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Lesson #18

6 posters

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Effect Veiler, Maxx "C" and Battle Fader. What are the main functions of these cards, and how do they effect the current Meta?
Your answer needs to be well written-to an extent. It must include 1-2 paragraphs for each card. If you want to learn you've got to do it the hard way.

Reward: 100 DP

Last edited by Dexter Morgan on Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:44 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Effect Veiler:
It's effect allows for it to be discarded to negate the effect of an opponent's monster during their Main Phase.
While it doesn't seem like much at first glance, Effect Veiler can really hurt an opponent's strategy. Thing is, most of the monsters used in Yu-Gi-Oh today are effect monsters- Elemental HERO Stratos, Dark Armed Dragon, Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, just to name a few that can be affected by this card- and are vulnerable to having their effect stripped for a turn so as to prevent the opponent from gaining advantage due to a monster effect.
Those who suffer from this card's effect have to prepare for counter-measures to be taken against them that were intended to ensure the monster won't survive long enough to use it's effect on their next turn. The hindrance of having your best monster losing it's abilities is well-known and abundantly obvious. An effect monster losing it's effect is like having fusion materials without Polymerization, it's depressing, but can be workable.

Maxx "C":
It's effect allows for it to be discarded to be able to allow the owner to draw a card for each time the opponent Special Summons a monster. Now again, at first glance, doesn't seem that powerful, however, this card can be used to gain a large advantage if the opponent is careless.
Most recently, with the release of Xyz monsters and the previous release of Synchro monsters and the already known existance of Fusion Monsters (all of which are Special Summons when summoned), Special Summoning has become extremely popular. Maxx "C" is designed to capitalize off of it. Most decks nowadays (Six Samurai, Wind-ups, Eheroes, and even Inzektors to some extent) focus on Special Summoning powerful monsters to either be used to summon even more powerful monsters, to just bluntly attack, or use their effects to hurt the opponent. Maxx "C" forces the opponent into an uncomfortable situation, where they are forced to decide which is worth more, the immediate damage they can deal with the spamming of monsters they can perform now, or the ceasing of their move so as to prevent stronger retailition from their opponent on their next turn. Most decide to cease their move, and either regret it one way or another, or find the patience was worth the victory.

Battle Fader:
This monster's effect allows for the owner to Special Summon it from their hand if their opponent declares a direct attack against them to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase.
This monster's effect is obviously powerful, but at the same time rather limited. When Special Summoned by it's effect, it is banished when it leaves the field, making it difficult, if not impossible, to reuse it's saving effect. However, this card allows for a last-ditch effort to draw into the perfect card to build a counter-offensive. The opponent has little more to worry about Battle Fader itself, as it has 0 ATK/DEF and is removed from the game when it leaves the field, but at the same time it can be tributed for powerful level 5-6 monsters such as Caius the Shadow Monarch, to which the opponent must breath an air of caution, however, most people use this card as a defensive measure to ensure that they don't lose to a massive monster attacking them directly.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Good effort, you've explained the upside of each card, but you haven't done a good enough job with the downsides.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

effect veiler

Well veiler is a card that can only be discarded on your opponets turn on his mainphase to negate one of his/her monsters effects. This can lead to disrupting your opponets strategy to saving you from getting you LP knocked down to 0. So veiler can be teched into viturally any deck becuase of its well-roundedness.

But Don't let this make you think effect veiler is a god. He can't stop cards the tribute/send/banish themselve as a cost because their effect happens in the grave/banish zone and veiler can only stop field effects. He also doesen't work when cards like dimensional fissure are on the field. And he has horrible card design for a spell-caster mosnter ._. he should ahve been a fairy insteas.

- negate opponets mosnter effects
- can work in viturally any deck
- only cost is discarding himself and no other cards
- light monster

- cannot be used during your turn
- doese not stop costs
- cannot be used while cards like dimensional fissure is on the field
- awful card work for a spellcaster (he looks like a freaking fairy not a spellcaster)

maxx "c"

maxx "c" is a card that can be discarded so you can draw when your opponet special summons monster(s). This makes him great for either stopping your opponet from swarming OR getting some draws. so this makes it the perfect card against todays meta. This card makes your opponet think on wethere or not he wants to risk giving you draws or be left with a lone/weak mosnter

However there are soem down sides to maxx "c". The main down side is he can't be sued while D-fissure or cards like it are on the field. and he has horrible cardwork.

