Duel Academy
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Inactive members

Kira Amadeus
Jin Kazama
9 posters

descriptionInactive members EmptyInactive members

I think we should expulse from the DA the extremly inactive members and errase they rooms

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

So basically you want a mass wipe out like BC and DK. It would be better to have 20 active members than to have 50 inactive members. I get what you are saying, I think that is something that could work. Hope it works out good for you.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

well DK had some problems with this massive wipe out .
it takes time, precious time. We could use it in better ways like making them active again :D,

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

DK didn't have any problems with it. It actually got people to come back.

Oh, and someone tell me what rank I am, please. I lost the forum site in the shuffle of moving to a new place and having to buy a new computer.

Last I checked, I was Article Team Leader, but no one was interested.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Aster- U r Article Team Leader... We have new members so just make DA remember that u r the leader of articles and start the application process

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Assassin wrote:
Aster- U r Article Team Leader... We have new members so just make DA remember that u r the leader of articles and start the application process

Assassin, I need my Mod powers back. I have maybe 1 of the 20 or so I used to have.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

i'd like the inactive members to be deleted especially the ones that didn't joined in the last 3 months

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Why not send out a newsletter before you do it?

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Question by sending out a newsletter that woudl entail what? this may not be the place to post, but it was on the topic so why not here?

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Everyone would receive the newsletter and it would basically say what's going on the site and inviting people back. That way, if they -do- want to participate they can do so, and if they don't then they just have to delete the message.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Good idea...
Lets see and hope if it works

News letter wrote:


The duel academy created by Evil Jaden has been undergoing many changes.
Evil Jaden has given his leadership to Dark Master and Assassin who have chosen Jaden Yuki to help them. Reborn Shadow is also still with them.

The moderators and dorm leaders have been changed and new testers are coming up.
New skin, widgets, topics and members has made the academy a really active one.

If you are interested to be a part of this active academy visit the link provided above and help us to become more active

How is it? Should i mail it to all inactive members?

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

good yes you should email it

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

nice sletter assassin :D
ok buddy send it and let's see what would happen

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Do what DK did and youll end up failing like DK did.
Dont erase any members.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

DK hasn't 'failed' by any standards. The simple fact that we know how many people are actually active is a major bonus. DK is still fairly active, end of story.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

I like the letter. Sweet, simple, and to the point. Hopefully it brings people back to DA.

But, i own an academy and sometimes i think its not that people became inactive because of forgetting about site, but more so growing out of yugioh. Who knows? Just something i came up with.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Mail sent to all who have not visited the forum since the past 5 days...

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

well i helped in something to make DA better Smile
but i will sent it to the members that arent online since a month or 15 days
i think that 5 days is a little exagerate

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

Well you may ask yourself first why members arent inactive? sure cuz of late updates,well just when some while bathes(or passes?) make updates and new stuff which can interest the members ,if it get the interest sure members gonna keep active.

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

L-Einstein is Right We Should Have More Activities Like Tournaments etc.. :D:D

O yeah and the KeyKeeping Game ll Be Great Smile

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members

topic closed

descriptionInactive members EmptyRe: Inactive members


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