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descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptySalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

What happened is he used Falco's effect to summon Beast (I think). Then i said i wanted him to reveal him, but he refused! This is what happened!

Zkillerthriller: sry reveal again i lsot the image xD
Zkillerthriller: hello?
Ayato-Kamina: come on man..... ic dont have too if u wanna know the def look it up
Ayato-Kamina: i showed myou once freely
Zkillerthriller: well i have the right to see it if you don't reveal it you are violating against the rules
Ayato-Kamina: no im not... lmao
Zkillerthriller: we'll let the admin decide
Zkillerthriller has called an admin
Ayato-Kamina: sure scrub
Zkillerthriller: im a scrub who plays by the rules
Ayato-Kamina: look who was talking
Zkillerthriller: im not talking im typing
Ayato-Kamina: no lol ur trying to cheat
Zkillerthriller: how ami i cheating?
Ayato-Kamina: thats still talking genius
Zkillerthriller: um no
Zkillerthriller: how is typing the same as talking?
Ayato-Kamina: im german and i can explain it in english better then you. and cause i didnt say speaking\
Ayato-Kamina: genius
Zkillerthriller: well im swedish
Zkillerthriller: so im not impressed by you xD
Ayato-Kamina: i dont care lol the only thing sweds have going for them are pretty girls lol
Zkillerthriller: and minecraft
Ayato-Kamina: and only some of those...
Zkillerthriller: and skype
Zkillerthriller: and ikea
Zkillerthriller: and peace
Zkillerthriller: and health system
Zkillerthriller: and education
Zkillerthriller: Germany has lost 2 world wars..
Zkillerthriller: so i mean..
Ayato-Kamina: yata yata... we still created the tan, the bomb, hamburgers, hot dogs
Ayato-Kamina: tank
Zkillerthriller: wow the tank
Zkillerthriller: the vesle that has been responsible for deaths in the millions
Ayato-Kamina: no country would have tanks without us
Zkillerthriller: immpresive
Zkillerthriller: it's funny cause the US used tanks Smile
Ayato-Kamina: yup.. and the only reason we lost nis cause hitler was insaqne and on drugs
Zkillerthriller: that doesn't change the fact that you lost
Zkillerthriller: sweden has not been in a war at all for over 200 years
Ayato-Kamina: ohh well germans are still some of the smartest scientist in the world aha
Zkillerthriller: science is not everything
Ayato-Kamina: the only thing you have is swiss cheese ahahaha
Zkillerthriller: i mentioned 6 things that are good about sweden and you mention 1
Zkillerthriller: meaning sweden is six times better
Zkillerthriller: Smile
Ayato-Kamina: ohh yeah cause ur so mature right?? youre probably not even swedish
Zkillerthriller: man that smells like a salty german who can't think of a good comeback Smile
Zkillerthriller: i never said i was mature
Zkillerthriller: and i can prove that i am swedish
Zkillerthriller: genom att prata svenska :D
Zkillerthriller: hejsan!
Zkillerthriller: jag heter sebastian och jag bor i en liten by utanfor uppsala!
Zkillerthriller: trevligt att raka! :D
Zkillerthriller: see?
Zkillerthriller: if that's not swedish idk what is
Zkillerthriller: und ich sprechen deutch, aber ich sprischt noch niel so viel
Ayato-Kamina: the point is youre mad cause i wont shpw you my face down monster for the 3rd time
Zkillerthriller: lol im not mad
Zkillerthriller: why would i?
Ayato-Kamina: quit smoking pot swed
Zkillerthriller: i mean when the admin comes it will be revealed wither way or he'll give you a loss Smile
Zkillerthriller: so it's a win win situation for me
Ayato-Kamina: no he wont lmao
Ayato-Kamina: i already showed u twice
Zkillerthriller: you're profile pick is "pot" of greed
Zkillerthriller: so you're not just smoking pot
Zkillerthriller: but a pot of greed!
Ayato-Kamina: ja, i smoke pot
Zkillerthriller: disgusting
Zkillerthriller: so why are you using it as an insult against me?
Zkillerthriller: wouldnt tha tmake you more pathetic?
Ayato-Kamina: no... it wasnt an insult idiot...
Zkillerthriller: haha
Zkillerthriller: was it a compliment?
Zkillerthriller: cause that makes it even more retarded
Ayato-Kamina: maybe... but germans dont compliment
Ayato-Kamina: u should know the definition of retarded...
Zkillerthriller: i do
Zkillerthriller: good the admin is hre
daltonmoffett: what seems to be the problem?
Ayato-Kamina: hes mad cause i wont show him my face down monster
Zkillerthriller: so basically he's not revealing his set that he summoned via shaddoll falco's effect
Ayato-Kamina: even though i already shpowed him twice
Zkillerthriller: no you showed me once
Zkillerthriller: and i lost the image
Ayato-Kamina: ive already showed him more then once
Zkillerthriller: and forgot the name
daltonmoffett: fow falco?
daltonmoffett: for*
Ayato-Kamina: yes
Zkillerthriller: and even if i said it twice
Ayato-Kamina: rewind the video
Zkillerthriller: i still have the right to see it
