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descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptySuggestions, suggestions

Who knows if these have been suggested or done yet, but I thought I'd give a few ideas which could improve forum activity.

1. Item showers
Whoever is on during XX:XXpm/am will receive a prize, whether it be DP or whatever. An assigned mod or admin will come on, refresh the page once, and whoever shows up as online will receive the item. This can be abused by simply leaving a browser on, though.

2. Item showers v2
Alternatively, you could do this with posts, checking to see who's been posting in the last few mins/hour. Means more work though. Much more, if it's successful.

3. Attendance
Every day, members are able to receive a nice prize. The prize will get better the more days they complete. However, missing a day will result in a reset of their attendance.

Day 1: Nothing, because you can just abuse this day.
Day 2: 100DP
Day 3: 250DP
Day 17: 50% off single purchase from a shop
Day 30: Free decklist made by the proest of pros
Day 31: Something cool.

Just an example.

You could do this by having a thread open, like the League table, listing all the names as such:

Daily attendance:
Anzo (12 days) [Awarded]
Nuran (17 days) [Pending]
LOKOS (1 day) [Pending]

Have a time at which the attendance resets to the next day, preferably forum time, since there should be a clock somewhere which everyone can see, and then just set everyone's status as [Pending] again.

If they're already listed as [Pending] when the day resets, just take them off the list since they've missed a day and are now back to square one.

Way in which players complete their daily attendance could be by winning a BA duel or something.

4. Common Objective
An objective which everyone can participate to.


Make 1000 purchases at any shop!

Or something. Rewards being given out to everyone currently online at the time of objective completion.

They should be easy enough to do, if you tweak it a little here and there. #3 just requires a bit of work.

Last edited by Alikaey on Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyDefault Title

So far no one cares about Shops and DP. If you see no one does nothing to Rank-Up or Purchase except elder ones.  @Anzo was working on new stuff for sell to have people interested into DP.

Maybe in the near future we can do something. anyways thanks for suggest <3

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Jv1391 wrote:
So far no one cares about Shops and DP. If you see no one does nothing to Rank-Up or Purchase except elder ones.  @Anzo was working on new stuff for sell to have people interested into DP.

Maybe in the near future we can do something. anyways thanks for suggest <3

No shit, there's literally no reason to rank up, other than to get a more pretty name colour. And DP was useless back when I was active anyway, which is why I'm suggesting something like an objective, where people have to spend DP. There's not much of a cycle going on, right now, people get DP by the masses but there's nowhere to put any of it. Not to mention a lot of the GFX shops sell stuff for dirt cheap prices.

It's also why I've changed the prizes a bit on the later days during the attendance event. DP, obviously, doesn't interest people much, so you need to give them something much better. You can only do so much on a forum, however.

Lastly, there needs to be a reason for people to want to rank up. You have the ability to create hidden sections and such where only people of a certain rank can access. Why not do something like that?

No dorm  - No privileges
Slifer - Access to chatbox or something.
Ra - Everything from Slifer +Slight advantage over Slifer members, whether it be cheaper shop purchases or more say in things.
Obelisk - Everything from Slifer and Ra + Access to certain, special parts of the forum.
Abandoned - Everything from Slifer, Ra and Obelisk + Some mod powers and maybe some access to view archives, such as the archives to Pro Decklists when it was very first released.

Be aware that taking too much away from people can kill the forum.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

There is a lot of ground to cover here, so I'll try to make my reply short.

About the Item Showers 1 and 2: What's the purpose of it? For instance, is it only to award people who log-in say at 2am with a few Duel Points just for logging in or is it to give someone Duel Points for making a post? I don't see a point in this.

Attendance: I like the general concept of this thing. Awarding members for logging in on a daily bases should be interesting. Though, this needs more in-depth thinking to come up with a solid set of rules so no one could abuse it to get free awards. Though, It's quite difficult to have a 'check in' status on each of our members. For instance, we get nearly 100 logged in member on a daily bases. Having to write a 100 member names and then check for them and see who has missed a day is going to be quite the pain for staffers.

We won't be able to keep track on everyone, there is simply a lot of members logging in once a day and others once per two days, and others once in a while. That's more than a 100 member if you think about it.

Though, for shops achievements, i like the counter idea you've suggested. Though, we won't have many shops at the moment. Assume we have an active GFX shop; an active Deck Shop, and an active DA Central Shop. You'll buy 3 items. Like, even if we want to make this possible we'll have it at 0/50 counter, which is still quite a lot. Not mentioning having it set on 0/100 or 0/1000.

Not to bash all of your suggestions, but I don't believe any of these could work to be honest. These won't even work on a bigger forum, and there is no way it'd work on a smaller forum either. Without an automatic code that allows us to detect members and count them on daily bases and see who has posted during last 24 hour, who has logged in during last 24 hour, and keep a running counter at the same time while having it reset when someone miss the schedule; there is no way we could do this.

Also, you say there is no reason to Rank-up. Although that's true, still, Ranking-up is a matter of choice and not a matter of obligation. Those who enjoy challenging themselves and having fun in the process by competing against others should find joy in ranking-up to higher dorms. Others could just sit in Slifer and enjoy everything else. Ranking-up isn't a mandatory thing, it's more like something you seek when you want something to do while you're part of our community.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

Nigga dat aint short

dats a wall of text

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyDefault Title

Anzo wrote:
Though, It's quite difficult to have a 'check in' status on each of our members. For instance, we get nearly 100 logged in member on a daily bases. Having to write a 100 member names and then check for them and see who has missed a day is going to be quite the pain for staffers.

