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descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyChaotic Rescue

Hi there DA,

Been a very long time since I posed a deck here for us all to discuss and develope, but the time is here for a new project deck:

Chaotic Rescue WJHosChaotic Rescue 2rch8

Some basic explanation as to how the deck functions:

- Rabbit and Tour Guide form the decks "engine"in the form of keeping it all together. The main goal is to get the bossmonsters Chaos Sorc and BLS out as fast as possible.

- Lavalval Chain is the key XYZ along with Leviair the Sea Dragon. They both co-exist in a way to keep on recycling Rabbit/TGU/CS/ BLS to the top of my deck or to summon it and get more buddies out.

- The onorthodox vanilla monsters are beaters. Rabbit targets, BLS targets, Cs targets and obviously Common Charity targets. The combination of these 9 vanilla may seem too much but I ensure you they are sometimes even too less... lol

So let me know what you think or how you think the deck would run better, side deck suggestions are also welcome though.

descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyRe: Chaotic Rescue

You need an allure

descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyRe: Chaotic Rescue

Personally, I think 6 vanillas would be enough (which also means taking Charity out), but if it works for you, then keep using 9.
Why only 2 Rabbits though? Is PoA working out well?

descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyRe: Chaotic Rescue

Evil_Bakura wrote:
Personally, I think 6 vanillas would be enough (which also means taking Charity out), but if it works for you, then keep using 9.
Why only 2 Rabbits though? Is PoA working out well?

I am using 6 lights and 3 darks to fully fill my 2 CS and BLS. Seeing I have 4 darks via TGU and sangan. Mking its kinda balanced out. Thats why im using 9 vanilla's at this point.

Te reason why I am only running 2 Rabbits is because of Gold Sarco, I mean i either open with a Rabbit or I open with Gold. Both ways I have my Rabbit seeing 50-50 on the Tour Guide play. I have tested 3 in the past, but came out negative for me. ( opening with 2 and stuff and drawing into "dead"vanilla's ).

POA; I have to say I have only got the chance to use it like 3 times and in those times POA was perfect. Recycled and didnt drew my vanilla's ( also returned Exceeds ) and was able to fire out Rabbits again. I have been thinking of replacing it with an Allure ( also to comment on you Kyo ) which I'm not fully sure about seeing Common removes the vanilla already and removing a TGU/Sangan or Cs is not really my preference.

descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyRe: Chaotic Rescue

I would shove in a glow-up bulb just for Sh*ts and giggles Razz
(Lavalval chain send it to the grave)

descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyRe: Chaotic Rescue

Bulb has been a thought along with one for one/foolish. Seeing Lavalval is better to be used to topdeck my TGU/CS/BLS and sometimes Veiler/Gorz.

But why would I add bulb, I mean the only possible true gain I see is if I do it with Cs, to make arcanite ( blow up some stuff ) and go into Scrap/Stardust Dragon. The play however is could and I do plus from it ( and with the CS>arcanite play ) I also re-fill my grave with a light and dark for a possible 2nd Cs or BLS. Which looks apealing.

On the other hand a Trish play could be done, and I would also gain 2 lights or darks in my grave, along with the usual Trish removal effect. But then again, having Bulb/One for one/Foolish at those times is unlikely due to the following;

Lavalval chain makes sure I top deck a monster that I wish to top deck ( TGU/CS/BLS/Veiler/Gorz mostly ) so in essence ( which is also the weakness of the deck ) once I open with a hand I will be kinda stuck with it due to the topdecking stuff done via lavalval. So in a way I would need to open with Bulb/One for One/Foolish to make it a rather consistent play. And that is something I do not see happening, but then again as we all know statistics mean nearly nothing in DN .. lol.

So I will test out the following changes:

-1x POA
-1x Common Charity

+ 1x Glow-up Bulb
+1x One for One ( become the discard outlet for a dead Vanilla, ergo the removal of 1 Common Charity )

descriptionChaotic Rescue EmptyRe: Chaotic Rescue

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