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Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

Amy Kool
7 posters

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]



How to know when the card targets and when not

Most of you are aware that some cards have effects that "target" cards and some simply don't do that. Seeing it with general logic, when the card has an effect that selects card(s), that would be "targeting" them. However, some cards select but do not target.

Trishula, The Dragon of the Ice Barrier.

Mind Control.

Creature Swap.

This Lesson's task is to explain effects of these 3 cards, do they target or not, then explain why. After that explain how can we know if some card targets or not, as simple as possible (complex answers will not be considered correct because if you can't explain something in a simple way, then you don't know it well enough).

Before you reply please read the rules of this section: http://www.duelacademy.net/t10756-classroom-rules-and-information

Last edited by Amy Cool on Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

creature swap doese not target becuase each player has to select their own monster on thier side of the field

mind control doese target becuase the player who activates it has to pick a monster on his opponets side of the field and thus the card targets

trishulsha, dragon of the ice barrier doese not target becuase you choose the cards when it's effect resolves

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

When card's text says "target", then the effect almost always targets. If the card's text says "select", or "designate" then the effect usually targets, although there are some exceptions.

Cards like "Darkhole", "Mirror Force", "Lightning Vortex" and "Torrential Tribute" do not target, because the player does not say which cards will be affected.

That means Trishula's effect doesnt target because It's effect can hit the hand and cards In the hand cant be targeted as well as because you chose the cards when the effect resolves.

Since mind control takes controll of a monster of your choice it does target.

With creature swap the monsters are chosen when the effect resolves, not when its activated so it doesnt target.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

You both have some good points but also you both did not explain the reasons for those 3 cards very well, in fact some of them are wrong. That all is because you both could not explain "targeting" in a simple way and just proved what I said: If you can't explain it in a simple way you don't know it well.

You are free to try more.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

if it says target in the card (or designate) it targets

also if it effects only one card it targets

mind control designates because you choose a card

trishla selects more than one card so it doesn't not target

Creature swap Does not target because you are not choosing the monster you receive
and it also effects more than one card

Last edited by SoulEater on Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

Mind control is a target because you chose a card.

Creature Swap doesnt let you pick the monster your opponent gives you so its not a target.

Trishula selects cards in the hand (and they cannot be targeted).

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

trishula doesnt really target, because you get to select a card only when there are more than one options (kinda like smashing ground), so is not targe but selecting, and the effect resolve after selecing the cards

mind control same reason as trishula, if ther is no more monster you dont even select

creature swap, you select the cards then effect resolve at the same time, so this too is selecting and not targeting

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

creature swap doese not target becuase monster that get swaped are chosen at resolution not when it activates and thus it doesent target

mind control doese target as you select a card when the card activates and you select the monster you get to take control of

trishulsha doese not target becuase You choose the cards to be removed from play when resolving the effect and you can't target cards in the hand

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

Let me provide you with a hint into getting to the right answer(s).

Try to define the term "targetting" before going over the actual effects of the cards you need to analyze.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

The answers are getting closer. Follow TDP's hint. Also read my first post and what is the whole task. Note that something you mentioned in your previous posts will not be included in next trials you make so please give complete answers when you do.

mimgrim is the closest one till now.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

if its ok im going copy my answer from my last post and then add definittion about targetting
creature swap doese not target becuase monster that get swaped are chosen at resolution not when it activates and thus it doesent target

mind control doese target as you select a card when the card activates and you select the monster you get to take control of

trishulsha doese not target becuase You choose the cards to be removed from play when resolving the effect and you can't target cards in the hand

the most basic way to tell if a card targets or not is to see if it has target in its text as if it doese then it doese target. cards that say select/disignate/chose target but their are exeptions to this. cards that target can only target one monster so card like dark hole do not target. equip spell cards always targets the monster it gets equiped to. most cards that target have the controler chose the target. you must declare the target before either player can chain to it. effects that automaticly chose what they are going to affect dont target but there are a few exceptions. and lastly when an effect targets it chooses at the time of activation the specifc card(s) that it will affect.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

The right answer is still waiting.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

because none f the three effect specify you to select a monster? another answer is because ruling say so, buif thats the answer am punching a tree >:C

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

Nope Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] 4144076462

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

trishula: it first select up to thre cards, then resolve, so it does not target

mind control: it does not state to target a card, just to take control of one monster your opponent control so no targeting

Creature swap: first you select card then the effec resolve, so the effect does not target

targettibg ae effect that resolve at the same time a monster is selected, so trishula and creature swap do not targe (not sure about mind control)

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

Trish - You chose at resolution (no target)

Mind - Choses a card at activation (target)

Creature- You chose at resolution. (no target)

If you choose a card at activation, the card targets. If you choose at resolution, it does not.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

trishula lets you banish 3 cards when its summoned. it doesnt target because you can use it when you dont have all 3 to choose from. mind control allows you to take an opponents monster until the end phase. it targets because if the monster were to leave the field you cant rechoose and it is wasted. creature swap lets both players choose 1 monster and swap them. it targets because again if the intended choice were to leave the field it resolves without effect. targeting is when a card chooses specific cards at activation for an effect.

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

SupremeKing's answer is the only correct one. Good job, 100 DP transferred to you.

I'll give a little more information about "Targeting" term.

"Targeting" in YGO is been defined as "selecting at the activation of an effect".

Now, we need to clarify the difference between "Targeting" and "Selecting" cards.

"Targeting" specifically hits cards on field, or in grave, while "Selecting" hits cards in hand, deck, extra, RFG, on field, in grave, in your Dorm Room (joke) etc.

"Targeting" can ONLY be done on activation, whereas "Selecting" can happen on activation, resolution, during pregnancy (joke no2)...

Lesson 1 is over, thank you all for participating,

SOLVED by SupremeKing

descriptionLesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing] EmptyRe: Lesson 1 [Solved: SupremeKing]

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