daltonmoffett: since it was targeted by the efect of falco
daltonmoffett: it is public knowledge
daltonmoffett: even ifit's facedown
Ayato-Kamina: but that doesnt mean i have to show him
Zkillerthriller: it does if i request so
daltonmoffett: which he does
Ayato-Kamina: no thats stupid.....
daltonmoffett: as long as it was public knowledge what the monster summoned was
Ayato-Kamina: i already showed him
Zkillerthriller: well show me again
Ayato-Kamina: i dont have to do shit lol
Zkillerthriller: he's an admin i do believe he decides that
Zkillerthriller: not you
Ayato-Kamina: i want a second opinion
Zkillerthriller: so could you reveal it?
daltonmoffett: from what ive learned from dueling on many sites
daltonmoffett: even if it;s facedown
Zkillerthriller: a second opinion? xD
daltonmoffett: u get to know waht the card is
Zkillerthriller: lolwut?
Ayato-Kamina: second opinion
Ayato-Kamina: idc what you think or understand
Zkillerthriller: what's the point of having only one admin come so that you just would ask for a second opinion?
Ayato-Kamina: i already showed him the face down
Ayato-Kamina: and showed him again
Zkillerthriller: then we might as well send to admins to every issue xD
Zkillerthriller: no you only showed me once
Ayato-Kamina: twice, once when i summoned it and again to show you
Zkillerthriller: the admin sees the log so dont lie
Zkillerthriller: well the summon doesnt count
Zkillerthriller: cause i didnt request it
Ayato-Kamina: see the log lol im right
daltonmoffett: if you really want to know what it is
Zkillerthriller: i just saw it when you used falcos eff to summon it
Ayato-Kamina: i already showed u once i dont have to again
daltonmoffett: it was beast
Ayato-Kamina: ....
Zkillerthriller: you could have showed me 100 times and i'd still have the right to see it again
daltonmoffett: this is true
daltonmoffett: it's set by an effect that special summons it
daltonmoffett: after targeted in grave
daltonmoffett: where it is known that is it a correct target for falcos
Ayato-Kamina: i dont believe that
Ayato-Kamina: i dont care what you say
daltonmoffett: reveal the card
Zkillerthriller: well then he's gonna give you a loss xD
Ayato-Kamina: im talking to another admin
daltonmoffett: or you will get a gamke loss
Ayato-Kamina: i want a second opinion
daltonmoffett: appeal?
Ayato-Kamina: or i will screenshot this
Ayato-Kamina: and sent it to head admin
Zkillerthriller: oh no anything but a creenie..
Zkillerthriller: screenie*
Ayato-Kamina: ssee get him for insiulting me
Zkillerthriller: om not insulting
Zkillerthriller: but sure
Ayato-Kamina: he has been, now shut up
Zkillerthriller: ..
Zkillerthriller: well what are we waiting for?
daltonmoffett: one moment
Zkillerthriller: a second admin -.-
Zkillerthriller: ?
Ayato-Kamina: seee boya
Zkillerthriller: oh nice he's leaving
daltonmoffett: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Reveal
Ayato-Kamina: another admin opinion
Zkillerthriller: there's no point he's stucked 
daltonmoffett: ive got ruling for this
Ayato-Kamina: wikia anybody can write there...
Zkillerthriller: on his opinion
daltonmoffett: so there is no need for an apeal
daltonmoffett: and not everybody, if you put the wrong info, it will be erased very quickly
Ayato-Kamina: https://i.imgur.com/q7TOcEu.png
daltonmoffett: 30 seconds to comply or you will get a gameloss
Ayato-Kamina: i can just tell him
Zkillerthriller: well then you could just be lying.
Zkillerthriller: ....
daltonmoffett: we have evidence
Zkillerthriller: just do as he say
Zkillerthriller: or leave
Zkillerthriller: god...
Ayato-Kamina: i have another admin opinion
Ayato-Kamina: i will tell head admin
Zkillerthriller: cant we just play some good old yugi-mons?
Ayato-Kamina: i tried u wanted to be rude
Zkillerthriller: how were i rude?
Zkillerthriller: you're not following the rules...
Ayato-Kamina: lmao.... yeahhh
Ayato-Kamina: thats all u get
Ayato-Kamina: now go
An admin gave Ayato-Kamina a game loss
Zkillerthriller: lol
Zkillerthriller: ok ill go Smile
Ayato-Kamina: i will tell the head admin about this
Zkillerthriller: lol sure you will
Ayato-Kamina: i just showed him
daltonmoffett: you didnt comply in timley maner
Ayato-Kamina: ull see bitch
Zkillerthriller: lol
Ayato-Kamina: do u think i care about some dn rating?
Zkillerthriller: stop or you
Zkillerthriller: stop or youll be banned xD
Ayato-Kamina: i have a life lmao
Zkillerthriller: well you obviously care..
Zkillerthriller: since you waited like 40 mins..
Ayato-Kamina: no its just bullshit 
Ayato-Kamina: u wanted to troll
Ayato-Kamina: the admin took urside
Zkillerthriller: lol no
Zkillerthriller: i wanted to play
Ayato-Kamina: no
Ayato-Kamina: troll
Zkillerthriller: whatever u say
Zkillerthriller: anything else?
Zkillerthriller: where are you going with this?
Ayato-Kamina: i hope u choke on a horse dicck and die 

