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descriptionBurns Like Chinese EmptyBurns Like Chinese

Used this in my box tournys this this week, did pretty well, with the exception of a few misplays, but i got good practice in. My worst matchup is still GKs because of Necrovalley: slows me down a lot and i need to get closed forests but sadly i cant find any:

3 Scrap Chimera
3 Scrap Beast
2 Scrap Goblin
1 Scrap Golem
1 Sangan
2 Effect Veiler
2 Legendary Jujitsu Master
1 Summoner Monk
1 Spirit Reaper

3 Scrapstorm
2 Scrapyard
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Mind Control
1 Pot Of Duality
1 Scapegoat
1 Book Of Moon
1 Giant Trunade
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn

2 Solemn Warning
2 Seven Tools of the bandit
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Dust Tornado
1 Call Of The Haunted
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute

3 Scrap Dragon
2 Scrap Twin Dragon
1 Scrap Archfiend
1 Naturia Beast
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Naturia Landoise
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ally Of Justice Catastor
1 Brionac, Dragon Of The Ice Barrier
1 Gaia Knight, The Force Of Earth
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2 Cyber Dragon
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Puppet Plant
2 Gozen Match
2 Chain Disappearance
1 Mind Crush
1 Nobleman Of Crossout
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Mind Crush
1 Gorz, Emissary Of Darkness

Juju is better than spy hands down. Its based on what this Scrap player did at a regional at Southern Florida and topped with it. It doesnt give a +1 for you, but it stops Shi en early in the sam matchup, slows down the tempo on ur opp against the fastest decks in the format, makes it easy to get Barkion, and Landoise onto the field, and no one expects it. I am also going to try Reborn Tengu and Of course Scrap Orthros in May when they come out.

I need closed forests to make the GK matchup a bit easier, so if anyone has any PM me. For now I put in a gorz and a 2nd gozen to replace them for now. And i bumped chain diss to 1 in the side. Also starting maining 2 seven tools instead of 1, to make it easier to execute plays game 1

Also, I do not play Trishula because other than Scrap Twin, the deck doesnt make any level 9s, and i dont feel like paying for it at the moment, when i need the money for other things. If anyone wants to drop $50 on Trish for me, go ahead lol.

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descriptionBurns Like Chinese EmptyRe: Burns Like Chinese

Nice build, how is Jujitsu and Sangan testing for you, also i would main a second Dust Tornado. Hmmm isn't Trap Stun a bit better then Seven Tools cuz you just play Trap Stun, make a big Scrap Dragon play and own from there?

BTW music is pro XD

descriptionBurns Like Chinese EmptyRe: Burns Like Chinese

Train Hardnett wrote:
Nice build, how is Jujitsu and Sangan testing for you, also i would main a second Dust Tornado. Hmmm isn't Trap Stun a bit better then Seven Tools cuz you just play Trap Stun, make a big Scrap Dragon play and own from there?

BTW music is pro XD

The Sangan engine is amazing: Being able to grab veiler whenever I want, helps me control the game a lot easier. Also getting an early summoner monk isnt bad either.

Jujitsu is also amazing, as it slows down everything, especially Six Sams early game. And being able to go into Barkion and Landoise easier as an added bonus

I always say im going to play a 2nd Dust but i always forget. Dont really have a need for it other than game 2, but since i dont have any Closed Forests yet, im gonna have to play it

In theory Trap Stun would be better, its just that I like to bait out their warnings and oppressions to make the game go faster. And no one is going to be that foolish to solemn a Scrap Dragon unless they have much bigger beaters on the field. At least wth 2 seven tools I can play more mind games and make them waste resources rather than preemptively activating Trap Stun and they have their full field still next turn

descriptionBurns Like Chinese EmptyRe: Burns Like Chinese

ok so to me ur playstyle seem a bit too defensive and not aggressive enough so here's what i think

-1 tools
-1 Sangan

+1 Breaker(really good s/t hater, possible arcanite fodder if u choose)
+1 Rageki Break/ PWWB (unexpected yet pro card with scraps)

also u should consider decrees in ur side for those trap heavy decks like BW, LB, GK etc, also with scrap dragon u can destroy it when u like without much affecting ur gameplay

descriptionBurns Like Chinese EmptyRe: Burns Like Chinese

BliTz wrote:
ok so to me ur playstyle seem a bit too defensive and not aggressive enough so here's what i think

-1 tools
-1 Sangan

+1 Breaker(really good s/t hater, possible arcanite fodder if u choose)
+1 Rageki Break/ PWWB (unexpected yet pro card with scraps)

also u should consider decrees in ur side for those trap heavy decks like BW, LB, GK etc, also with scrap dragon u can destroy it when u like without much affecting ur gameplay

You have to play defensive in this format with Scraps because the deck cannot compete in this OTK based format if you dont, cause virtually everything is faster. As I've said multiple times, the sangan engine is too good to take out because of that, that and it lets you control the tempo of the game by fetching veiler whenever you want. Once you sit on that, your opponent has to waste some resources. Its the same thing with tools, which is why i bumped it too 2, cause the format calls for it.

Breaker is ok, but there are better things to have out, and better ways to waste resoucres for your opp. And half the time, there are better things to go into aside from Arcanite, which was why the GK Spies were too slow. And Raigeki break will be dead half the time cause the only time you have fodder for anything is for a summoner monk play

Heres why we no longer need Decrees: the BW player base has gone down, Scraps are faster, and book as at 1. Gbs are a rogue deck, where all you have to do is play better than them. And royal decree does nothing on GK, especially when they still have NEcrovalley on the field. Ill pretty much have 2 dead side deck cards just sitting there in over half of my matchups. Which you cant afford to do this format.

descriptionBurns Like Chinese EmptyRe: Burns Like Chinese

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