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Site Improving Suggestions for Duel Academy Contest

Potus Mat
Plague Rose
yuma fudo
Amy Kool
20 posters

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We want you to suggest us some new things we can make happen in DA. Suggest anything you think would suit this place and bring more fun. You saw me making Survival Duels, Quiz, Supreme King Quest, League, Testing System etc. Some of you suggested Lottery and there it is now, a great idea, some of you wanted the Chat to be on index page and we expanded the idea into making this Chat you have now on every page and easy to handle. You can think of many things like these, they just have to fit in our site, not contradict with other things we have and have good impression on paper.

If your idea is great and DA decides to make it happen you will surely get credit for it and be rewarded with good amount of DP.

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Tag team tourney

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what about a kind of errrrr "mentor" program sort of thing to help players who join but are new to the game itself to learn how to play and all that stuff?

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Nuran wrote:
Tag team tourney

Which will involve either a over-complicated DN dueling process or downloading BYOND.

mimgrim wrote:
what about a kind of errrrr "mentor" program sort of thing to help players who join but are new to the game itself to learn how to play and all that stuff?

You mean... like teachers? xD
-hint- -hint-

But yeah, I see where you're going with that but... we'd have to talk to Amy & see if she'd be willing to add that to the list of stuff the teachers already do, or create an entirely new staff section specifically for mentors. :/

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The tag tourny can be done. All you have to do is have a tourny where Team A Player 1 plays Team B Player 1 Whoever wins plays Player 2 of the other team then if player 2 wins they play the other player 2. Last team standing wins the round

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I didn't say it wasn't doable, I said it was complicated Razz

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Tag team tournament we do online is easy and we will do it in the future. However the real tag team duels are only available in Byond which lags the hell out of you lol. Thus, no one uses real tag dueling tourneys but what exiled told.

As for Mentor program..... well its a hard job for ppl to teach someone the game. there is official rulebook, there is youtube vids, there is download a game and play against PC to learn the stuff thing lol, but no one will want to be at Mentor position to learn someone basics. All we can do is offer a guided duel or two in DN with some teacher to improve and get started a bit. Also mentor is a teacher lol.

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I agree with mimgrim on the mentor program. Perhaps there aren't many who are willing to teach new players (we all know how noob-noobs can be) but some can actually have fun as they learn. It can be quite fun if you like teaching people things (like I do).

mim pretty much beat me to it, so I got nothing atm. o.o

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Exiled108 wrote:
The tag tourny can be done. All you have to do is have a tourny where Team A Player 1 plays Team B Player 1 Whoever wins plays Player 2 of the other team then if player 2 wins they play the other player 2. Last team standing wins the round

thats what i meant lol

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yes there is the rule book and youtube vids but sometimes the rule book doesent explain it thourghly and youtube vids isnt the same as learning it from another person :/

example - the rule book doesent tell people mst cant negate spell/traps so alot of people new to the game think it can and get flamed for it late ._.

this way they have less chance of making noob mistakes because they didnt know about these kind of things

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well we can have a livesteam account and livesteams like touraments and da duels

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was thinking about other use you can give to dps, so i tough about collective x, each member gets like an album and they go to Duel academy shop and buy packs of x thing they add to album. They should also be able to trade xs bettwen users and even pay other dps for then.

x can be, why not, yugioh cards, but can also but things like pogs with duel academy staff.

all i ask is to make an ultra rare x with me on it ::Monkey3:: (joking, of course)

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what about a archived section for all locked/old topics?

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An unofficial tournaments section? Yeah it contradicts the shop item and everything but honestly who will ever buy that lol. There's also a Duel Team Section. A battle field section would be cool for those in a team to duel for maybe like a top team slot or something. Ouyr own youtube channel so any of use can upload on it and so on ^.^

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train and plague, can you provide more insight into your ideas? Like explain more and give some good examples.

mimgrim, we have archive section from the foundation of DA lol. Its just not to be seen by regular members.

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Duel of the Week
Pairing two (random) participants up for a duel and bet whose goin' to win.
The winner gets 50-75% of the total pot for the bet, while the people who bet correctly wins x% of the total pot, depending on how many people picked the winner.

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Tragedy wrote:
Duel of the Week
Pairing two (random) participants up for a duel and bet whose goin' to win.
The winner gets 50-75% of the total pot for the bet, while the people who bet correctly wins x% of the total pot, depending on how many people picked the winner.

I like this idea O.O xD Maybe cause I like gambling xD

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Plague Rose wrote:
An unofficial tournaments section? Yeah it contradicts the shop item and everything but honestly who will ever buy that lol. There's also a Duel Team Section. A battle field section would be cool for those in a team to duel for maybe like a top team slot or something. Ouyr own youtube channel so any of use can upload on it and so on ^.^

Have a section where people can make 4, 8 or 16 man teams. The leader of the team being one of the total number as well. Any team at any appropriate time can challenge another team to a war, a war is simple each team can battle anyone else on the other team they have warred. If and when a player loses a best out of 3 match he or she will be deemed "dead" and can no longer fight for their team or defend it. When a teams player count hits 0 then they lose. Each match between them can be recorded in BA if the duelists both agreed to it, after each War a team will get a win or loss example 1-0. First one to 5 wins will have the Top Team slot, then any other team that gets a total of 5 wins can challenge the top team in a war, whoever wins is now the next Top team or w/e. You can make to where a team can only declare one war against the top team for ever 5 wars they win. Also maybe have a war per day limit or ect

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We already tried that with Guilds^

Failed miserably

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Well you don't need 5k to buy a team so yeah...lol. Teams are free lol.

