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Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

! High Dutchman Gianus
Zane Truesdale
7 posters

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]



The best Geargia build

As many of you may have noticed, a fairly new Archtype has arrived and is ready to prove itself. They are Geargia's.

Geargia's, like most machine-based Archtypes consist primarily of Level 4's and share the EARTH attribute. Being new on the scene, Geargia's have a small amount of monsters and no support cards yet, though from what has been seen, they are very promising. With that being said, there are plenty of variants going around based of the Geargia platform. This is where you, the student come in.

Your task is to let us know which build you prefer and why. We want very
detailed explanation. You need to give a deep insight into your preferred
build why you find it more efficient and successful then other builds.

What is your builds core strategy?
What are the key cards?
Support Cards?
Draw Engine?
Etc, Etc

These are just few examples of what you need to think of. Of course, the
correct answer will feature much more things than just these. Remember people, we are looking for a Geargia variant. Do not post deck lists / screenshots. We expect you to explain your deck and the card choices in detail. For more references, visit previous Lessons.

If you are not familiar with the Classroom, please read this.

Reward + Bonus: 350DP

Last edited by Zane Truesdale on Tue May 22, 2012 10:10 pm; edited 4 times in total

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

Ok so my Geargi build is to support the Geargi swarming ability.

My deck build uses 3 of each Geargiaccell, Geargiarmor, and Geargiarseanl 2 of each Gadget monsters to start the main stratigy.

To start off the main strategy(Swarming) is to have 2 level(Lv) 4 monsters on the field, one of them being a "Geargi" monster, and to have 2 Geargiaccel in your hand. To start the swarm you special summon(SS) both the Geargiaccel then overlay(OvLa) the Geargiaccell and the other Lv 4 monster to SS Geargiganto X. Then use Geargiganto X's effect to add another Geargiaccell to your hand from your deck. SS the new Geargiaccell and OvLa with another Lv 4 to get another Geargiaccel from your graveyard. Then SS the Geargiaccel and OvLa with the last Lv 4 and compleat the swarm.

Some support cards for this strategy are Limiter Removal(LR), Machine Assembly Line(MAL), and Cyber Summon Blaster(CSB). The LR is for when the swarm takes place and you want a(n) OTK. The MAL is for when you need the extra Attack(ATK) points and can start up the Swarm if needed. The CSB is to help deal maximum dammage during the field Swarming.

For the Draw Engine I put in 2 Scrap Recycler witch returns your used monsters, since most monsters are Lv 4 Earth-Type, and lets you draw one card.

Some of the obvious extras are Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, and 2 Pot Of Dualitys to help wipe the field for the swarm and find cards for the swarm. Then Monster Reborn and Pot Of Avarice to revive some monsters and return Geargiganto X back your Extra Deck. Then Solemn Judgment, Bottomless Trap Hole, and 2 Solemn Warnings to stop most other swarm decks. Aldo if your opponet happens to swarm the field there are 2 Dimensional Prisons, and Mirror Force.

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'nuff said Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] 1854617810

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

@Jacob- Yes, your answer incorporates partially what is expected, but I am not convinced you fully understood the concept of the Lesson. The goal was to thoroughly explain a Geargia deck variant, rather then simply a standard Geargia build. Why? Well the fact of the matter is that the Geargia's are too new and too few in number at this time to give a thorough answer. Good effort nonetheless.

Try to think out of the box when it comes to picking a variant, there are plenty floating around. If you are not sure where to start, look at a common example such as Malefic-Gravekeepers and go from there.

@Gianus- Me Gusta.

Any other questions, feel free to ask.

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

Hay it was worth a shoot since nobody answered yet. But give me a little bit and ill come up with a new answer.

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

My preferred variant on Geargia's are the MachinaGears. The main strategy of this deck is to first swarm with your geargia's, xyz into gearginato and then use it swarm your machina's. I run three geargiaccel, because it special summons itself when you already have a geargia on the field which means, if you have three, you can easily swarm out 4 level 4 monsters in an instant and xyz into two gearginato, all without having normal summoned. Next card is geargiarmor. This card is the main search of the deck, allowing you to get your geargiaccels to your hand, and ideally, two. the first when your opponent attacks into it on there turn, the second when you flip it down then flip it back face up on your turn. I run 3 of them, because of there amazing searchs. next is geargiarsenal. while it's atk gain is usually minuscule, it is a 1700 beater by itself but it's main reason to be in this deck is it's second effect. You can tribute it to special summon another geargia in face up defense. you will usually want to get out a geargiarmor, unless you already have another level 4 on the field you can xyz with. running 3 of them helps get your monsters out relatively fast.

now for the machina part of the machina gears. I run 3 machina gearframes because there a level 4 1800 beater, which allows me to xyz into any of my level 4's. but they also serve a double purpose in the fact that if you normal summon it you get to search out one of your boss monsters from the deck, either machina fortress or cannon. Fortress is a high atk beater, that is able to special summon itself by sending those machine cards you've been bringing to your hand to the graveyard. I usually run 3, because while they are beaters that are hard to get over in this meta, they also allow me to draw a card when there destroyed by battle AND allows me to discard a card from my opponents hand when it's targeted by a monsters effect. Overall machina fortress is a plus, however it sometimes turns into hand clutter so i run 2 machina cannons. This card isn't as effective as machina fortress, but it's easier to get out. so if worse comes to worse, you can discard one machine and special it in defense that way you have the 2200 defense as a shield.

the spells consist of staples such as monster reborn, double mst, heavy and dark hole. however i have added in 2 iron call, to be another monster reborn for my machines and allow for more xyz's. i put in two forbidden lance's, because nothing sucks more than summoning your machina gearframe and fiendish chains is activated. the forbidden lance protects your main search cards from that negation, or destruction, from back row allowing the deck to run smoother. Triple dualities allow you to get the cards you need from your deck when you have one of those rare but annoying dead draws. and hopefully from them you get your geargiarmor, which if you do, you dont have to worry about the no special summons. Pot of avarice's main targets for getting back to your deck should be your geargiaccels, so that you can repeat your combo's over again and after the geargiaccels, it should be your geargigantos.