- can stop your opponet from special summoning
- draw power
- well rounded

- can't work with cards like d-fissure
- horrible artwork

battle fader

Battle fader is the major staller cause when ever your opponet declares a direct attack you can speical summon him from hand and end the battle phase this gives you a extra turn to turn the tables. This also makes him perfect tribute fodder. has good artwork. but the fact that he gets bansihed when he leaves the field after he was summoned by his own effect can be both bad and good depnding on the deck.

- gives you a extra turn to survive/turn the tables around
- cool artwork
- dark monster
- tribute fodder

- the fact he banishes himself can be bad in certain decks.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Effect Veiler
A forbidden chalice in the form of monster that could be activated only in the opponent's Main Phase. he (or she?) had the ability to negate the entire effect of a monster which resolves or is applied on the field until the end phase at a price of sending he (or she) to the graveyard from hand (its effect can't be activated when macro cosmos/dimensional fissure effect is applied). Being a light-tuner-monster give him (or her?) an advantage over forbidden chalice as a fodder of "Black Luster Solider - Envoy of the Beginning", "Pot of avarice", and tuner monster for a Synchro Summon.

Against current Meta-Deck, Effect Veiler is pretty usefull to stop "Wind-UP"-deck from performing a Hunter-Loop, stoping "Inzektor" from gaining instant +4 with Dragonfly X Hornet combo, stopping BLS from banishing your monster or deal a 2nd attack, stoping "Tour Guide of the Underworld" from summoning "Sangan" and so on.

In the TCG where priority ruling hasn't revised: he (or she?) can't be used against card-like "Rescue Rabbit","Lonefire Blossom","Exiled Force", etc if their effect is activated in response their own summon by tributing their ownself because they'll already be off the field when Effect Veiler's effect could be activated. However, once a monster is affected by Effect Veiler, even if that monster has a cost that make them leave the field, if its effect resolves on the field, the effect will be negated. Then again, Effect Veiler will not negate any effect that resolves off-the-field like "Sangan".

a) A monster that was affected by effect veiler, will not have its effect negated if it's fliped face-down before its effect resolve. but;
b) if that monster is only removed from the field before its effect resolves, its effect will still be negated.
c)Effect Veiler may or may not negate the effect of a monster that activate in the end-phase depending on how both player resolving their effect, but to put it simply:
if the effect is mandatory, if either player wants it to be negated, the effect will be negated.
if the effect is optional, whether the effect will be negated or not is dependent on the decision of turn-player.

Maxx C
A softer version of Royal Oppression that act as draw engine and threats your opponent from performing more special summon or keep performing special summon at his own risk, this card is mostly useful to be chained to an effect that would summon a monster like Monster Reborn, TGU's effect, Inzektor Dragonfly's effect, Wind-Up zenmaity, etc or when your opponent is under the situation when they need to finish their special summon in order to summon a stronger monster like synchro or Xyz monster. It can also be activated during your opponent's Standby Phase so that during this turn if your opponent perform an inherent special summon you'll get to draw.

Worth Mention Ruling:
a) Maxx C's effect can't be chained to an inherent special summon, but it can be used in response to a special summon (but you won't draw card from this special summon)
b) If two monster is special summoned by one-effect, you'll just draw 1 card.
c) Drawing card from Maxx C's effect doesn't start a chain it's happened directly after a monster special summoned, so if you draw Effect Veiler with his effect when your opponent summon trishula, you may use that effect veiler to negate trishula's effect.
d) If a Maxx C's effect has its activation negated (i.e: by Divine Wrath), you can't activate the effect of another copies of Maxx C during the same turn.

//Confirmed in OCG, me iz not sure if TCG treated spell/trap's activation is different compared to activation of effect monster's effect.

Battle Fader
A Dark monster that could stop your opponent's direct attack and give you a Tribute or Synchro fodder that would be banished when it leaves the field after it is summoned by its own effect. Because its summon is caused by an effect, it means Solemn Judgment/TKRO/Black Horn of Heaven can not negate the summon, however card like Solemn Warning can negate the activation of its effect.

Worth Mention Ruling:
a) Battle Fader can't be used in an attack replay because that monster doesn't re-declare attack.(the same goes to dimensional prison/mirror force).
b) two Battle Fader can't be used in a single attack.
c) Torrential Tribute will misstiming if battle fader is summoned because of its own effect.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Effect Veiler:
"Effect Veiler" is a card used in nearly every deck this is because its very helpfull to the player using it to ruin an opponents strategy and (or) combo. Because most of the monster released and used now days are effect monsters its a card that poeple use in theyre main decks instead of theyre side decks. A good way this card is used is to easily summon "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining" since "Effect Veiler" is a Light monster and by saying that "Effect Veiler" Is a pretty good card to be used in a Chaos deck, and since "Effect Veiler" is a tuner monster synchro summoning level 5 synchro monsters like "Ally of Justice Catastor". So to sum up: Its good against most to nearly ALL of the opponents decks (ruining strategies, combos or to just make a card worthless for one turn), "Effect Veiler" is a tuner monster for synchro summoning and making the card EVEN better its 1 of the 2 monsters that can be used to summon "Chaos Sorcorer" or "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the End".

