Hey Guys,

I'm doing a tournament with my friend's on Saturday and I wanted to see what help I could get with my deck. It's pretty solid and I've always been able to pull off a win, but with everybody else working on their decks I wanted to make sure I can keep my streak going.

For those of you who've watched the anime, remember how the main character usually only has one of each card in his deck? Conventional wisdom says that having multiple copies of a card works better, but because it's the anime, they've always been able to pull it off. It also got us thinking - what if we installed a one-card limit? So that's what we did. We unbanned everything and then limited them all to 1 card.

And it's a whole new world of deckbuilding.

Building the Deck

The Benevolent

I decided that alternate strategies would work best - you have so much more room when you're only playing one of each card, so when I first had this built I was like, okay, I have about 13 more slots to fill and I don't have any more support for what I already have.

At first, I decided to play Lightsworn, as every Lightsworn I dumped would be a name for JD. However, I soon realized that with only 1 JD, I'd have a much harder time summoning him (especially considering I could only have 1 Beckoning Light). I looked at all the Lightsworns that I had -

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I immediately decided that Rinyan and Jenis were crap. With only a few Lightsworn monsters, I decided that Garoth wasn't all that great either. That left me with seven, plus JD. Six other names meant that Shire could only get to 2200 Atk, and while that's nice, it wasn't very likely to happen, so I dropped her. I dropped Gragonith for the same reasons. I decided that I'd put one of them in reserve for later. So my deck, so far, looked like the following:
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With that done, I decided to head to the other imfamous boss monster I had in my collection - Dark Armed Dragon.

The Malevolent

The Dark Monster lineup was more difficult to come up with - it seemed like I had all of these good things, but nothing would actually work. Eventually, I made myself a list like thus:
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Marie was there just because she was what I had, and the 200 LP per turn could be helpful late in the game when I'm low on LP and need to spare some for JD's effect. Problem was, she didn't work very well with DAD.

Witch of the Black Forest was great at searching out DAD - or really any of the Lightsworns, too, so she was a keeper. Gale and Krebons each provided Synchro Support, so I decided to keep them as well.

For now, I dropped Damage Eater and Dark Hunter and kept the others, so my decklist looked as follows:
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I now had 14 monster cards in my deck. I remembered the rules we were playing by and promptly added the two Special Summonable Chaos Monsters - Chaos Emperor Dragon and Black Luster Soldier. I also added in Honest (for obvious reasons), Card Trooper (to help speed up the deck and mill stuff for JD and DAD), and a favorite of mine, Fabled Soulkius. See, our rules also stated that you had to include a favorite monster. Soulkius has gotten me out of more jams than I can possibly remember (Remember field wipes before Gorz? Yeah, those jams. Some of us don't own a Gorz.) and he was easily my favorite card, so my our rules I had to add him.

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That left me with 19 monsters. That meant I had 21 more spaces to fill.

I needed another plan.

The Divine
I bought the Lost Sanctuary Structure deck for a couple of reasons (1) Solemn Judgment, and (2) Burial From a Different Dimension. Kids like me who don't have a lot of money to spend on Yugioh need to budget carefully. I figured that the rest would be useful somehow (Consecrated Light, Hanewatta, another Honest, The Sanctuary in the Sky, Athena, etc). However, I wanted to see the potential of Master Hyperion.

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Right away, I decided that Mercury was absolute crap. I also decided that Venus was basically useless besides being an Agent monster. I stuck in Zeradias, Herald of Heaven to add an extra Light Fairy. I also decided on using Shire (I know, but I don't own a Celestia) to add another Fairy to the mix. I also added Night Assailant so I could recycle Ryko using Soulkius's effect. So now, my deck looked like the following:
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Now that I had a basic Monster Lineup, I decided to work on Spells and Traps.

The Spells

For the purposes of organization, spells and traps will just be referred to as spells. I decided to put very few traps in the deck because this was looking to be a pretty fast deck and I didn't want to slow it down much. Here are the spells that were basically guaranteed a placement in my deck:
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I had 38 cards, so I threw in Heavy Storm and Dimension Fusion. That put me up to 26 Monsters, 12 Spells, and 2 Traps.

