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Mountains [WOTN]

Potus Mat
10 posters

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyMountains [WOTN]

I've decided to make things a little easier on all of us and divide the main RP into threads. Each location has it's own thread and anytime you RP you will need to pick a location to post it in.
These are the Mountains that are around Duel Academy.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Character: Atlas Kumari
"'A real baddie?' Any being can kill. Few can hold restraint to accomplish greater goals."
Atlas noticed the "baddie" down the mountain.
"Number Duelist! Let's go!"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

"Well for beating me here is number 96. Not a big loss." Don't worry I'll be back and I charge interest. But for now I'll listen to what you have to say. At least until I defeat you next time we duel.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Potus Mat wrote:
Character: Atlas Kumari
"'A real baddie?' Any being can kill. Few can hold restraint to accomplish greater goals."
Atlas noticed the "baddie" down the mountain.
"Number Duelist! Let's go!"

TricksterPDH5 wrote:
"Well for beating me here is number 96. Not a big loss." Don't worry I'll be back and I charge interest. But for now I'll listen to what you have to say. At least until I defeat you next time we duel.

Make sure to quote the posts you are replying too.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Character: Atlas Kumari
Atlas emerged victorious once again with a new Number.
Hmph. Almost too eas-
So, Nos. 6, you commit the very sin you persecute me for?
Nos. 96. You and I differ. I merely took over as our host nearly went berserk with rage.
Always with the holier than thou speech, hmm?
No, I admit that possessing the host is an error. Once his anger cools, I shall-
You shall what, Atlanthal? Tell me that you took over? That you double my Numbers? Gave me access to an extremely powerful Number?
Ha! It has been quite a while since a host existed that was pleased to find my presence.
I saw the power back there. Atlanthal nearly lost, and you nearly won. With both powers combined...

Atlas looked at the crowd at the mountains.
We require time to recombine.
"Hmph. Begone!"
Atlas ran down the mountain at almost super-human speed, towards the Docks and out of sight.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Character: Andrew
"...I hate running..."
"... so much..."
-Andrew watches Atlas run down the mountain, to an unknown destination-
"Man that guy is fast!"
-yells- "Rhys? You here?"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Character: Lokos
Post: Lokos was just standing and watching all what happened. - 'Pheh somebody else lost his number... John was right it would be intersting to find out what is that Atlas guy going to do...' - He looked around. - 'So many people are gathering over here... This should be intersting.'

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


After having thought a bit Ryan took an unexpected turn and headed for the mountains. Upon arriving he declared to all: "Attention number duelists that remain! I have just been defeated by Atlas. He now controls four numbers while I only have two. I believed my prowess to be enough but obviously it was not. I doubt any of you will have better luck. So we need to consolidate our power to bring an end to Atlas. I will duel all of you here for numbers in an attempt to gain the power necessary. In the chance I am defeated, we will need others here to continue this, and challenge Atlas. So who here will duel me first!?

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


"Atlas! Your streak of terror end here and now! I shall avenge my friend! Have at you!"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

9link5 wrote:

"Atlas! Your streak of terror end here and now! I shall avenge my friend! Have at you!"


"Atlas is no longer here, he went down to the docks. Who would like to be the first to duel me for numbers and the right to take on Atlas?

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"I... Smell blood on you. But not just blood, a dark shadow looms over you, like the feathers of a great black bird shealding you from the light. It would feel like you are the worse enemy than Atlas, and my eyes see more than most. I see you as being a threat me, my friends and our goals. As bad, if not worse, than Atlas." My sholders seem to buldge as I speek and my eyes seem to turn to slits. I mess around amlessly in my right pocket, as if looking for something.

Calm yourself Rhys Utzaru.

Huh? What was that?

This is the number you won in combat not to long ago, a peace of Number 39 Utopia.

So, you can cancel out the cross wave patterns of other Numbers?

That... is an odd Question. No. I am simply the easyest number to not be possessed by. And once that occurs, you can only be possessed if you lose yourself in that number's waves. As for a comfert I assimilated the part of Volca that you knew, and I will transfer this personality to any number you come in contact with if I am removed from you.

So, you're going to make it so that I always know at least one of my numbers , even if I lose you?

Yes, since a number's personality already changes as they change hands, it doesn't destroy another number's personality eather. They have none until they come into contact with a duelist.

Comferting, so what do you think I should do? I need to take down Atlas and this guy, but they both have huge leads on me!

This person is equal in terms of numbers, but that shadow is... trubleing. It is imperative that you regain your dragonstone, but the question here is, can you take him?

(inish when I get Home)

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Potus Mat wrote:
Character: Atlas Kumari
Atlas emerged victorious once again with a new Number.
Hmph. Almost too eas-
So, Nos. 6, you commit the very sin you persecute me for?
Nos. 96. You and I differ. I merely took over as our host nearly went berserk with rage.
Always with the holier than thou speech, hmm?
No, I admit that possessing the host is an error. Once his anger cools, I shall-
You shall what, Atlanthal? Tell me that you took over? That you double my Numbers? Gave me access to an extremely powerful Number?
Ha! It has been quite a while since a host existed that was pleased to find my presence.
I saw the power back there. Atlanthal nearly lost, and you nearly won. With both powers combined...

Atlas looked at the crowd at the mountains.
We require time to recombine.
"Hmph. Begone!"
Atlas ran down the mountain at almost super-human speed, towards the Docks and out of sight.