"Effect Veiler" does have a few downsides as well one of them is that sometimes it can become a dead draw as it has 0 ATK and 0 DEF points, it can be bad against beatdown decks as veiler wont stop or reduce theyre ATK points, it will also be bad against decks that use normal monsters (though its VERY RARE to find a duelist using a deck like that now days) and the most improtnant disadvantage that "Effect Veiler" and a few poeple dont take any notice of it is that it can ONLY BE USED on the OPPONENTS TURN and ONLY DURING THE MAIN PHASE.

Maxx "C":

Maxx "C" is a card that gives hand advantage and draw power when you opponent special summons, it can also be searched by sangan so you can add it when you think you will need it. Since most decks now days focus on special summoning monsters and swarming the field that card can make a fine edition to nearly any deck. A few poeple do put the card in the main deck allthough it is best to run it in the side since you never know what your opponents deck is.

Maxx "C" does have a few down sides for example it is a monster that has only 500 ATK and 200 DEF points so it can always be a dead draw, also if this card is in a main deck and your opponent doesnt special summon a lot then this card will be useless.

Battle Fader:
"Battle Fader" is a card that can save duels at a moment that is needed and also getting a monster out on the field by negating a direct attack and ending the Battle Phase. A card this usefull can be found in any deck and can help against all decks except for burn decks and (or) decks that negate and (or) stop special summoning. A card like that can help in a Monarch deck since fader can be used as a tribute to summon any "Monarch" monster to use its effect, also "Battle Fader" can be used to defend urself against your opponents next turns attack. "Battle Fader" is a monster that has 0 ATK and 0 DEF points so it can be a dead draw BUT since it can save you at nearly any moment it can nearly NEVER be a bad draw. And to finish "Battle Fader" is a DARK monster so it can also be used in a Chaos deck.

"Battle Fader" has a few disadvantages like its bad in a deck that uses cards that do not allow special summoning and in burn decks since your opponent will not be attacking much or at all.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Atheridis wrote:
Effect Veiler:
"Effect Veiler" is a card used in nearly every deck this is because its very helpfull to the player using it to ruin an opponents strategy and (or) combo. Because most of the monster released and used now days are effect monsters its a card that poeple use in theyre main decks instead of theyre side decks. A good way this card is used is to easily summon "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining" since "Effect Veiler" is a Light monster and by saying that "Effect Veiler" Is a pretty good card to be used in a Chaos deck, and since "Effect Veiler" is a tuner monster synchro summoning level 5 synchro monsters like "Ally of Justice Catastor". So to sum up: Its good against most to nearly ALL of the opponents decks (ruining strategies, combos or to just make a card worthless for one turn), "Effect Veiler" is a tuner monster for synchro summoning and making the card EVEN better its 1 of the 2 monsters that can be used to summon "Chaos Sorcorer" or "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the End".

"Effect Veiler" does have a few downsides as well one of them is that sometimes it can become a dead draw as it has 0 ATK and 0 DEF points, it can be bad against beatdown decks as veiler wont stop or reduce theyre ATK points, it will also be bad against decks that use normal monsters (though its VERY RARE to find a duelist using a deck like that now days) and the most improtnant disadvantage that "Effect Veiler" and a few poeple dont take any notice of it is that it can ONLY BE USED on the OPPONENTS TURN and ONLY DURING THE MAIN PHASE.

Maxx "C":

Maxx "C" is a card that gives hand advantage and draw power when you opponent special summons, it can also be searched by sangan so you can add it when you think you will need it. Since most decks now days focus on special summoning monsters and swarming the field that card can make a fine edition to nearly any deck. A few poeple do put the card in the main deck allthough it is best to run it in the side since you never know what your opponents deck is.

Maxx "C" does have a few down sides for example it is a monster that has only 500 ATK and 200 DEF points so it can always be a dead draw, also if this card is in a main deck and your opponent doesnt special summon a lot then this card will be useless.