Ayato-Kamina has left the duel

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

If he showed you what the target was, and you saw it, you can't ask for a 2nd reveal just to check the defense. If you want to know the stats of a card you must ask a judge for it or check it online(if you are playing online).

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyDefault Title

psychoturtle wrote:
If he showed you what the target was, and you saw it, you can't ask for a 2nd reveal just to check the defense. If you want to know the stats of a card you must ask a judge for it or check it online(if you are playing online).

No. It doesn't matter how many times he reveals it. If i request him to reveal it i have the right to see it!

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyDefault Title

Zkillerthriller wrote:
psychoturtle wrote:
If he showed you what the target was, and you saw it, you can't ask for a 2nd reveal just to check the defense. If you want to know the stats of a card you must ask a judge for it or check it online(if you are playing online).

No. It doesn't matter how many times he reveals it. If i request him to reveal it i have the right to see it!

you have the right to see it the moment he has to reveal it due to card effect, then you get to observe it that 1 time(for reading and confirmation) then he flips it back down and doesn't have to reveal it until a card effect or game mechanic states otherwise. Imagine he soul charges a geargiarmor then next turn you're like flip it I wanna see its DEF..... you'd get laughed at in tournaments

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster


descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

dafuq turt did u really read this

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

Last thing i read was the "xD" in the first sentence. lel

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

I read enough to notice he doesn't know rules. :D

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyDefault Title

Turt, look.


"At any time during the Duel, either player may look at any card considered to be public knowledge: meaning face-up cards in play; a monster that would be Summoned; a player's own face-down cards in play, hand, and Extra Deck; both players Graveyards, face-up banished cards, and Xyz Materials; and any card that is currently being revealed."

The card was, at the time, being summoned. He was within his right to ask, but if he'd asked some time after the summon then he would not be.

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyDefault Title

Phoenix Wright wrote:
Turt, look.


"At any time during the Duel, either player may look at any card considered to be public knowledge: meaning face-up cards in play; a monster that would be Summoned; a player's own face-down cards in play, hand, and Extra Deck; both players Graveyards, face-up banished cards, and Xyz Materials; and any card that is currently being revealed."

The card was, at the time, being summoned. He was within his right to ask, but if he'd asked some time after the summon then he would not be.

the assumption is he asked after the time passed

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyDefault Title

psychoturtle wrote:
Phoenix Wright wrote:
Turt, look.


"At any time during the Duel, either player may look at any card considered to be public knowledge: meaning face-up cards in play; a monster that would be Summoned; a player's own face-down cards in play, hand, and Extra Deck; both players Graveyards, face-up banished cards, and Xyz Materials; and any card that is currently being revealed."

The card was, at the time, being summoned. He was within his right to ask, but if he'd asked some time after the summon then he would not be.

the assumption is he asked after the time passed

He asked immediately after his opponent put the card in face down, and the rules on revealing state that any player is allowed to read the entirety of any revealed card if they want to. Since he was not able to read the entirety of the card, and he wanted to, the rules are in support of him.

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyDefault Title

Phoenix Wright wrote:
psychoturtle wrote:
Phoenix Wright wrote:
Turt, look.


"At any time during the Duel, either player may look at any card considered to be public knowledge: meaning face-up cards in play; a monster that would be Summoned; a player's own face-down cards in play, hand, and Extra Deck; both players Graveyards, face-up banished cards, and Xyz Materials; and any card that is currently being revealed."

The card was, at the time, being summoned. He was within his right to ask, but if he'd asked some time after the summon then he would not be.

the assumption is he asked after the time passed

He asked immediately after his opponent put the card in face down, and the rules on revealing state that any player is allowed to read the entirety of any revealed card if they want to. Since he was not able to read the entirety of the card, and he wanted to, the rules are in support of him.

ah you think I read the whole convo XD ok as you say

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

Wait, so JJH read the whole thing xD

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

I stopped reading when the guy said that the Germans invented the tank. It was obvious then that he was full of shit.

descriptionSalty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster EmptyRe: Salty Cheater Who's Refusing To Reveal His "Public" Set monster

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