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No plague we had teams before with staff as leaders and every other possible way. Guild Item was there just to motivate members more but Teams in this site: fail. no more discussion about that because its pointless we've been and seen it fail many times Wink

Other than that, Tag Team Duels (2 ppl teams) will be introduced in the future in a way of an event or so.

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Amy Cool wrote:
No plague we had teams before with staff as leaders and every other possible way. Guild Item was there just to motivate members more but Teams in this site: fail. no more discussion about that because its pointless we've been and seen it fail many times Wink

Other than that, Tag Team Duels (2 ppl teams) will be introduced in the future in a way of an event or so.

Well, I doubt that Guilds would get anywhere- It only shows the status of the whole team itself, not the individuals. Razz

Then again, why not a Monthly Deck Building Contest? dx

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Made a topic suggesting an upgraded media section, with subsections pinned for YGO episodes, organised well by series, in english dubs, subs, japanese etc.. One section for ygo related media downloads and the other for just about everything else, if done correctly it could be very good, contributors of media could be rewarded with dp, whilst we'd have to make it only available to members with a certain minimum post count, perhaps 50-100 posts, which would rule out the possibility of leechers just coming on and taking from those who put valuable time and effort in without any contributions themselves.
Thoughts ?

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Well i like the idea :D Im watching yugioh season 4 now so i can post some links :D

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Streams are always good Smile But even if some people had download links to actually download to their computers/laptops that could be a method worth extra dp perhaps because personally, i like to put videos on a usb, then plug it into my xbox to watch on the Tv Smile

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That actually sounds like an amazing idea. Post the episodes, hmm?

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Glad you like it Smile In order for it to work, it'll need at least one moderator to focus solely on the section, maybe not solely but it would help! Just to keep things in check, good/great threads pinned etc... Especially threads that are constantly being updated, they'd have to be pinned right at the top, the more organised it is, the better it'd be ! Personally I don't have any episodes myself, but I can try and obtain em, no point in getting a random episode, it'd work best uploading entire series in chronological order gradually Smile It could be great !!

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Umm what if we have a mix master tourament we can make first time ever teams and first time matchs up and we all us dueling network or BYOND think about it it going to be so cool and fun to do

and this how we do it First you will need a few things:
3 or more people
Each of those people with 2 or more Internet Browsers
Each person with 1 account on DN with the deck they wish to duel with
Each person with 1 proxy account on DN with whatever

How it happens:

Well lets say we have 3 people which wishes to do a triple threat. Let's call them Player A, B, and C! Say hello to them!

Now to start it off, Player A and Player B will have a 1v1 duel on DN while Player C watches on his proxy account. Then on the second internet browser, Player C will duel the proxy account of Player A while the proxy account of Player B watches. Now the proxy of A will not play any cards because it is just standing in so any moves that it makes will be ignored.

How turn system works:
Now, you guys decide the turn order by using any method. One is listed below.

Method 1 of deciding order:

1. All players will enter their respective tables and ignore their first draw.(You may hold it in your hand until it is your turn.)
2. All players will roll a dice and the one with the highest number gets to decide the order.(If a case in which 2+ people get the same number and is the highest, then only they will re-roll the dice until only one person has the highest number)
Ex. A and B are at one table, while C and A's Proxy is at another table. A won the Rock-Paper-Scissors in both tables and has chosen to go first in both of them. A keeps the first draw and all players roll the dice. A gets a 1, B gets a 5, and C also gets a 5. Only B and C rolls the dice this time. B gets a 4, and C gets a 6. C will decide the order.

How to attack:
During everyone's first turn, only the last person who has a first turn may attack.
Ex. The turn order is A-> B-> C. Only C may attack on his/her first turn.

If Player A wishes to attack Player B, Player A may just use the battle phase function that is already in Duel Network to declare a attack on Player B.
Although if player A or B wishes to attack C, they will announce it in the chat. And if Player C wishes to attack Player A or B, he/she will announce it in the chat as well.

Monster control:
If Player A wishes to revive a monster in C's graveyard or take control of an opponent's monster or get a card from his opponent somehow, he/she will announce it and a token will be used to represent it. Just be sure to remember that the token is there to represent and the actual card is not where it was before.

If a player wishes to respond to a card or a attack, they should activate the card(if it is a face-down or card in hand) or PM to the player he/she is responding to(if the card is already on the field but if not face-down). Although if the player that is responding is on the same table as the one he/she is responding to, you can just type it in chat.
Note: Be sure to listen to the sound of the activation of card on DN to know of a chain. Waiting/Asking everyone if they have a response also helps.
Ex. Player A activates Heavy Storm, Player C activates Starlight Road.
Player A activates Creature Swap, Player C PM's Player A that he activates Dark Paladin's effect to negate the activation.

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yuma that will be too much for members to understand and to do. the tournament would be inactive. Also Duel Academy cannot support illegal actions because by the DN's Terms of Service you are not allowed to have multiple accounts.

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Yeah i got the idea but it is too hard so i think not many people will like this...

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