By Roach.

Format: TCG+OCG. January TCG Banlist.

Living Earth 47bcRJX

3x Naturia Bamboo  This is the MVP of the deck, It locks your opponent from using any spell or trap cards)
3x Naturia Cliff Replaces himself
3x Naturia Cheeries Self-replacing tuner
2x Naturia Dragonfly Its effect stops its from being destroyed by a monster with more then 2k att aswell as a good beatstick late game)
3x Naturia Strawberry Its effect helps to deal damage as well as become a att deterrent.
1x Redox, Dragon Ruler of boulders For level 8 synchro plays and a defensive wall

1x Raigeki Clear opponents field
2x Card Advance Allows you to Stack your deck as well as allows you to tribute summon in addition to your normal summon.
2x Supply squad Draw power 
3x Pot of duality Draw power and you dont need to Special summon a lot on your turn in this deck
2x Forbidden Lance to protect monsters
3x The Monarchs Stormforth Combo with Creature swap to steal a opponent monster and then use this to summon Bamboo on your swapped monster to get Bamboo's effect
3x Creature Swap To combo with The Monarchs Stormforth

2x Vanitys emptiness Use with Naturia Bamboo to lock your opponent even more
2x Fiendish Chain To protect your monsters and to stop effects
2x Wiretap To protect from traps
2x Mirror force To protect your monsters 
1x Solemn Warning To negate shiz!

The main idea of this deck is to successfully Tribute summon Naturia Bamboo with another Naturia monster to activate Bamboo's effect and lock out your opponent from using spells & traps.
Naturia Cherries and Naturia Cliff are self replacing when sent to the graveyard so its easier to keep a Naturia monster on the field to use to tribute for Naturia Bamboo but you could also Normal summon a monster then use Card Advance to allow 
you tribute summon on the same turn for example: Normall summon Naturia Cliff, Activate Card Advance, Tribute Naturia cliff to Summon Naturia Bamboo and get his effect aswell triggering Naturia cliff eff and replacing hiself with out Naturia monster
Or my personal favourite: Use Creature Swap to swap on of your weenies for a opponents monster then use The Monarchs Stormforth on the monster you just gave to your opponent to still activate Naturia Bamboo's effect. You can even pair this combo with card advance.