hi, i'm not that fan of Decks that have related cards effects so i tried to build this random deck, tell me what u think about it, i actually won many duels with it, and lost as well :p

2x skilled dark magician
3x disciple of the forbidden spell
3x gene-warped warwolf
2x ryko
1x D.D. assilant
1x chiron the mage
1x goblin attack force
1x indomitable fighter lei lei
1x alector, sovereign of birds
1x caius the shaddow monarch
1x Mobius the frost monarch
1x jinzo
1x zaborg the thunder monarch
1x kuraz the light monarch
1x bitelon
1x Gorz the emmissary of darkness
1x beast king barbaros
1x gilford the lightning
1x elemental hero bladedge

Trap cards:
2x sakuretsu armor
2x bottmless trap hole
1x mirror force
1x call of the haunted
1x scrap iron scarecrow
1x trap jammer
1x Raigeki break

Magic cards:
2x mystical space typhoon
1x monster reborn
1x monster reincarnation
1x swords of revealing light
2x pot of avarice
1x ennemy controller
1x dark hole
1x united we stand