We won't be able to keep track on everyone, there is simply a lot of members logging in once a day and others once per two days, and others once in a while. That's more than a 100 member if you think about it.

Of course, I didn't expect you to write down every log, which is why I mentioned having a method people need to use in order to be listed as attended. I thought that would be easier, since moderators can just write down who's attended while they're awarding BA/SA points and write down attendance alongside the league table.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

Well we should start to Locking Suggestions after they are answered or not @anzo

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Even if we have a way to have people check in everyday, having to check the list the next day and compare it to each other will still be a lot of work.

@Jv1391 don't lock topics in this section, we're still discussing this.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyDefault Title

Alikaey wrote:
Anzo wrote:
Though, It's quite difficult to have a 'check in' status on each of our members. For instance, we get nearly 100 logged in member on a daily bases. Having to write a 100 member names and then check for them and see who has missed a day is going to be quite the pain for staffers.

We won't be able to keep track on everyone, there is simply a lot of members logging in once a day and others once per two days, and others once in a while. That's more than a 100 member if you think about it.

Of course, I didn't expect you to write down every log, which is why I mentioned having a method people need to use in order to be listed as attended. I thought that would be easier, since moderators can just write down who's attended while they're awarding BA/SA points and write down attendance alongside the league table.

OH I notice this. Well Ali whe can do this as easy as bulliyng @Roach.

We will follow Duel Generation 

Pattern. https://duelgeneration.konami.com/

We cannot have a list o who connects every day because is boring useless and you know.

We can instead take a record of who everyday do   a BATTLE ARENA. you get it anzo

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

@anzo I read ali answer now. and we can debate on the bonus by keeping the Battle Arena as reference. as me and @lokos did for Xmas.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

We have several events based around BAs, I doubt any more events would be in our favor.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

Well another way to calculate the daily award is to have the people post in certain topic, then Mod doing the awards. But I don't really find this daily award idea that good. Tho 4th of Ali's ideas was good. We could use it with our achievements.. Like not giving achievement only but something else. Maybe?

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

yeah i had in mind to post new archv. such as updrage the 1000 post spamming etc. Ill open a staff topic in a bit :D

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

Mhm, i said i liked that idea too. Though it needs a bit more work to fit out community standards.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyDefault Title

Anzo wrote:
There is a lot of ground to cover here, so I'll try to make my reply short.

About the Item Showers 1 and 2: What's the purpose of it? For instance, is it only to award people who log-in say at 2am with a few Duel Points just for logging in or is it to give someone Duel Points for making a post? I don't see a point in this.

Attendance: I like the general concept of this thing. Awarding members for logging in on a daily bases should be interesting. Though, this needs more in-depth thinking to come up with a solid set of rules so no one could abuse it to get free awards. Though, It's quite difficult to have a 'check in' status on each of our members. For instance, we get nearly 100 logged in member on a daily bases. Having to write a 100 member names and then check for them and see who has missed a day is going to be quite the pain for staffers.

We won't be able to keep track on everyone, there is simply a lot of members logging in once a day and others once per two days, and others once in a while. That's more than a 100 member if you think about it.

Though, for shops achievements, i like the counter idea you've suggested. Though, we won't have many shops at the moment. Assume we have an active GFX shop; an active Deck Shop, and an active DA Central Shop. You'll buy 3 items. Like, even if we want to make this possible we'll have it at 0/50 counter, which is still quite a lot. Not mentioning having it set on 0/100 or 0/1000.

Not to bash all of your suggestions, but I don't believe any of these could work to be honest. These won't even work on a bigger forum, and there is no way it'd work on a smaller forum either. Without an automatic code that allows us to detect members and count them on daily bases and see who has posted during last 24 hour, who has logged in during last 24 hour, and keep a running counter at the same time while having it reset when someone miss the schedule; there is no way we could do this.

Also, you say there is no reason to Rank-up. Although that's true, still, Ranking-up is a matter of choice and not a matter of obligation.  Those who enjoy challenging themselves and having fun in the process by competing against others should find joy in ranking-up to higher dorms. Others could just sit in Slifer and enjoy everything else. Ranking-up isn't a mandatory thing, it's more like something you seek when you want something to do while you're part of our community.

I have to disagree slightly with you here, it's very well possible to detect the time the users from the online list were last online and give them a random reward at a random time. If you want to implement this, I will start writing something for you.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

Hm, so it's possible, for instance, to know who was online at 12am GMT+3 and increase their duel points by +30DP? (Just an example)

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Anzo wrote:
Hm, so it's possible, for instance, to know who was online at 12am GMT+3 and increase their duel points by +30DP? (Just an example)

There would be two different versions, one requiring a mod/admin to manually run the script so as to prevent abuse and the other that runs all the time and checks for a specific date and if the user is logged on at that time, it'll register it. Updating DP won't be possible if they are not a mod unless I redirect to an external server to handle the action.

Both have their pros and cons, your choice.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

Okay, to make this easier: I get it's easy to have a script to 'register' those who has logged in during specific times of the day? We can later have a Mod to add DPs manually to each one of those members.

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the point is why give free random DP? .-.

the idea of give to people that duel at least 1 BA per day is better. at least you promote Season and stuff

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

We could use that as a motive to bring back live tournaments. It won't be anything big anyways.

descriptionSuggestions, suggestions EmptyRe: Suggestions, suggestions

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