[July 2014] Pets of Dark Overlords OkFtUK0
Seeing how Dark Law's going to affect the meta (Killing LS and H.A.T) I've decided to make a deck using him,H.A.T's and LS's only way of getting rid of him (Main Deck) is by monster effects,this where our old buddy Destiny HERO Plasma steps in.He says no to your opponents effects creating an awesome lock.The HERO portion of the deck is enough to wreck your opponent,beast part of the deck is there to abuse Masked HERO Acid,Fabled Unicore and that crazy Raccoon XYZ,deck's way more powerful than I tough,for the side (Not knowing the meta to be) I guess 1 Armageddon Knight and 2 Shaddoll Dragon should be enough.Dragon because he makes Armageddon an MST on leggs who can take out the side deck designed to stop this deck (Imperial Iron Wall,Skill Drain (Use Dragon as face-up charge target).That would be about it,all of the water monster you see in Main/Extra are there to be used with Acid as Heavy Storm (As you must have guessed this deck does not like backrow).