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descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyHelp in my Random Monarch Deck.


OK I just started playing again after a year xD so please help me out on how to make my deck better.

Monsters: 20
Dark Armed Dragon x1
Caius The Shadow Monarch x3
Raiza The Storm Monarch x2
Mobius The Frost Monarch x1
Plague Spreader Zombie x1
Destiny Hero Malicious x2
Tree Born Frog x1
Level Eater x1
Gorz The Emissary of Darkness x1
Dandylion x2
Spirit Reaper x1
Marshmallon x1
Cyber Dragon x1
Blackwing Gale Whirlwind x1
Sangan x1

Spells: 11
Smashing Ground x1
Soul Exchange x1
Enemy Controller x1
One for One x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Giant Trunade x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mind Control x1
Dark Hole x1
Pot Duality x1
Foolish Burial x1

Traps: 9
Solemn Judgment x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Traphole x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Mirror Force x1
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x1

Dark End Dragon x2
Stardust Dragon x2
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Brionac x1
Black rose Dragon x1
Magical Andriod x1
Colossal Warrior x1
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Armory Arm x2
Light End Dragon x1
Flamvell Urquiaz x1

Wacha Think about it? please help on how to make this deck better thanks.

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

its really good considering its a monarch deck..

but maybe u need some protection from dangerous traps but not really a serious problem..

all in all 8/10

and +dark bribe (this is just advice, fine if not considered)

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

Now that I look at it I guess I need 1 or 2 more protection cards
I am thinking of adding my body as a shield and take out Soul Exchange.

XD anyone wanna help me fix this because I don't want to go over 40.

Should I just make a perfect circle monarch?

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

there are many monarch decks a favorite of mine is inmato..

its actually your choice about changing it to full circle... also full circle monarch are not tht great anymore cuz of diskcommander

but as i said you only need minor changes not big ones and your deck looks fine... all you need (ithink) is the experience to use that deck so tht you can find the right/best cards for it...

well enough for the speech..

since there are a combination of normal summon and synchro summon you only need protection cards as what i said... always summon stardust its your defense too..

you also forgot an important protector:

light and darkness dragon (with all the tributes hell not be hard to summon and if he dies he summons a monster from grave to tribute..)
then comes..

swords of revealing light so tht u can create an army safely...

sorry but i dont have time to fix it with y0u i have a lot of studying to do so thts it i guess...

hope it helps...

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

swords of concealing light are also not to bad.

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

OoOo LaDD NICE!!!. I will definitely add it in. Thank you so much S.P.I .
(Checking out Inmato Monarch now xD)

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

I have been looking online for a Good combination/Hybrid deck with Monarchs and a Genex Monarch Deck caught my attention so I tried to make one and I came up with this. Be nice on your criticism.

Genex Monarch Deck

Tree Born Frog x2
Genex Controller x2
Caius x3
Raiza x3
Thestalos x 1
Genex Undine x3
LaDD x 1
Jinzo x1
Gorz x1
PSZ x1
Battlefader x2
Tragodia x1
Level Eater x1
Genex Ally Bird x1
Mobius or Dark Armed Dragon x1

Brain Controller x3
Creature Swap x3
Soul Exchange x2
Allure of darkness x1
Mystical space typhoon x1
Mind Control x1
Monster Reborn x1

Spiritual Water x3
Trap Dustshoot x1

Extra Deck:
Locomotion R-Genex
Mist Wurm
Dark End Dragon
Hydro Genex
Stardust Dragon
Magical Android
Black Rose Dragon

Cards I am trying to consider into the deck are Giant Trunade, My Body as a Shield, Nobleman Crossout or Exterminition, Solemn Judgment, Solemn Warning, One for one.

descriptionHelp in my Random Monarch Deck. EmptyRe: Help in my Random Monarch Deck.

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