Alrighty, so firstly, you can't really use those rituals for anything, they are 100% a "dead draw", so I suggest you take those out.
If you really want to go for blue-eyes, then you might wanna add 1-2 maidens and in order to use them correctly, also something that can target it, for an example "wonder wand".
Overall try to remake how many spells and what spells you use, could also add some staple traps like torrential, warning, bottomless, compuls, d.prison, breakthough and so on.
Since b-eyes is a 3k "beatstick" it might be a good idea to protect it with cards like forbidden lance and wiretap.
While you're at it the last thing is that you could add some good chaos cards, since most of the cards you use are light/dark anyways, so chaos sorcerer, rai-oh, tragoedia, gorz and so on, also veiler and d.d. crow are even better for main decking here in this case.
Use your best judgement and make something that you feel works.
Last edited by UniqueHope on Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:07 am; edited 1 time in total