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descriptionLesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa] EmptyLesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa]

Lesson 34

OCG is the term used to describe the Japanese version of the game, while TCG refers to what is released elsewhere, especially the US. In the OCG they have many cards that we do not have here in TCG land, and we have powerful cards such as Tour Guide that the OCG does not have. The meta-game is usually different in OCG and the deck building styles tend to be different than in TCG, there are also different rulings used in the OCG that are not used here in TCG. Your objective in this lesson is to write an article fully describing the differences between TCG and OCG. Your post needs to answer questions such as these:

- How different is the meta-game in OCG than it is in TCG?
- What rulings are used in OCG that are not used in TCG?
- What cards are used in OCG that are rarely used in TCG?
- Why are there some cards available in OCG but not legal to play in TCG?
- What are TCG exclusives?

Your answer must be in your own words. If I catch anyone copy/pasting an answer from another site, I will delete his/her answer and that user could possibly end up with a warning added to their profile.

Before you respond, please read the Classroom Rules here.

Reward: 500 DP

Last edited by LethalAfterZ on Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa] EmptyRe: Lesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa]

Pretty Different.
  1. imo,
    1. in OCG, currently popular deck would be:
      1. OMG (Offering Machina Gadget)
        Ultimate Offering + Machina + Gadget #derp if it's not obvious enough
        A deck composed of floater which is Machina and Gadget, utilizing its status as a level-4 monster for an easy rank-4, especially the newly released Xyz named Geargiganto X which is useful card and also a floater.
      2. Verz Laggia
        Verz + Rescue Rabbit + Laggia + Verz Xyz
        supported by OCG-ex like Verz Thunderbird (a level-4 "atk-1950" monster that could run away when an opponent's card/effect is activated). And Daigusto Emerald as a draw power has enhanced the power of deck significantly.

    2. in TCG, i believe the popular deck would be
      1. Chaos Dragon
        Eclipse Wyvern + REDMD + Lightpulsar + DAD + Dark Flare Dragon + BLS + Chaos Sorcerer etc, etc.
        A beatdown-deck. Doesn't utilize the extra-deck very much except for future fusion because they are already powerfull enough to take care of the duel.
      2. Rabbit-Laggia
        TGU + Rabbit + Evolzar Laggia
        #dunno never liked the deck.

  2. Should be little to none since TCG won't release anymore individual card ruling since its ruling is expected to be covered by PSCT, thus the only official ruling would only come from OCG.
    but if i had to mention some, then some ruling that I expect would ignore the current OCG ruling is:
    1. SEGOC
      in OCG, when multiple trigger-effect of the same caste(mandatory/turn-player etc) is activated at the same-time, you decide how the chain built, in TCG, the order of the trigger decide how the chain built unless they also triggered at the same-time, then you decide how to built the chain.

    2. Bamboo Shoot vs Veiler
      in OCG, Bamboo Shoot only lost its effect for a turn, while in TCG Bamboo Shoot lost its effect permanently.
    3. Stardust vs Horus LV8
      in OCG, Stardust can't negate Horus LV8 when it negate Monster Reborn because Monster Reborn is no longer considered as a card on the field the moment Horus's effect is activated.
    4. Silent Psychic Wizard vs Torrential Tribute
      in OCG, Silent Psychic Wizard wouldn't special summon the banished monster if he is sent to graveyard before banished a monster.
      in TCG, it could go either way depending on your judge.
    5. Solemn Judgment vs Ultimate Offering
      in OCG (probably unofficial ruling), you can negate the summon performed through Ultimate Offering or Formula Synchron if it's activated as Chainlink-1.
      in TCG, you can't negate a summon performed through an effect.
      #I refuse to believe what gianus said.
    6. Veiler vs Torrential Tribute
      in OCG, on a situation like:
      CL-1: your Random Monster's Effect
      CL-2: Torrential Tribute or anything that would make your monster not face-up on the field.
      CL-3: Effect Veiler
      your random monster's effect would not be negated by Veiler.
      however, in TCG, your monster's effect will not be negated only if CL-2 is something that would flip it face-down.
    7. Convulsion of Nature + GK Servant + Dimensional Fisure #just one random old unreversed ruling.
      in OCG if your top-deck is a spell card, you can attack by sending the top-card in your deck to graveyard.
      in TCG you can't attack regardless.
      #edited accordingly
      if you want to confirm these, you can check it at either wiki-OCG or yugioh.faq.konami.jp

  3. Ultimate Offering, Double Summon. (in OMG deck).
  4. Mostly because the pack consisted of those card hasn't released in TCG and/or widely distributed in TCG area.
  5. Random Card that doesn't exist in the original pack in OCG but added in TCG pack when it is released in TCG. Mostly had a WTF ruling until it's released in OCG.

Last edited by HyawehHoshikawa on Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:39 am; edited 3 times in total

descriptionLesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa] EmptyRe: Lesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa]

HyawehHoshikawa wrote:
[*] Solemn Judgment vs Ultimate Offering
in OCG (probably unofficial ruling), you can negate the summon performed through Ultimate Offering or Formula Synchron if it's activated as Chainlink-1.
in TCG, you can't negate a summon performed through an effect.

This is partially true.
In TCG, you can also negate a summon permormed by Ultimate Offering/Formula Synchron with Solemn Judgment, if the effect is activated as a chain link 1.

HyawehHoshikawa wrote:
[*] Convulsion of Nature vs Dimensional Fisure #just one random old unreversed ruling.
in OCG if your top-deck is a spell card, you can attack by sending the top-card in your deck to graveyard.
in TCG you can't attack regardless.

You probably forgot to add Gravekeeper's Servant to this combo.

descriptionLesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa] EmptyRe: Lesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa]

There were a couple of errors in your answer as Anus pointed out, but you're the only one who answered and you covered all the questions. Good job.

Solved by HyawehHoshikawa.

descriptionLesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa] EmptyRe: Lesson #34[ Solved by HyawehHoshikawa]

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