Battle Fader:
"Battle Fader" is a card that can save duels at a moment that is needed and also getting a monster out on the field by negating a direct attack and ending the Battle Phase. A card this usefull can be found in any deck and can help against all decks except for burn decks and (or) decks that negate and (or) stop special summoning. A card like that can help in a Monarch deck since fader can be used as a tribute to summon any "Monarch" monster to use its effect, also "Battle Fader" can be used to defend urself against your opponents next turns attack. "Battle Fader" is a monster that has 0 ATK and 0 DEF points so it can be a dead draw BUT since it can save you at nearly any moment it can nearly NEVER be a bad draw. And to finish "Battle Fader" is a DARK monster so it can also be used in a Chaos deck.

"Battle Fader" has a few disadvantages like its bad in a deck that uses cards that do not allow special summoning and in burn decks since your opponent will not be attacking much or at all.

You've got some good points, but the punctuation makes this very hard to understand.

Mimgrim did a very good job of organizing his post, but his points were less than par.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Dexter Morgan wrote:
Atheridis wrote:
Effect Veiler:
"Effect Veiler" is a card used in nearly every deck this is because its very helpfull to the player using it to ruin an opponents strategy and (or) combo. Because most of the monster released and used now days are effect monsters its a card that poeple use in theyre main decks instead of theyre side decks. A good way this card is used is to easily summon "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining" since "Effect Veiler" is a Light monster and by saying that "Effect Veiler" Is a pretty good card to be used in a Chaos deck, and since "Effect Veiler" is a tuner monster synchro summoning level 5 synchro monsters like "Ally of Justice Catastor". So to sum up: Its good against most to nearly ALL of the opponents decks (ruining strategies, combos or to just make a card worthless for one turn), "Effect Veiler" is a tuner monster for synchro summoning and making the card EVEN better its 1 of the 2 monsters that can be used to summon "Chaos Sorcorer" or "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the End".

"Effect Veiler" does have a few downsides as well one of them is that sometimes it can become a dead draw as it has 0 ATK and 0 DEF points, it can be bad against beatdown decks as veiler wont stop or reduce theyre ATK points, it will also be bad against decks that use normal monsters (though its VERY RARE to find a duelist using a deck like that now days) and the most improtnant disadvantage that "Effect Veiler" and a few poeple dont take any notice of it is that it can ONLY BE USED on the OPPONENTS TURN and ONLY DURING THE MAIN PHASE.

Maxx "C":

Maxx "C" is a card that gives hand advantage and draw power when you opponent special summons, it can also be searched by sangan so you can add it when you think you will need it. Since most decks now days focus on special summoning monsters and swarming the field that card can make a fine edition to nearly any deck. A few poeple do put the card in the main deck allthough it is best to run it in the side since you never know what your opponents deck is.

Maxx "C" does have a few down sides for example it is a monster that has only 500 ATK and 200 DEF points so it can always be a dead draw, also if this card is in a main deck and your opponent doesnt special summon a lot then this card will be useless.

Battle Fader:
"Battle Fader" is a card that can save duels at a moment that is needed and also getting a monster out on the field by negating a direct attack and ending the Battle Phase. A card this usefull can be found in any deck and can help against all decks except for burn decks and (or) decks that negate and (or) stop special summoning. A card like that can help in a Monarch deck since fader can be used as a tribute to summon any "Monarch" monster to use its effect, also "Battle Fader" can be used to defend urself against your opponents next turns attack. "Battle Fader" is a monster that has 0 ATK and 0 DEF points so it can be a dead draw BUT since it can save you at nearly any moment it can nearly NEVER be a bad draw. And to finish "Battle Fader" is a DARK monster so it can also be used in a Chaos deck.

"Battle Fader" has a few disadvantages like its bad in a deck that uses cards that do not allow special summoning and in burn decks since your opponent will not be attacking much or at all.

You've got some good points, but the punctuation makes this very hard to understand.

Mimgrim did a very good job of organizing his post, but his points were less than par.

do i just have to fix the puncuations or re-write it?

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

I would suggest adding punctuation. It might be easier to rewrite it but you also need to put in some flaws of these cards.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

umm how bad were my points exactly?

like on a scale of 1-10 so i know how much fixing i need to do witt it ._.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

mimgrim wrote:
umm how bad were my points exactly?

like on a scale of 1-10 so i know how much fixing i need to do witt it ._.

Take out everything related to card images and find a relevant flaw.
I would say a 6 on a scale to ten.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Anybody wanna do it?

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

I'll do it.

