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description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene Empty[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Dueling Network Forums no longer has a Team War section for obvious reasons so if DA decides to make a war scene it is going to be the only one having one. There are ideas that are original to DA on how wars can be done, I could not find them but I know people did brainstorm them in the chat one day when we wanted to host a war event on DA. Teams could be consisted out of 3 people as now DA does not have enough people.

A cool system we could use for rating and leuage organisation is that used for Football, all you have to do is replace goals for numbers of duels won and lost. We could also hand out achievements to people who achieve something in war season, like having the most original deck, having most wins, having most loses, playing most turns and etcetera.

If you guys have any idea how we could implement this and ideas for team war format we could use don't be shy to share Wink. We could also devise our own banlist for every season, but that is for future talk.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Meh idea tbh

We as a community dont have enough active dueling members to make more than 2-3 teams

If we had a thriving community it would have been a good idea but the state of DA right now isnt a prime time to do this idea

and we also did this before, didn't work too well

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

I can activate two people I know off DA to come and join, everyone else cold try the same. People might change their minds if we say we are gathering people for a war team season, like we could set a cap of people interested in playing it, and if we reach the cap we put it into action, it is better than nothing.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Idea is not bad, but is not something we as a community should focus on. We do have a way of warring, Jv does set us some wars from time to time. There are enough duelists for that. If you mean inner-academy wars the yeah, it could be nice. Tho overall we should try and pursue people that we know to come and join first. 

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Setting up a war scene for any and all isn't a bad idea simply as it could improve activity. Staff will need be on their A game as I'm sure something of this nature would attract non-wanted attention. 

Why is it that Pro doesn't host something to this extent on its forums? Affiliation for something like this could be nice.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Because this is not the main priority of YgoPro...

They wanna make a good simulator...the difference between them and DN was that DN wanted to make a good community...

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

And DN wasn't a great a good simulator?

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

whats with this "not enough active members for it to be successful" mentality going on in DA. You generation Z kids are so unaudacious. what harm is there in trying...

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Welp, @DDS and @NightBot should know best concerning this. It's up to them to decide what to do. I myself not involved in anything dueling-related nor I plan to.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Overall, the idea just sounds like a team Circuit and team events just never work, you need a lot of people for them and they go on for such a lengthy time (Mostly due to timezone differences), that people get bored and stop dueling, which completely destroys the team aspect that it was suppose to have. And as for the notion that it would increase activity, that just never proves to be the case, and I personally think our activity is pretty decent at the moment, I mean, we get 10+ members in chat box at once, daily, we also just recently hit a new record for "Most users ever online" https://imgur.com/FTwE2ZD

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

PowerNova wrote:
And DN wasn't a great a good simulator?

Admittedly I don't think it was bad but it also wasn't great. While I'm not gonna bash DN since its the reason we are all here, I would say DN had much unreached potential...

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Current war event is not working well because people in it are lazy slackers, reacently people came to the website (back or for the first time) that would want to play the team leuage. We could run a pilot season that has 4 teams consisted out of 3 people, it would last for 3 weeks, you don't even need to add a prize to it. If you don't want to allocate people to it enable me to host it in off-topic and do the book keeping. To promote it even further I would ask for replays of people playing and record the matches, to show people  it is actually happening.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

We are not spamming. DN is closely allocated to the topic. 

Now for the war. We have 2 things that need to end atm (The goat tournament and the dorm war) after that something like that could be made. I for myself don't have much time for dueling since school is a bitch and there are lots of things to do as I'm sure is the case with many others. So you can't just tell us we are lazy slackers. 

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

@Skitoritto We've attempted that like a dozen of times, and we get the same results. I believe that's a sign of something.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

I am well aware of that @Anzo, I am suggesting this now as situation has changed, there is no more DNF in the pond it is all stale and empty. It is an oppotunity what could be used well! Anyway, if you guys don't want to host it officially would it be okay as an unofficial tournament? Like if I purchased it from the shop?

@Pepchoninga, DNF is relevent to the topic, not DN. It is irrelevant what DN was and wanted to do, DNF did wars not DN.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

I proposed this idea long ago, but anything too ambitious gets the not enough users treatment. That's partly right. For now we need to establish how many active duelists there are here currently and we also gotta recruit people who wanna stay. We get new people everyday, but they never stay sooo let's work on that for the time being

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

It's all good, but most new members don't make an attempt to stay. It's easier said then done. People come and go, there will always be those members. We need to get people from YGOpro or other dueling systems. People that we know are gonna duel everyday and participate in the events we make. 

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

I think we all are aware that something like this iw impossible in practice. Works on a paper only.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Well lets give it a shot anyway @Anzo @Nightbot :
*3-4 man teams
*6-8 lives
*teams will consist of member from separate dorms (1 SoL, 1 Obby, 1 Ra, 1 Slifer) yes i know, we have a few active SoL members, once we have no more SoL's, remaining teams formed will need to double up in one dorm (2 Obby/2 Ra/2 Slifer, remaining numbers will be 1 from each dorm)
*establish a system of checks and balances (no one team can be OP - top ranking member who consistently tops events & tournaments will have a low ranking member who flops in events & tournaments. you could even consider using DP amount, which ultimately reflects one's dueling skills as the core for this - this ofc doesn't have to happen, but should be implemented as to not kill team's drive to be a top team)
*establish a circuit ranking aimed at teams just like our current one, and come up with team accomplishments & awards for the team who takes the format

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Well this does seem like someth that could happen...

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Not difficult whatsoever. Run a trial, allow SoL members to create a team if they want using this guideline or whatever Staff comes up with, that should be 4-6 teams if SoL members can actually be active, run it for no more than a month. If a 3-4 member team double crossfire war can't be completed by then, then just toss this idea out. As long as their is activity, it shouldn't be difficult.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene


Firstly this will be an idea for creating a war environment; but somewhat its own thing.

Firstly I would say we create a War Cannon world; and such people can make three characters thus instantly creating our potential player base triple.  Maybe even some considered npcs with specific decks locked to them and anyone can use them, again increasing the player base. I would then maybe propose a King of the Hill sort of thing or a team champion ship, similar to wwe or something. 
Note; not a roleplay world just a world to let this work. Maybe even go as far to make rivalries a thing. 
Additionally their is places like Duel monsters genesis where its about the community, and potentially recruit from devpro .
Obviously rules need to be created if players are paired against themselves .

Example prize = [100 x number wars one]+ [50xWeeks on top] and offical title of [King / Queen] or something.,

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

I'll consider this, but at a later date, as I'd rather not spend time on it at this current moment in time.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

You're admin, delegate a staffer to build everything from DA member suggestions. You can then approve/deny after making any revisions you deem necessary. Its honestly something that can be completed in 1 day

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Where's my update @NightBot
That or you can just make me ambassador for the war scene. I can at least manage that much. I'd create a small crew within DA to help with organization as well as judging.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

I'll tag you once a week until you give me a response

On another note, voice if you're interested peeps I want high activity so don't even post if you gonna be lackadaisical toward it

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene


description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Need good advertisements. Or people who advertise like them old days or award people points for bringing people.

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

Stop suggesting this already

description[Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene EmptyRe: [Suggestion] Establish Team War Scene

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