Duel Academy
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descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyMillennium Items {Winner Assassin}


Entire Yu-gi-oh Classic is based on the
fight for the 7 Millennium items and each item had some special power.

Based on this fact runs the largest event to be ever held
in any academy.

The 7 Staff Members are given one of
the 7 Millennium items.

This is an event in which every single duelist of the
academy can participate as long as he is in a dorm or a staff member. There is
no need for posting sign ups or joining.

1) Assassin - Millennium Puzzle

2) Dark Master - Millennium Eye

3) JadenYuki - Millennium Scale

4) Kira Amadeus - Millennium Rod

5) FenixFX - Millennium Necklace

6) The White Knight - Millennium Key

7) Yami Yugi Muto - Millennium Ring

Add the pics to ur signatures. If u loose it you remove it
from the sign and the holder adds it to his

Duelists if u r not a Item holder do not worry... be
active in this tournament and u have chances to become one

Every member's aim is to collect all the items including
the holders


1) It can be a match or a duel, may or may not have a
special ban list. The duelists who are dueling are free to decide their own

But KCVDS 1.15A Ban list is followed
and also no Burn or Stall decks must be used.

2) Deck changing and side decking is

3) Any item holder can challenge
another item holder to a duel and the winner takes both the items.

4) An Item holder can bet any number of
items he has for any number items.

5) If a non-item holder challenges an item holder
and wins he gets the item but if he looses he looses 100 DP to the one he lost
the duel to.

6) An inactive item holder will loose
his item. He must be accepting challenges from non-item holders. At least once
per day or you will have to give a valid reason for your inactivity

As in the anime, every item has a magically power

Millennium items cancel each other’s
magic. One item cancels another item’s magic.

1) If 2 Holders duel each other the magic of both the
items cancels themselves and the duel will be a normal duel.

2) If a holder has more millennium items than his opponent
he can use the power of one of the item he bets.

3) If a holder duels a normal duelist the holder chooses
which amongst his items he uses.

What happens if an item is used in the duel?

If an item is used in the rule a special duel rule will

Millennium Puzzle: draw 3 cards and discard 2(once a duel)

Millennium Eye: Special summon a Monster from your grave
and destroy it during your end phase (Twice in a duel - Once per turn)

Millennium Scale: put back in deck a number of cards
shuffle and then draw same number of cards(Thrice in a duel)

Millennium Rod
exchange you're LP points with you're opponent and loose
2000 LP (Once in a duel)

Millennium Necklace: draw 5 cards and then put them back
in deck in which order you want(once in duel)

Millennium Key: get a card from you're deck
if its a monster pay the number of stars *200
If its a trap or spell pay 1000 LP (Once in a duel)

Millennium Ring:
take a monster from you're opp. grave and special summon
him (once in a duel)
and pay half LP equal to half the original attack of that

Other than the 7 staff members there
were other non-staff members who were participants of this event.


2) L


4) Simo

5) Techo

6) Andrey57

7) nekofjung

Cool Benazz

9) Sergiu

10) Heatdragon

11) Twiztid_Chris

12) Novastar

13) Pilover

{If I missed
any name or names PM me}

This event
has been won by Assassin.

He is now
officially the Abandoned dark Dorm

A note from
Assassin – Me:

I would
specially like to thank Kira Amadeus for his excellent idea and others who
helped us modify the idea to make it into this event.

I would also
like to say that even though I won this event it does not make me the best
amongst the participants. If The White Knight’s hamachi did not show trouble,
Simo didn’t have bad luck in our last duel, if Kira Amadeus really wanted to
win the event and did not bet all his items against me at once, if Sergiu was
not banned or if Syn3d and I did not have that connection problem and could
duel things would have been different.

Anyway, its
not about who win or lost I enjoyed every duel in the event and I think all of
you did too and that’s the most important thing.

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

Gratz body .

U r the best dude ^_- .

I hope we can do it next time and then the winne can face u for the leadership of Abandon dorm ( of course not now ) after some weeks or months .

Gratz again body Smile

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

Gratz Assassin you deserve this price.

You defeated excellent members and reached the top very soon after

the event begun.

^_^ Better luck next time TWK.

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

ok i congarted u but i will again Smile
(kinda happy simo is staying my captain xD Razz )
anyway these were really nice gams we had assassin Wink
good job

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

congratz assassin you did a great job Smile

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

Guess we dont wanna keep this topic open ffor spams:

P.S :Nice assassin

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

Congratulations, sadly I did not participate in the Event. But my chances were slim anyways.

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

both of u r Great duelists Smile but in the end u won so Congratz :D .

descriptionMillennium Items {Winner Assassin} EmptyRe: Millennium Items {Winner Assassin}

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