The traps in this are staples, the solemn brigade, double torrential, double D. Prison, and 2 fiendish chains.

The extra deck is where this deck shines. Because nearly every monster you have is level 4, it would make sense to have nearly all the xyz's be level 4. The main, and first, xyz you should summon is geargiganto. unless for some reason he wont work, or is useless at the moment, he should be your first choice. He allows you to search out your machina gearframes, or more geargiaccels. His secondary effect is pointless in this deck because i dont run the level 3 geargia's because they slow the deck down to much and are dead draws half the time. 3 geargiganto's is a mandatory for this. The other mandatory level 4 xyz is daigusto Emeral. he allows you to shuffle back your deck and draw. overall, he's amazing as he recycles your deck and allows u to start your combo's all over again. The only other mandatory extra deck to this is big eye. That's because, he's level 7 which happens to be what levels machina fortress are. If fortress cant get over something, there's a good chance big eye will be able to take it for itself.

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

Still a good try and good of you to put some effort, but I feel it's missing some of the elements needed for the correct answer. Besides the grammatical errors and lack of punctuation of course. Yes, you explained the deck well and how it works but try to add to that. Meaning, is it consistent? Would you feel it is better then the rival variants? Etc. Just think a bit more out of the box, that's all.

Edit: Raised the Reward to 350DP

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

My Geargia build uses both Gadgets and Machinas in addition to the Geargias. Gadgets work well in this deck mainly because they can swarm to Xyz Summon Geargiganto X given the right combos. The fact that they replace themselves in the hand can also be useful for Machina Fortress plays because the Gadget I summon can be used as an Xyz Material for Geargiganto X while the Gadget it searched can be used as fodder for a Fortress. I run only two of each Gadget to avoid drawing multiples, and it's okay if I don't draw even one Gadget because they are not vital to this deck working properly. I also have a total of 44 cards because it reduces the likelyhood of drawing multiple Gadgets, and it doesn't significantly reduce the consistency of the deck because there are plenty of good cards to run in this deck.

The Machinas are in here because they seem too good not to run in a Machine deck. Machina Gearframe is the searcher for Machina Fortress, but it's also an 1800 beater, which sometimes helps for the OTKs this deck loves to do as well as just getting over weaker monsters, and it's a Level 4 Machine for Geargiganto X. Due to it's utility I run 3. Machina Fortress is probably the deck's strongest monster that the deck can get out consistently. It's easy to get out; two monsters (either level 4s or Fortresses, so exactly two are needed) from your hand to summon this powerful a monster is a fairly cheap and easy to pay cost, even if it is a -1. It's effects when it's destroyed by battle or targeted by a monster effect make it very annoying to get rid of, and being able to summon itself easily at the cost of some cards makes it very good for OTKs, so I run 3.

With all the other Machines, the Geargias themselves are not as central to the deck as they might be in other builds. The only three I run are Geargiaccel, Geargiarmor, and Geargiarsenal, because the others really aren't very good in my opinion. The Geargias are to some degree there to support the deck's other strategies rather than the other way around. Geargiaccel is very useful for swarming, Geargiarmor is a wall that gets you a Geargiaccel to summon right away, and Geargiarsenal turns itself into a Geargiarmor. They're great at swarming and Xyz Summoning, and if I can't use them they just become Fortress fodder, so I run 3 of each.

As with most Geargia builds, Geargiganto X is the main Xyz Monster. It gets a Gadget if I haven't drawn one yet, a Tinplate Goldfish to help a play next turn, a Gearframe to summon at the next opportunity so I can start my Fortress plays, a Geargia that fits the situation, or just fodder for Fortress. I run 3 in my extra deck and sometimes summon them all in a duel. Tinplate Goldfish makes the deck work much more smoothly. It's an instant Rank 4 Xyz because it lets you get another monster out from your hand when you summon it, ideally a Gadget so it can replace itself in the hand, so I run 3. The 2 Ultimate Offering are mostly in there for the Gadgets, for the ridiculous amounts of swarming and Xyz summoning that combo offers, but they also works with the other monsters, especially Machina Gearframe because they allow me to Normal Summon all the Gearframes in my hand, searching Fortresses to summon while also getting 1800 beaters. I run Limiter Removal because it helps a lot to achieve an OTK, or can alternatively just help one of my monsters take a stronger monster down with it. Unfortunately the only draw engine is Pot of Avarice, which recycles Gadgets and is a +1, so it's pretty useful. I run 3 Iron Call because the boost of one extra Level 4 Machine can help a lot of Xyz plays. I run 2 Effect Veiler, Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn, Mystical Space Typhoon, 2 Night Beam, 2 Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Judgment, and 2 Torrential Tribute, all of which are common in many decks and I think are fairly self-explanatory.

descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]


descriptionLesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh] EmptyRe: Lesson 22 [Solved- Isetrh]

Excellent answer isetrh, well done. Lesson solved by isetrh.
Would a Mod/Admin transfer reward.

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