Okay, this desk si for anyone who wants to submit their fan made deck into the Yugioh wars series. When you enter it in please make sure it finish and you edit whatever needs to be edited is preferred. You got a lot of time to do this. Please make sure that sure that it doesn't have a level four monsters that it's effect is like when it summon destroy all of your opponent monsters or you win the duel etc. You can make it powerful but no super awesome no matter what you do I will always win type of deck. No, Zoo is not a good example of it. Yes, the deck is powerful but it not unbeatable after all that deck is weak against chain burn more so than other decks. If you want to use an instant win card effect make it conditional like that one gimmick puppet card or like Zodiac.
I want you to post the main monsters (pendulums go in this spot as well), spells, traps, extra deck monsters) All giving a brief description of what they do is also nice. If you have any lewd in the pictures as long as no nudity is shown that fine. No swear words in the cards at all. That basically it. If you need to find this just look int eh fan fiction topics. I will try to comment on this so people can see it.
This helps me out giving decks to other characters that will be added in and if you want it to be used by a hero or villain just state so. if I can't use it can't be used for a villain or because it already field i will make it go tot the other one. I do not know how many characters I will have that si good or bad that would need decks but i will mention it later on and edit it onto here.
I want you to post the main monsters (pendulums go in this spot as well), spells, traps, extra deck monsters) All giving a brief description of what they do is also nice. If you have any lewd in the pictures as long as no nudity is shown that fine. No swear words in the cards at all. That basically it. If you need to find this just look int eh fan fiction topics. I will try to comment on this so people can see it.
This helps me out giving decks to other characters that will be added in and if you want it to be used by a hero or villain just state so. if I can't use it can't be used for a villain or because it already field i will make it go tot the other one. I do not know how many characters I will have that si good or bad that would need decks but i will mention it later on and edit it onto here.