ok so the way i see it is, to start off you have 3 options:
1. Normal Summon Hornet.
- The opponent will torrential leaving you with nothing in hand or on the field. So thats a no go. (Mantis wont activate if the monster its equipped to is destroyed, it has to be destroyed itself).
2. Use Centipede to Equip Dragonfly from Grave.
- This leaves us with no way to activate centipedes adding eff so we are left with only being able to normal summon Hornet (which we know we dont want to do). Best outcome attack for 2400.
3. Equip Hornet to Centipede from the hand.
- This will leave us with 4 more options so it is obviously the right choice.
We can use Hornets eff to pop 1 of the other 4 cards on the field. Mantis, Centipede, Torrential or Warning.
1. Centipede - This is what is called a bad move. Obviously the wrong choice.
2. Mantis - Mantis eff will ss Dragonfly, this will cause the opponent to Torrential, so once again no monsters. However centipede will also activate so lets look at what can be added from the deck.
* Centipede, Ladybug or Zektcaliber. Since your field is empty adding either monster leaves you with only the option to Normal Summon it. This will result in it the opponent activating Warning. Adding zektcaliber leaves you with no move as you dont control a monster to equip it to. So popping Mantis is a no go.
3. Warning - This will cause Centipedes eff to go off. Adding either Centipede or Ladybug results in only being able to Normal Summon the chosen card since neither have effects to equip themselves to a monster and the centipede on the field already used its eff to equip Hornet. This will result in Torrential being activated and the field being wiped again. You can add Zektcaliber to the hand and equip it to Centipede. But then you have no moves from there. No way to send Zektcaliber to the grave so the best you can do is attack for 3200 damage.
4. Torrential - This again will activate Centipede. Adding either monster will result in it getting Warninged and being able to attack for 2400 for 4400 damage total. Adding Zektcaliber gives the exact same result as above, attacking for 3200 damage.
End result is i see no way of doing this. Unless i missed something pretty big im pretty sure i just covered any and all options available. Someone please prove me wrong lol.