Effect Veiler

Effect Veiler is a monster that can be used in the hand and send himself to the Graveyard as a cost to activate his effect, which is to negate an opponent's monster effect. It can hurt most decks from carrying out a great strategy, like Inzektors. Should the opponent summon Dragonfly, you can stop the swarming from happening by simply sending Effect Veiler to the Graveyard. At least for that turn, your opponent can't grab that blasted Hornet from his Graveyard.

Effect Veiler can also be used WITH Inzektors if one finds the room for it. Being a LIGHT monster while Inzektors are DARK, Inzektors would have a monster that protected them from other monster effects and be given the potential to summon Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning or Chaos Sorcerer. Also, being a Tuner monster, it can be used to Synchro Summon a Level 5 monster (as lots of monsters tend to be Level 4).

The drawback of Effect Veiler is that it can be a waste of space if dueling the wrong Deck. It can't negate Sangan and other searchers since their effects go off in the Graveyard. Also, since it needs to be sent to the Graveyard as a cost, his effect won't work if Macro Cosmos or similar cards are on the field. Finally, being a weak monster, its major enemies are the Virus cards and King Tiger Wanghu.

To summarize, Effect Veiler is a great card, but it's best left in the Side Deck; you never know when you might actually need it.

Maxx "C"

Maxx "C" allows you to draw a card for each time your opponent Special Summons a monster. How does it affect the Meta? Simple; pretty much anything new involves Special Summoning in some way, and some effects can even be chained to, which brings out the usefulness of this card. Being at Speed Spell 2, this card can be chained (from the hand) to any effect like Monster Reborn.

Let's look at Wind-Ups. They have that dreaded loop that eats away at your hand, and usually your opponent won't stop until your hand is gone. Maxx "C" can be used to counter this, but most of the time it'll need to be part of the first hand. But if Maxx "C" is in your hand by the time the loop begins, foiling your opponent's plans will be so much fun.

Maxx "C" helps in keeping hand advantage even after Wind-Up Hunter blasts away so many of your cards, as many more Special Summons are involved before it's summoned again. Maxx "C" works well with Tragoedia, as the chances of your opponent proceeding with the loop even after you activate Maxx "C" are not low. As we all know, Tragoedia's ATK and DEF depend on the cards in your hand, and it's easy to summon since in most duels players suffer from Battle Damage anyway.

Maxx "C" can be used against any Deck that Special Summons vigorously (including the not-so-horrible-now Infernities), and being an EARTH attribute allows you to Banish it from your graveyard to Summon Gigantes, which has a Heavy Storm effect when destroyed by battle. However, just like Effect Veiler, Maxx "C" needs to reach the Graveyard for its effect to activate, otherwise it won't work. Also, many Decks don't rely on Special Summoning as the Meta (like Monarchs), leaving Maxx "C" as a dead draw.

To summarize, Maxx "C" belongs in the Side Deck, unless you have other uses for it. If nothing else, it can be used to play mind games with the opponent, preventing him from making a big play. However, that doesn't always work.

Battle Fader

A card that can stop a direct attack and end that turn's Battle Phase. It works to give you an extra turn to plan your strategy, and also stops those annoying OTKs. Look at both Wind-Ups and Inzektors. Their strategy is to get rid of your field/hand before attacking. You'll have better luck against Inzektors with Battle Fader, but can halt the plans of both if it's in your hand when an attack is declared. Although not part of the current Meta, Morphtronics buffed by Limiter Removal won't be able to carry out their OTK if Battle Fader is dropped on the field.

This card's usefulness after being summoned is up to the player. It can be Tributed for a 1-Tribute Summon, it can be used as a Synchro or even Xyz Material. In any case it can help bring out a powerful monster that can turn the match in your favor. Most people use it to summon Caius the Shadow Monarch (a good move, I might add), but other possibilities include Synchro Summoning by tuning Battle Fader and a Level 4 Tuner, or summon Kinka-Byo and another monster by its effect and Overlay them all for Baby Tiragon or Galaxy Queen.

The drawback is that Battle Fader is Banished once it leaves the field, and like Effect Veiler and Maxx "C", Debunk and Divine Wrath are the worst threats Battle Fader can face. Cards that prevent Special Summoning like Archlord Krystia can stop Battle Fader from being summoned.

Surprisingly, Battle Fader may not always need to go to the Side Deck. If a player plays a Deck that often leaves him open (like Spirits), Battle Fader may help prevent any Battle Damage. It's a good card to carry, but it also depends on the strategy a player has.

descriptionLesson #18 EmptyRe: Lesson #18

Very good answer, you pass.
Awarded and Locked

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