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descriptionNaturia w.i.p EmptyNaturia w.i.p

Naturia w.i.p CyyebT3

 I need help here. I'm trying to go for a Naturia lock build of sorts and I think I got some cards right but I don't know the skeleton of this deck. Can anyone help here? Mind you, I want to build a lock variant and nothing else (unless someone can full on persuade me to do another naturia build; and by persuade I mean clean facts as to why I should do another build).

Decklist available upon request...

descriptionNaturia w.i.p EmptyRe: Naturia w.i.p

Why Ultimate Offering?  Just curious.
Put TK in Main > Cosmobeet.

descriptionNaturia w.i.p EmptyRe: Naturia w.i.p

Gods... back in my days Ultimate Offering was worded so bad, any player could use it... talk about backfire.

How about Inferno Reckless Summon or Super Solar Nutrient? You can bet no one would expect those.

descriptionNaturia w.i.p EmptyRe: Naturia w.i.p

Naturia w.i.p NyvhUMf

Here it is with the recent changes I made. I may try the super solar nutrient idea though, not too sure about the reckless summon though cause I don't like giving my opponent free monsters but I'll think about it...

 Edit: and I remember back then too, I would get confused wen my opponent would try and use it. I'd be like, "what are you doing? that's my offering..."

descriptionNaturia w.i.p EmptyRe: Naturia w.i.p

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