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Millennium Items Event

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Phoenix King
Official x Tissue
Train Heartnet
25 posters

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyMillennium Items Event

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Millennium Items Event - Page 3 2XiZTze


Hello friends, Millennium Items has be considered an average event, where participation isn't mandatory by the members of our community; however, we decided to shake things up with new rules after we noticed there is a room to improve this event, also make it less messy too.
The Event Purpose:

The goal of this event is to force people to duel each other, and get their Items, also gets rewards for doing that. Each Item has a special powers of Its own to help you win your duels. The more wins you get the better rewards you receive in return.
The Rules:

Throw everything you know about this event behind your back, for the new rules are different! Here's a set of the rules that you need to be ware of:
1: The event is a continuous event. Meaning when a winner declared a new rotation will start right away.
2. When a winner is declared, the Items are given to new people for the next rotation.
3. Each person can have maximum of 7 Item at the same time, in which case he is declared the winner.
3.1. If two Item holders duel each other, BOTH players can use their Items during that duel. Whoever loses the duel loses his Item too.
4. A winner of the event is declared when an Item holder successfully collects all Millennium Items.
5. An ordinary member can challenge an Item holder for his Item in exchange for a number of Duel Points both parties agreed upon before the duel, If he successfully wins the duel, he takes the Item for himself; otherwise he's obligated to pay his fees to the Item holder when he loses.
6. Once an Item holder loses his Item, he CANNOT challenge other Item holders for the rest of this rotation.
- Prizes will be awarded twice each week, where those currently owning an Item gets rewarded:
> Each Sunday, all Item holders will get +100 Duel Points.
> Each Wednesday, all Item holders get +100 Duel Points.
> The Winner of a Rotation gets a Special-Custom Rank only available for the winner. You can see it here:

Millennium Items Event - Page 3 PSzIXP4
(The text is changeable; however, this is the default text)

These are the Millenium Items:

1)Millennium Puzzle

2)Millennium Eye

3)Millennium Scale

4)Millennium Rod

5)Millennium Necklace

6) Millennium Key

7)Millennium Ring

As in the anime, every item has a magically power. What happens if an item is used in the duel? If an item is used in the rule a special duel rule will exist

Millennium Puzzle: Once per turn you can pay 2000 Life Points, draw 1 card and send 1 card from your hand to the graveyard.

Millennium Eye: Pay half your life points, add 1 monster card from your deck to your hand (Once per duel).

Millennium Scale: Once per duel you can return 3 monster cards with different attributes from your graveyard to your deck and draw 2 cards.

Millennium Rod: Once per duel you can double the original attack of a monster you control until the end phase of your turn.

Millennium Necklace: Once per duel you can reveal the top 5 cards of your deck, add 1 of them to your hand and shuffle the rest. You cannot Special Summon the turn you activated this effect.

Millennium Key: Once per duel you can Special Summon 1 monster from your graveyard but it cannot be used for XYZ or Synchro Summons.

Millennium Ring:Once during your turn by paying 1000 Life Points you can banish 1 card in your opponents graveyard.

Item Holders :

Now I wish goodluck to all that will join .

Last edited by Train Heartnet on Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:36 pm; edited 13 times in total

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyDefault Title

yupyup! But hope wantz spotty's eye! Ready ur butt!

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Hope I'll get to dueling you as soon as I can! I'm gonna insta lose though. I ing hate Infernity after only about 10 duels on my phone with them.

Do you mind if we duel at the weekend though? As currently school work and getting 4 different big threads ready is killing my dueling time!

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

king 2 down 5 to go, best of luck

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Bump, I'm a live w y no challenge me?

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

there are some important rule changes so everyone keep their items as they are posted above in the OP. Also read up the new rules.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyDefault Title

So I get my rod back? :3

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

hope u should because item holders can only hold 1 item at a time 

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Zac no offense but don't give replies unless you know your correct. This isn't your opinion it's a choice for Train to make. What are you talking about with the item holders can only have 1 at a time though? The point is to collect all 7.

However Hope I'd guess since you lost it fair and square you won't get it back. Plus I want the advantage of the eye's magic when I duel you! Millennium Items Event - Page 3 3974120512

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Read Rule No.3 Spotty. Train mentioned there was new rules, also the purpose of the event Itself has changed, now you CANNOT collect all 7 Items.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Lol my bad I didn't even read the new rules so apologies Zac I was wrong on this one.

Ok wow so this thing never ends and there will never be a winner since nobody will get 7 duels in 7 days. Hmm well at least we get free DP for an item.

Oh and some parts of the op conflict so when your feeling better Train it could do with tidying up quickly.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

I told him about it but he haven't replied yet. But yea, basically It's an infinite loop now, we'll add more prizes for people with Items so we make it a bit more fun to play.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

I can always make people that do not even try to duel never participate in the event. If you are going to abuse the rules by not dueling then your place is not here.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

with all honesty i think the old rules were more competitive and encouraging for us to duel.

i mean throughout the anime, the item holders always seek to gather the rest of the items but in this event when u win u just win and the other item goes to some random guy..umm..that's lame.

if you want to make it a continuous event then i suggest that the winner of the rotation is the one who collects the 7 items, when that happens an other rotation or whatever will start. That sounds more cool.

and why the free DP prizes ? shouldn't DP's be earned by dueling since they're Dueling points rather than be distributed for free even when you're not dueling and just have ur item ?

any way, at this rate i don't believe this event is going to be active, but i hope i'm wrong.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

That's what we thought at first, but give it a deeper thought.

In the anime, they weren't really collecting the items, they simply took it from their opponents. Each Item has special powers and they used it during their duels. If we were to do the same thing then we wouldn't be doing anything different to what was aired like years and years ago.

As much fun as It was to collect the full pack of items with the end of the original series that concept won't be changing, means it's up to us to add new rules to it and continue where the series has stopped. Otherwise doing the same thing over the years just because that's how it used to be in the anime will actually be boring.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyDefault Title

Read what I posted above your post

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

@anzo, i understand that you want to bring some thing new but that doesn't mean people will actually enjoy it more if it's new. i mean compare the activity in this event during the old rules and now, it was more active before. If it's not going to make the event successful then it loses its purpose.

@train, i don't believe throwing people out will solve the issue here.

But any way, what do i know right ? let's have it your way, if it works then it's for the best, if it doesn't we can always change things a bit.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

You got the wrong idea. It's only a negative change if you want it to be negative. It's a positive change if you want it to be positive. And we want it to be positive.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Could you please state when an item holder is eliminated? Opening Post is messy and needs more details.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

When he loses his item, duh.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

When I say state, I mean put it in the bloody opening post so we all can see that he/she/it is no longer participating in the event.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Cleaned the OP, everything should be crystal clear now. Start playing ._.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Ok new op is much clearer. I also like the new way of selecting a winner. It seems a lot more achievable. So to anyone who want's the Eye. Come at me. Wink

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyDefault Title

Im guessing I got tha rod den ;3
Also Spotty C: get dat butt over here in a game!

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

I will be online most of the day tomorrow. Come at me.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Ok we need some dueling action in this thing. Anyone who want's the eye either post here, pm me or message me on Skype to sort out a day and time to duel.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

hope i told u that you will get ur rod back 

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyDefault Title

i hate to say "i told u so"   :Kappa:

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

Well I'm loving the amount of challenges I've had for the eye...at least today item holders get some DP.

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyDefault Title

If I decide you deserve it which means all of you start dueling ASAP

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

u know rule n4 implies that the item holder should wait till he is challenged by some one else coz u used the word "defend".

descriptionMillennium Items Event - Page 3 EmptyRe: Millennium Items Event

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