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Lesson 16

Amy Kool
8 posters

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Control decks of the March 2012 format

With the new banlist we have a new format defined in which obviously aggressive decks take the lead over control decks. Formerly we have seen many good control decks topping in tournaments such as Hero Beat, Gravekeepers, T.G.

New banlist keeps backrow hate in a way of 3 MST and Heavy untouched meaning the control decks immediately have difficulties to face powerful aggro decks of the format such as Inzectors Wind-ups and lovely Rabbit - the pet. It also hits T.G. Striker and with that T.G. control deck is also hurt.

I want you to discuss and provide a good coverage in a way of a small article about control decks of the March 2012 format by giving insight of best possible decks that can hold up with current meta.

Due to complexity of question reward will be exceptional 500 DPs.

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Some of the best decks that I've seen hold up against this tactic of Heavy Storm and 3 MST's are certain Dragon Control Decks, one of which involving Red-Eyes Darkness and Prime Material, you can discard a dragon, negate the card(s) effect, then special summon that monster next turn, and gain field advantage, then also being able to gain a stronger monster using Dragon Mirror, while having Solemn Judgement or Warning on back up, and due to Prime Materials effect, if he's out, you gain like while countering there MST or Heavy Storm, WHAT A BONUS! And if you have a Level Modulation and Horus Lvl 8 or Red-Eyes Darkness, Horus lvl 6 and 8, you can negate them using Horus, and play a Royal decree and you basically have control of the back field, that being said Decks involving cards like Horus lvl 8, Prime Material Dragon will probably have the best chances of standing up to this new ban-list.

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going to say Hero Beat is the best "stun" deck this format because of
its ability to beat down your opp fast and take advantage of stun cards to disrupt
your opp's plays while you beat them down. And it doesn't exactly rely on heavy backrow
so 3 mst and heavy storm don't hurt the deck as much as it hurts other stun
like t.g. The Deck runs through the combo of Elemental hero neos alius
and gemini spark. Alius has high attack points for a Level 4 monster so he can
get over alot, and has several other good properties. He's a Warrior so can be
searched with rota. He's also a ehero so he can be searched with Stratos and
emergency call, and all this searching gives the deck the needed consistency to
stand up to this format's meta. Also since he's treated as a normal
monster, he can be used with hero blast which is a great stun card is also a
+1. And since he's Gemini, he is obviously used with Gemini spark which is a
great stun card because it disrupts your opponent's plays. And, being a light
monster, he receives help from Honest.

a several stun cards that work well around Alius and are powerful on their own
and are included in the deck. Thunder king rai oh has the LIGHT
support and it's a powerful stun card on its own, stopping many common plays. D.D
warrior lady also shares the light attribute and is searchable with rota, and
is a nice stun card because she is able to get rid of whatever you don't want
on the field. Another support card who is light attribute is cyber dragon, who
gives quick muscle at 2100 attack, can be used to bait BTH or even solemn, and
gives the ability to swarm and access to Chimeratech if needed. Effect veiler
is light attribute and stops monster effects, while providing the grave with
miracle fusion food. Fossil dyna pachephalo can also be teched in, which is
obviously a good stun card because he stops all special summons. The build
alsohas its arsenal of defensive and stunnish Spells and Traps.

Because Alius has pretty much no effect, and
the monsters that run you alongside him are either too weak to survive on its
own (like Fossil Dyna) or work by removing themselves from the field (like
Rai-Oh ), the deck uses some stun spell/traps, but not as much as decks like
t.g to the point that heavy storm kills the deck. In addition to Alius' spell/traps
like spark and blast, stun cards like BTH, dprison, smashing ground, forbidden
lance, ect are used. Because the Deck runs pretty much no special summoning,
except for fusion summoning or xyz summon, pot of duality is maxed out at 3 to
increase consistency and help set up big plays. Triple Duality plus with the
searching power of Stratos, Emergency Call and Reinforcement of the Army as
well as the draws provided by Gemini Spark and the recycling of Hero Blast as
well as e-hero the shining, make the build extremely consistent which is needed
of a deck to stand up to this meta.