Leon Asura
Asura: "Hey your not getting away!" *Asura Charges off after Atlas*
Asura's Thoughts: "You can't run forever"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

(Or maybe not)


"The time for thinking is done!! Just remember Bloody-one, you are not the hero, no one is" Runs after Leon.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Leon Asura
Asura: "Hey your not getting away!" *Asura Charges off after Atlas*
Asura's Thoughts: "You can't run forever"

Post: 'Hmm where is he running so suddenly?' - Lokos was interested. - 'Well i should follow him...' - He thought and started to walk same direction where Leon ran.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

9link5 wrote:
(Or maybe not)


"The time for thinking is done!! Just remember Bloody-one, you are not the hero, no one is" Runs after Leon.


*Materializes Shock Master in front of Rhys to prevent his escape.* "You're not going anywhere! Shock Master tells me you have a Utopia. That sounds interesting. So I'm going to duel you for him. Either that or Shock Master vaporizes you on the spot and I take Utopia, your choice."

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Unacepted Character Influence

I dodge past shockmaster and continue on my way.

"See what I mean? Dirty tactics! I'm not supprised by the blood on your hands, He-Cloaked-In-Shade!"

Runs off.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Asurastorm wrote:

Leon Asura
Asura: "Hey your not getting away!" *Asura Charges off after Atlas*
Asura's Thoughts: "You can't run forever"

Takuya runs after Asura and to help his effort in catching Atlas

"Asura, even if you catch him what will you do. You don't have a numbers..."

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


"I'll take him down." Rhys comments while running

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Zeox wrote:
Asurastorm wrote:

Leon Asura
Asura: "Hey your not getting away!" *Asura Charges off after Atlas*
Asura's Thoughts: "You can't run forever"

Takuya runs after Asura and to help his effort in catching Atlas

"Asura, even if you catch him what will you do. You don't have a numbers..."


Realizing force wasn't getting him anywhere Ryan decided he needed allies. Instead of running after Atlas like the others he rode one of his Shock Masters. When he caught up to Takuya, Asura, and Rhys he said, "You'll need my help! Want a ride?"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


"Your Shade is great, and My distrust is greater. I can outrun and battle your monster if I just had my stone. So no, Murderer, I don't want your bloody hands helping me."

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

TricksterPDH5 wrote:
Zeox wrote:
Asurastorm wrote:

Leon Asura
Asura: "Hey your not getting away!" *Asura Charges off after Atlas*
Asura's Thoughts: "You can't run forever"

Takuya runs after Asura and to help his effort in catching Atlas

"Asura, even if you catch him what will you do. You don't have a numbers..."


Realizing force wasn't getting him anywhere Ryan decided he needed allies. Instead of running after Atlas like the others he rode one of his Shock Masters. When he caught up to Takuya, Asura, and Rhys he said, "You'll need my help! Want a ride?"

Leon Asura
*Asura Stopped running and jumped onto Ryan's shock master*
Asura: "Sounds great, C'mon Takuya! Rhys!"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


Why not Takuya, saves your energy for when you confront Atlas said Acid Golem

"Why not, I guess if Asura is up for it. Cya Rhys" Takuya jumped on the Shock Master

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


"...Leon... Don't you notice the blood on him? He has no apparent wounds, yet he has dry blood on his clothing. I don't know what happened, but I think he killed people."

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

9link5 wrote:

"Your Shade is great, and My distrust is greater. I can outrun and battle your monster if I just had my stone. So no, Murderer, I don't want your bloody hands helping me."


*Continuing to follow* "You have forgotten to consider the obvious," Ryan stated, "I removed the administration for they had assisted one with intend to take over the world. They were only causing harm. The only person I challenged was one who truly WAS evil. My other duels I was challenged both times. My quest for power is one as a shield, not a sword. You call me a murderer but I've only done what I felt necessary to help the academy. My quest for power is a way to achieve this. Now Atlas is the greatest threat, and we all must stand united to defeat him, no matter our opinions of each other. I have caused no harm to you or your friends, only attempted to assist. This is something I will do with or without your consent."

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


"Wait, Wait, Wait!!!! YOOU KILLED THE HEADMASTER!!!! WHAHWA!!!! I just thuaght you where a violent kid who got into a scrap!!!"

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

9link5 wrote:

"Wait, Wait, Wait!!!! YOOU KILLED THE HEADMASTER!!!! WHAHWA!!!! I just thuaght you where a violent kid who got into a scrap!!!"

No the administration betrayed you. They helped the real murderer. They wanted to take over the world and only held up a guise. My numbers told me they had to be stopped. I tried to make them submit but I went too far. I regret my lack of control. I only wanted to help and still will try to help.

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

Mike say," hello anyone there can someone here help me?

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

(Everyone left)

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

(except me)
Char: Andrew
"AUH! huh?... Oh I must've knocked out waiting for everyone..."
-Andrew looks around-
"Well this sucks. Time to go find Rhys I guess."
-gets up-
"Except... I have NO idea where he went..."
"He left for the docks."
"Your ally, he left for the docks. unlike you humans, we Numbers do not need rest, therefore we watch over our holders."
"Lovely. Thanks for the tip."
"You're welcome."
-Andrew runs towards the docks-

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]


Last edited by Zeox on Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionMountains [WOTN] EmptyRe: Mountains [WOTN]

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