Playing the Deck
As I'm sure you know, things rarely work out the way we want them to.

For starters, I had too many high-level monsters, so I dropped Jinzo (it was a tough decision, but I also decided that I had enough Spell/Trap control, save for random the Bottomless...but that's why I had Burial and Dimension Fusion and Monster Reincarnation). I also decided that my dark monsters weren't working very well, so I swapped them for Necroface, D.D. Scout Plane, and Damage Eater.

With so many cards being removed from play and with having some difficulty pulling off the Saturn OTK, I added in Soul Absorption for massive LP gain with pretty much every monster. I took out Heavy Storm.

My final decision was to remove Night Assailant and replace him with Mirror Force, which seems to work very well. I mostly used him to defend my life points with anyway, so I decided Mirror Force was much better at the job.

My main ways of winning became as thus -
1. Painful Choice - If I drew Painful Choice on my first turn, I would use it and select Fabled Soulkius, Wulf, Damage Eater, Shire, and some Agent Monster, the logic being that either way, I got at least one monster on the field. From there, since I usually had at least one of my boss monsters in hand, I would proceed to summon it (obviously, I would select four non-Wulf Lightsworn monsters and Soulkius for JD). Usually I could summon at least four monsters on the first turn, and one of them was usually Hyperion or DAD, so I could clear the field and FTKO.

2. Saturn/Mars - Once I removed Necroface with Soul Absorption on the field and claimed my 5500 Life Points, it was easy to either attack with Mars or tribute Saturn for the win.

3.Dimension Fusion - This could work a couple of ways. The first would be to summon JD, wipe the field, and then swarm the field with Dimension Fusion. The second (which was much more shocking) was to summon Chaos Emperor Dragon, use Dimension Fusion to flood the field (this worked especially well if they had their own cards removed from play) and then use CED's effect. I always make it a point to remove Witch of the Black Forest from play so I can use her effect again using this method, if need be.

4. Swarming - I could usually overpower my opponents. Remember when we used to summon Twin Headed Thunder Dragon left and right because he was so easy to get out? That's kind of how this is - I bring out Black Luster Soldier, CED, DAD or Hyperion and overwhelm the opponent. JD usually takes a little more effort to bring out, and he's usually sitting towards the bottom of my deck. But I summon Lumina, discard Soulkius to summon Wulf, summon Soulkius, bringing the Dark monster count in my graveyard to 3, summon DAD, remove one dark and one light to summon Black Luster Solider. Game over.

5. Life Points - With the Soul Absorption/Necroface engine, it's really easy to gain a lot of LP, especially when Burial From a Different Dimension is factored in. Or, I can then resummon Necroface (Monster Reincarnation and Pot of Avarice put him back in the hand, in case you forgot) easily have a 2500+ beatstick.

The Deck
Monsters - 25
Judgment Dragon
Black Luster Solider - Envoy of the Beginning
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Dark Armed Dragon
Master Hyperion
The Agent of Judgment - Saturn
Fabled Soulkius
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter
Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Witch of the Black Forest
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
D.D. Scout Plane
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
Card Trooper
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Damage Eater
The Agent of Force - Mars

Spells - 12
Pot of Greed
Graceful Charity
Painful Choice
Monster Reincarnation
Pot of Avarice
Charge of the Light Brigade
Solar Recharge
The Sanctuary in the Sky
Allure of Darkness
Soul Absorption
Burial From a Different Dimension
Dimension Fusion

Traps - 3
Beckoning Light
Solemn Judgment
Mirror Force

I was thinking about teching D.D. Crow, Cyber Valley, or even Cyber Jar, but I think this is my best bet.

For those of you wondering about the lack of Side Decks, we decided not to use them. Your 40 card deck is as prepared as you get.

If I manage to get my hands on them, then use, I'll swap Shire for Celestia and Jain for Ehren. I'll find room for Gorz or Tualatin and Necro Gardna, Plaguespeader Zombie,etc. But I don't have them, so I can't do that.

Thanks for reading. Remember, this is real life, just for fun. I am not going to buy new cards, so if you have a suggestion with a card I don't have, then sorry, I can't take it.