Due to all the searching, the deck usually
runs a very small monster count, sometimes being as small as 7 monsters (ocg
build), and cause of the small monster count, you have plenty of room and
flexibility to add in stun support cards. Also, super poly should be mentioned
as a great stun card for the deck. It takes your opp's monster/s, disrupting
their play while you get a powerful fusion monster. The deck can also side in
even more stun power. Cards like skill drain, fossil dyna pachephalo, snowman
eater, are often sided which brings even more stun power to the deck. So all in
all, the deck in my opinion is the best stun deck because it uses high attk
monsters to quickly beat down your opp, and at the same time disrupts their
plays with stun cards like Gemini spark and hero blast.

descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

KB24 copied the wikia page for hero beat and just reworded it.

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Lesson 16 2896007000

.. I don't think that is against the rules though. I remember supreme king was once allowed to copy paste an answer for a lesson without even rewording nothing.. and I added my thoughts into that post too so back off cop

descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

Well. If that is the case okay

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yea its allowed to post like that however if that suits the answer...... completely another topic :D

descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

In this meta the Dark World deck has the most potential to maintain control on the enemy's hand and field to gain a distinct edge of the other decks this meta.

Dark World cards have effects that will activate when they are discarded from you hand to the graveyard by either you or your opponent via card effect. The Dark World monsters can very easily and aggressively swarm the field with very high level and ATK beaters (such as Silva and Goldd) that can prove for many of the current meta decks to be tough to push through. The main card Grapha is an almost auto-include in any Dark World deck. With the ability to destroy one card you opponent controls when discarded can be very devastating. Because this effect happens in the grave there are very few cards that can negate it. He also has the ability to return one Dark World monster from your field to your hand to special summon him from the grave. This also happening from the grave again makes it very difficult for the opponent to stop it successfully.

A major advantage to running cards that work by being discarded is you can utilize spell cards that otherwise would see no play elsewhere. Take for example the cards “Dragged Down into the Grave” this card allows you to not only see your opponent’s hand but also to discard one card from their hand. The person also gets to do the same to you however if played correctly you can make them only make a bad decision with which card to discard. That play works well with the card “Mind Crush” having already seen the persons hand means you just call off the card that would have hurt you the most that you didn’t already discard from Dragged down. And as a plus Mind crush requires a discard so you will get another effect to go off, either a summon, draw, or to blow one card up on the field. Another advantage to using the Dark Worlds is you can effectively use the card “Skill Drain” with no repercussion to yourself, and can shut down an opponent until they can stop it.

This deck can be very fast to play; with the cards such as Dark World Deals and Broww you can effectively go + 1 while hurting your opponent. Essentially a monster version of Pot of Greed. However it can be very vulnerable to cards that stop you from accessing the graveyard. While the current big three do not have such cards, a rouge deck that does have the ability to do so can potentially hurt your deck.

But in the end the ability to use effects from the grave, minus your opponent more then he can you, and to swarm the field with large monsters makes the Dark World decks a very good contender for this meta.

Last edited by Grie Velorn on Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Rremoved some info that was incorrect according to the post below.)

descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

May I mention that WU-Hunter's effect is make his opponent's "Send a card from his hand to graveyard" instead of "discarding a card from hand to graveyard"?

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I'm personally thinking that the Dragon "control" deck talked about above is more of an Aggro deck rather than a control deck and Royal Oppression is Forbidden last I checked... I have seen a Malefic/Big City deck do fairly well in controlling the game but it's more of an Aggro/Stall method. I believe that a properly built Wind-Up deck could pose a threat to the more aggressive players in that there are so many ways to bounce them back and reset their effects that if done right you can control most of the duel... I do agree with the Hunter "sending" cards from opposition's hand to grave rather than discarding as a means to stop Dark World decks somewhat... If you use the correct Staples (Seven Tools, Warnings, Judgment, Cylinders) along with the consistency of the Wind-Up effects (including their Spells and traps), you could easily control the duel. Possibly a Wind-Up / Monarch combo can also give a bit of an upperhand...

descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

neither of you is on the right path. Focus on the control decks of the format and not decks that you think are control. For example DWs can be slightly a control deck but no matter how you build it, it just tends to be an aggro one. Its nature is not built for good control. It has hand control but that is just like a tech in an aggro deck. Also DWs are not successful when centered around control. It has been proved that DW can win a YCS if built very aggressively with a lot of speed in it (which control builds that use full potential of cards like mind crush, dark smog, skill drain etc mained can't do).

