beserker cause he can remove from play a junk monster in the grave to make ur opponents strongest monster to lose atk which when facing strong opponents very useful.

junk destroyer well easy to use destroys cards on the field which can be great in a stressfull situation AND using Desynchro you can do the whole thing over again or just bring out a diffrent monster that you feel more comfortable with or who has stronger attack

junk warrior is another self explanitory thing because he gains atk for the lvl 2 or lower monsters you have on the field when he is summon which is a great move

junk gardna great defense and during either players turn can change the battle position of a monster so will make it easier to destroy it or he can atk directly and put himself back in defense mode

turbo warrior i have just incase i am playing a synchro deck i can be ready for there monsters

rest of side deck

concentrated light for dark decks for example inzects dark world

chain disappearence for monsters like dragon fly, wind up mouse, rescue rabbit which will in most decks will cripple it

Soul release for decks that need the graveyard (for example gusto deck take out its grave yard the deck is pretty much useless)

non-fusion area for fuison decks like hero's which will help you so much in the whole duel.

2 synchro material's which can be used basically as soul exchange which can be great

That will concludes my synchron deck

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

Kot0 wrote:
junk gardna great defense and during either players turn can change the battle position of a monster so will make it easier to destroy it or he can atk directly and put himself back in defense mode

turbo warrior i have just incase i am playing a synchro deck i can be ready for there monsters

"he can atk directly and put himself back in defense mode" This is not correct.

And for turbo warrior, it lost ALOT of its power when XYZs came, since they do not have any levels.
But other then that that was a pretty decent answer.

Reward given! Topic Locked.

Just have to say that I expected more out of this lesson but ok -.-"

descriptionLesson #32 EmptyRe: Lesson #32

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