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descriptionThis Fire Burns EmptyThis Fire Burns


This is the deck that I used at Nationals this past weekend. Dropped due to bad draws all day, that didnt happen in testing. One of my friend Evan Vargas, came 1st in Swiss with his build, ill put his deck at the end of the topic. And *= cards im taking out.

3 Scrap Chimera
3 Scrap Beast
2 Scrap Goblin*
3 Reborn Tengu
3 Effect Veiler

3 Scrapstorm
2 Scrapyard
2 Pot Of Duality
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Mind Control
1 Scapegoat*
1 Book of Moon
1 Giant Trunade
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn

2 Solemn Warning
2 Horn Of The Phantom Beast
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Seven Tools Of The Bandit
1 Call Of The Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment

2 Cyber Dragon
2 King Tiger Wanghu
2 Puppet Plant
2 D.D Crow
2 Debunk
2 Dust Tornado
1 Nobleman Of Crossout
1 Closed Forest
1 Chain Disappearance

3 Scrap Dragon
2 Scrap Twin Dragon
1 Scrap Archfiend
1 Naturia Beast*
1 Naturia Barkion*
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ancient fairy Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon Of The Ice Barrier
1 Ally Of Justice Catastor
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

I pretty much built the deck to make sure that regardless if I went 1st or 2nd, I would have various outs that can wreck early setups in plants, Sams, etc. Hence the 3 effect veiler. I would have liked to main 1 Maxx c or Crow in place of 1 veiler, but I didnt have any Maxx Cs to test with until the the Saturday, due to their price increase, everyone was hoarding them, and Crow i preferred to side in.

I have never liked 2 Scrap Goblin. The only reason why I run 2, is beacuase I couldnt think of anything else to replace the inconsistent cards I took out like Orthros and Golem with. I was thinking of maining thunder King, like what Evan did in his build, but I sold my last one, and didnt have time to test it. Same thing with Scapegoat, I wouldve ran Trishula, and Colossal in place of the Naturia Syncros but I sold my trish, couldnt borrow another so i just went with this. I sided out Goat in a lot of matchups so yea.

I was originally running 3 Horn, but i took one out for testing, in place of Torrential, because of the low monster count I have. Plus its amazing Vs bad players who overextend mindlessly. In the morning, I planned to take out something for the 3rd horn but I misplaced it, and couldnt find another one in time.

2 Duality Was pretty much essential due to the low monster count to increase consistency, which worked pretty well

I was also thinking of testing out Gorz, but I didnt see much of a need for it because of Fiendish Chain, and once you get Scrap Dragon out, its dead alot, but i miscalculated on how much trunade could wreck me, which it did it testing, but usually I recover with Veiler. Regardless, I wouldve like to ran gorz, but It hardly crossed my mind.

The side deck was pretty much geared towards plants, since like 51% of the venue ran it. I didnt want to run Cyber Dragon, but I really didnt feel like struggling against rogue matchups because of not running it.

And heres Evans deck went 10-0 in Swiss, then lost in top 64 to machina in time. I personally like his build a lot:

descriptionThis Fire Burns EmptyRe: This Fire Burns

why no decrees ?? it pretty much shuts down the backrow so u can safely go Scrap dragon and pop it when u need to

descriptionThis Fire Burns EmptyRe: This Fire Burns

Because as time went by, decree usage went down because of more important things to work on. Majority of Scrap players now, want to make sure, they can do other things than going into Scrap Dragon, because that eventually gets too linear, and easy to read. At most id side it, but there was no need. Especially with various traps that make or break certain matchups. Overall decree is not that good, especially against the better players.

Also, with cards like veiler and crow, seeing so much usage, especially last weekend, it became harder and harder to get Scrap Dragon on the field, and in that case Decree would screw me over more than it would help.

Like i said good against bad players. Not so much against people who knew what they were doing.

descriptionThis Fire Burns EmptyRe: This Fire Burns

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