Keep focus on real control decks. What about T.G. now, what about GKs and similar backrow heavy decks?

This was an official bump on the lesson as well ^_^

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descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

i plan on taking this chalange on but i hvae a few questions first.....

can we use any card we can find on DN or doese it have to all be TCG legal, like say someone wanted to share their interpetation of a certain control deck would the deck they showed have to be all TCG legal or can it consists of any cards you can find on DN?

do you only want to know about control decks of 2012 or would it be ok to add stuff to it like basic definition of the 3 types of control, a different vareity of control cards that can be used in alot of different decks?

and do you want decklists of the control decks we go over?

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Focus more in TCG, you can provide some insights in OCG as well but mainly we speak always TCG legal or at least predict it will come out soon etc.

No i dont want history. Just this banlist and how it affected last banlist which means how control decks of last banlist got affected by it, are they surviving the banlist and can be be again as they were before or are they even better. provide some parallel between banlists but dont go deep into last banlist. We assume that we already know all the good control decks that were successful last banlist.

no decklist is needed just the article like discussion. we assume the decks are classic competitive builds. speak in general and focus on certain cards which you think are important to mention

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T.G. stun
Before the new balist the T.G. stun deck totally dominated other decks with all the traps it played and the monsters it had access to, it even went far enough to win the 2011 world championship. But with the new banlist semi-limiting Reborn Tengu and limiting T.G. striker the deck lost some of its flare. Reborn Tengu was important for field presence and wasn't effected by Skill Drain. T.G. striker allowed quick synchros with T.G. warwolfe and again wasn't affected by Skill Drain. But don't get me wrong the T.G. stun deck can still pose a threat with todays banlist with its heavy traps, in fact some people might go as far as to say the the semi-limiting of Reborn Tengu and limiting of T.G. striker opened up some space for the deck. So what made this deck so powerfull? Well it was the fact that it could use skilldrain very easily and have very good beater in the form of Thunder King Rai-oh, Beast King Barbaros, and even T.G. Rush Rhino when equiped with Horn of the Phantom Beast. Plus the fact the Skill Drain doesn't stop the T.G.s from seaching each other it can thind the deck pertty fast.
Gravekeepers are a archetype that revolve around the field spell card Necro Valley. Necro Valley gives all Gravekeepers a 500 attack and defense boost while not letting either player affect the graveyards. With the added boost of Necro Valley they can become great beaters with solid effects. With the unlimiting of Mystical Space Typhoon and the limiting of Heavy Storm has made Necro valley a chroe to keep on the field but other then that Gravekeepers are a formidable deck that is not to be rekoned with still.
Hero Beat
The Hero Beat deck is alot like the T.G. stun deck except that it has yet to get affected by the banlist. Hero Beat like T.G. stun uses strong beater combined with Skill Drain to overwhelm the opponet.
Rock Stun
The Rock Stun deck is a deck that focuses on using rock type monsters with anti-metaish effects. The 3 main cards of the deck are Koaki Merui Guardian, Koaki Merui, Sandman, and Koaki Merui Wall with each being able to negate monster effects, spell card, or trap card at the cost of tributing themselves. Rock Stun deck are also known to use cards like Neo Spacian - Grand mole and Fossil Dyna to have targets for the Koaki Merui rocks and to get rid of problematic monsters at the same time. It is also not unheard of to see Rockstun decks to use Thunder King Rai-oh. Another grea thing about the deck is that the Koaki Meruis dont have to goto the graveyard to tribute themselves so you could main Macro Cosmos or Dimensional Fissure to add to the stun aspect. This deck has yet to be hurt by the banlist.
Chaos Stun
Chaos Stun is a deck that uses light and dark monsters like Thunder King Rai-of and Doomcaliber Knight to slow your opponet while fueling your grave for Black Lust Soldier - Envoy of the Beginining and Chaos sorccerer. This deck has seen alot of back and forth thourgh the banlists with Chaos Sorccerer being semi-limited then unlimited with BLS-EOTB being banned for a long time but commin back last format.
I believe theese 5 decks are the best control decks of this format currently (in no paticular order).

descriptionLesson 16 EmptyRe: Lesson 16

Good mimgrim. The answer is not the best possible but it suits the needs of this lesson. Solved. 500 DP rewarded.

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