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descriptionNaturia Rate/Fix? EmptyNaturia Rate/Fix?

My Naturia Deck on Dueling Network. Please rate/fix and let me know how it is.

22 Monsters

Naturia Bamboo Shoot x3
Naturia Cliff x3
Naturia Cherry x3
Naturia Cosmobeet x2
Naturia Pumpkin x3
Cactus Bouncer x1
Lonefire Blossom x2
Dandylion x1
Tytannial, Princess Of Camellias x1
Naturia Mantis x1
Naturia Rosewhip x1
Naturia Hydrangea x1

8 Spells

Naturia Forest x1
MST x2
Monster Reborn x1
Leodrake's Mane x1
Swords Of Revealing Light x1
Lightning Vortex x1
Pot of Duality x1

12 Traps

Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Magic Cylinder x1
Dimensional Prison x2
Mirror Force x 1
Pollinosis x2
Royal Oppression x1
Divine Wrath x2
Wall Of Thorns x1

Side Deck

Smashing Ground x1
Dust Tornado x1
Anti-Spell Fragrance x1
Naturia Pineapple x2
Naturia Stag Beetle x3
Ceasefire x1
Threatening Roar x1
Naturia Antjaw x1
Ultimate Offering x2
Pot Of Avarice x2

Extra Deck

Stardust Dragon x2
Black Rose Dragon x1
Naturia Barkion x2
Naturia Leodrake x1
Naturia Beast x2
Brionac x1
Scrap Archfiend x1
Trishula x1
Naturia Landoise x2
Red Dragon Archfiend x2

Thanks. (:

descriptionNaturia Rate/Fix? EmptyRe: Naturia Rate/Fix?

Things to take out (23):
Naturia Cosmobeet x2
Naturia Pumpkin x3
Cactus Bouncer x1
Lonefire Blossom x2
Dandylion x1
Tytannial, Princess Of Camellias x1
Naturia Mantis x1
Naturia Rosewhip x1
Naturia Hydrangea x1

Naturia Forest x1
Leodrake's Mane x1
Swords Of Revealing Light x1
Lightning Vortex x1

Pollinosis x2
Wall of Thorns x1
Devine Wrath x1
Magic Cylinder x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Things to add(21):
Effect veiler x2
Medusa Worm x1
Des Lacooda x2
Pot of Duality x2
Naturia Butterfly x2
Giant Trunade x1
Fiendish Chain x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x2
Dark Hole x1
Seven Tools x1

Comments: Naturia needs more traps to counter opponent's moves. Otherwise, they will be destroyed. What you have to do is summon bambooshoot and stun your opponent's spell and trap support. However, monster effects are still allowed so you will have to use cards such as effect veiler and fiendish chain to negate them.
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