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descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyFix my 3.5 Fire Fist

With Qliphort becoming Weak, and Spirit being freed from the Banlist, i thought it would be a good idea for me to start playing Firefists.

Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist 0I5WANk

    I don't know specifically what is what, so i need your help, i've played good with this deck, beating       Gishki's, Shaddolls, Burning Abyss Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist 1151057309, and i even had a fair square match-up with Nekroz (without shit draw, and bricks, i won 2-1). 
     This deck does have potential imo. Although somepeople say it sucks, i still wanna play it. But i'll need your help to make it better.

Last edited by CrimzonSlayeRx on Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Quick question,

How are you summoning michael the lightsworn warrior without any light monsters? Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist 3974120512

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

oh shit Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist 3974120512, My mistake, i just needed a good lvl 7 synchro. didn't even look at that. 

Well gonna take that out now

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Black dragon will fill the spot.

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Guess you guys never played Fire fists before. Spirit has restriction which states that it can only synchro summon beast warriors.The other Fire fist tuner - boar has the restriction to summon only fire monsters so basically with spirit you can only synchro summon Vulcan and Horse from the useful synchros; with boar you can synchro for Crimson Blader and Black rose.

Anyways to fix the deck I actually run this deck irl and will play it April -> till next banlist. I don't really want you to copy my build so I will only point out which cards I wouldn't put in the deck.

First is raven.Raven seems like a cool card because it is a level 3 fire fist meaning you can synchro with it and spirit for horse which will trigger its effect but if you do this Horse prince will miss timing because his effect states When you can.The other thing that might want you to keep him is his fire formation protection effect but really you would never want him to stay on the board.He will slow down the deck and will force you to do "set raven pass turn" moves.3 leopards and 3 roosters are enough targets for spirit (spirit can target spirit for a rank 3 play too).

Wolfbark. You have 4 targets for wolfbark (one of which is wolfbark himself) and the only thing you can do with him is a quick rank 4.If you need more rank 4 plays add 3rd bear 2nd gorilla and 3 tensus are staple in 3.5 axis.Fire fist Dragon is better than Wolfbark in 3.5 because it sets free trap, can summon any monster from grave (if you summon rooster you get a search) highest level 4 firefist attack and searchable by tenki and rooster.

Dat fireking tech. This card seems good too but just like raven is not needed at all.You might think that you will dodge traps with it or monster effects but the truth is that if you use it on the enemy turn whatever you bring from the grave wont be good enough. The only use is to otk by swapping 2 monsters in the bp or when you have 2 fire fists with different levels on field to make an xyz or synchro play.If you draw it in the early stage of the game its probably useless.

You should adjust the trap lineup according to the new banlist maybe add ring of destruction. Ragna zero will be the go to card in mirror match, Draco is always ok since you will have a face-up formation all the time (unless your opponent blows up your field).

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

WOW thanks very much!, 
oh and lets talk about that *not posting your decklist again*

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Well instead of posting my firefists I am trying to help you fix yours. Is that a better way of telling " I am not going to post my build". 

I think that deckbuilding should be about ideas not about "lets see what is everybody else playing" so lets work on your idea.

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

iight, i followed your first advise, and got me down to this, https://i.imgur.com/nKD2Mf1.png

This is what i beat Nekroz with 2-1. 

Bear was pretty OK, i can get used to running 3, it got rid of Trish., and decisive, when i wanted to OTK.

3 tensu was also VERY helpful, wat i did most when i was out of options was: normal bear, activate tenki, normal spirit, do the spirit/rooster loop, release tenki, destroy that tough monster on opponent's field, and then RAM into it.

Ring of Destruction was a LIFE SAVER, i'm gonna have to live with the fact that it deals damage to me too. 

i never drew my trap cards tho, except for ring of Destruction, so i'm thinking of going back to 3 Upstart.

wat do you think? decent? or trash?

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

it's a shame how you don't even know the basics of this deck yet

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Gremlin wrote:
it's a shame how you don't even know the basics of this deck yet

I kinds already know how to Play the deck

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Well seems better since bear is answer to many things like djinn lock and allows you to push for game + extra target for wolfbark or just get a free search -> tenki or tensu to combo after that.I'd put gyokou at 1 and maybe side one when you know you are playing against something like sattellars who set 4 and pass because if you search gyokou with bear/rooster it first becomes set and if the opponent has a chainable trap he will use it before you flip it.Also if the opponent doesn't have a facedown spell/trap you cant activate it so it can be dead and you are running 3 mst so yeah.I would add one tensen just because you can always do the horse prince combo and set a tensen then next turn flip it and change it to tenki.Also that 1000 attack is big when pushing for game and it is also a formation to use your firefist effects with.I would probably remove d prisons because firefists have really high attack with all the formations active and the fact that you can always have tensen when you summoned roosters makes me wanna focus on traps that stop the opponent from using effects like fiendish/breakthrough and the traps that stop the summon of a troublesome monster like bottomless , solemn w and ring of destruction.In the extra deck I would probably swap in that ragna zero for the bounzer really bounzer negates from the field and doesnt destroy and its once per turn which versus the decks right now is probably good only against monsters who bring other monsters (sattellars,yosenjus,fire fist spirit etc).Also because of horse prince eff you cant summon 2 horse prince in one turn which means that your board survived and you should probably push for game.

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Currently fixing according to your advise, Thanks, Now i need help with side deck

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

Erm sidedeck yeah you can run double light and tripple shadow impris mirrors (light is just against sattellars,hieratic,random lightsworns or bujins and 3 shadow because BA and Shaddolls will be played a lot april).Denkko sekka is not an option because you need to set from deck instead you can put in Rai-oh which will block your searches but might do more damage to a nekroz player.Imperial iron wall can deal with cards like macro/dfis/dark law who are problematic for the deck since you need spirit/wolfbark targets in grave.Also you can't activate bear/gorilla if there is a macro or dark law on the field.Nekroz cant banish ritual spells from grave and cant drop valk when you have imperial iron wall.Maxx c is not a bad card to side either,alternative is shared ride.Against rogue decks that are trap heavy you might want to add something like trap stun or if you know that the enemy has a lot of floodgates/pendulums -> twisters.

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

WondeRy wrote:
First is raven.Raven seems like a cool card because it is a level 3 fire fist meaning you can synchro with it and spirit for horse which will trigger its effect but if you do this Horse prince will miss timing because his effect states When you can.The other thing that might want you to keep him is his fire formation protection effect but really you would never want him to stay on the board.He will slow down the deck and will force you to do "set raven pass turn" moves.

BFF - Raven is good with Onslaught of the Fire Kings for an End Phase search for Tenki/Tensu.
But yeah, not worth playing.

descriptionFix my 3.5 Fire Fist EmptyRe: Fix my 3.5 Fire Fist

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