This deck is a deck based on the Charmer cards. It focuses on negating your opponent's attacks, then taking over their monsters using the Charmers in combination with DNA Transplant and Scroll of Bewitchment. Anywhere in-between, you can tribute cards you control or have taken over for Monarchs, which are the firepower of your deck. I've been trying to build this deck to become more competitive, without the requirement of taking out any of the charmer cards, because that defeats the whole purpose.

It was originally used to be played online (Dueling Network), but I have collected most of these cards in real life (all except the monarchs. I'm poor). It is used in TCG form, North America, Advanced.

Monsters: 19

-Aussa the Earth Charmer (2)
-Caius the Shadow Monarch (2)
-Dharc the Dark Charmer (2)
-Eria the Water Charmer (2)
-Hiita the Fire Charmer
-Jowls of Dark Demise (3)
-Lyna the Light Charmer (2)
-Mobius the Frost Monarch
-Raiza the Storm Monarch (2)
-Wynn the Wind Charmer (2)

Spells: 9

-Book of Moon
-Monster Reborn
-Mystical Space Typhoon (2)
-Scroll of Bewitchment (3)
-Stumbling (2)

Traps: 12

-Dark Bribe
-DNA Transplant (2)
-Scrap-Iron Scarecrow (3)
-Threatening Roar (3)
-Thunder of Ruler (3)

Extra Deck: 9

-Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
-Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (3)
-Number 25: Force Focus
-Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
-Photon Strike Bounzer (2)
-Wind-Up Zenmaines