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descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob

K so i just started yu gi oh the other day after not playing since i was like 7 when i thought my head of exodia won me da game.

So blue eyes has always been my favorite card.

SO naturally being a noob i have nothing 2 lose, cuz i'm like gonna get raped repeatedly anyway.

so I want to have a functional blue eyes deck.

Note i haven't really utilized my side deck once in like 8 duels so here we go.


Nother note, im a noob this deck isnt like card for card on other pplz(to the best of mny knowledge), but i didnt sift through 7000 cards to find em.


Red eyes darkness metal dragon x1

Blue eyes whit dragon x3

Maiden with eyes of blue x3

Masked dragon x3

Delta flyer x2 (suppose to be for syncro summons but imma noob)

Alexandrite dragon x2

Exploder dragon x2

White stone of legend x2

Shining angel x2

Honest x1 ( i have yet 2 use it well)

Rider of the storm winds x1

Darkstorm Dragon x1 ( donno why i have it :/ )

That should = 23 monsters

then for magic I have

silver's cry x3

trade in x1

mystical space tycoon x2

dark hole x 1

dragon shrine x1

Dragonic Tactics x2

mountains x1


Fiendish chains x2

Mirror force x2

Emerge evac x1

bottomless trap hole x1

Should = 40 cards

Extra is like 2 azure dragons

1 stardust

and some other shit, ive never used em.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob


descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Let's start this, havent done a "Pimp My Deck" in a while so let's start this. With the comments, it looks like you have the basics down with the main monsters and spells you have the skeleton of the deck now all you need is the meat. [Key] to my deck instructions: (()) The brackets represent the options you have for the selection I made if you'd like to take it out or put it in is your choice with the brackets. (--) These represent comments I made about your selection or my selection.

-3 Masked Dragon
-2 Delta Flyer
-2 Alexandrite -Why do new players always love this card?-
-2 Exploder Dragon
-2 Of those last 2
-2 Dragonic Tactics
-1 Mountain
-2 Mirror force
x1 Flamvell Guard
x1 Galaxy Sepent
x2 Bright Star Dragon -this card lets you target maiden-
x1 One For One
x2 Lance -More targets for Maiden-
x2 Cards of consonance
x1 book of moon
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Castle of Dragon Souls
x2 Trap Stun

If you found this useful please make sure you plus one this! It helps me keep doing Pimp My Decks.

I'll be doing the Extra deck later just wanted to help the main deck for now. Many people use different variants of this deck I tried keeping it pure but I usually run E drags in this.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Okay, well, I know a bit about Blue-Eyes, after studying them with the help of Wyrm, so let's see what I can do for you.

So, monsters.

You run:
Red eyes darkness metal dragon x1
Blue eyes white dragon x3
Maiden with eyes of blue x3
Masked dragon x3
Delta flyer x2 (suppose to be for syncro summons but imma noob)
Alexandrite dragon x2
Exploder dragon x2
White stone of legend x2
Shining angel x2
Honest x1 ( i have yet 2 use it well)
Rider of the storm winds x1
Darkstorm Dragon x1 ( donno why i have it :/ )

My Suggestions:

- Not a bad start, actually. You're better than other students, who begin with really terrible decks, so hopefully you're not as ignorant as them, and are willing to change. To begin, remove the Masked Dragons. They are horrid. Just, ew. No question about it, just get rid of them. They are outdated cards.

- Ditch the Shining Angels. Same reason as Masked Dragon.

- Delta Flyer is not good for this deck. Throw him away.

- Exploder Dragon is the same thing.

- Rider of Storm Winds. Huh, that name changed. I would ditch him, simply out of personal preference. I dislike the card a lot, but that one's up to you.

- Alexandrite Dragon sucks. Toss him out.

- Honest is bleh. Chuck him.

- Let's start throwing things in. Here are some really good cards for the deck:

- Black Luster Soldier, Envoy of the Beginning. He's really powerful, and Blue-Eyes usually have enough of a balance between LIGHT and DARK monsters to be able to pull him out. Gives your deck an element of chaos, and it's a saviour in many situations.

- Eclipse Wyvern banishes when sent to the Graveyard, and adds when banished. With Red-Eyes and Black Luster, along with numerous other cards, Wyvern will be very easy to use, so throw him in. He gives you an extra LIGHT target for BLS anyways.

- Red-Eyes Wyvern. You're probably asking, "Why another Red-Eyes card? This is a Blue-Eyes deck!" Well, it's because it gives you free recovery of Red-Eyes Black Metal. This card can banish itself at the End Phase if you didn't Summon or Set a monster this turn to Special Summon another Red-Eyes monster to the field from the Graveyard.

-Divine Dragon Apocralyph is another superb card for this deck. Once per turn, you can discard a card, then target a Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard, and put him back in your hand. That's essentially a Monster Reincarnation every turn, which isn't too shabby, especially since you can use it to discard key cards into your Graveyard and set up for wiping the floor with your opponent.

- Summoner Monk is a killer card. He allows you to bring out both Wyverns and XYZ, or just to get their effects going. He's a card you can't over look for this deck.

- Everything else that's left over is a-okay. :3

Now to check spells.

You run:

silver's cry x3
trade in x1
mystical space tycoon x2
dark hole x 1
dragon shrine x1
Dragonic Tactics x2
mountains x1

What I recommend:

- Okay, so ditch Mountains and Dragonic Tactics. Just throw them out. The window. Never to be seen again.

- Toss two more Trade-Ins into the deck. They are a great draw card for Blue-Eyes.

- More Draw power needed. Chuck Upstart Goblins into this thing. An Extra 1000 life points can be overlooked for Blue-Eyes, because of how large their ATK points are.

- Triple Shrine can be used to grab DarkStorm Dragon, and another Dragon-Type monster, setting up the Graveyard for BLS. It's a nifty niche that this deck can take advantage of. Don't overlook it. Shrine is also just good for deck thinning. You'll need three.

- Okay, so this is a Blue-Eyes deck. Dragons have access to Five-Headed Dragon as a Fusion, and Blue-Eyes to Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Why not abuse this!? Throw in a single Dragon's Mirror. It basically acts as a Miracle Fusion for Dragon-Type monsters, and will allow you to grab either Fusion once your Graveyard is stacked with all the monsters you're abusing. And in my opinion a free 4500 ATK point monster, or even a free 5000 ATK point monster who can only be destroyed in battle by LIGHT monsters, is pretty bloody amazing.

- Burial from a Different Dimension is a great recovery card, grabbing up to three banished monsters and putting them into their respective owner's Graveyard. Using it for this deck is vital.

Everything else is fine. :3

As for Traps.

You run:

x2 Fiendish Chain
x2 Mirror Force
x1 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

My recommendations:

- Scrap everything but the Compulsory. Trust me, with this deck, you won't be needing to restrain many monsters.

- Throw in a Solemn Warning. It'll bail you out when you need it.

- Throw in a couple of Call of the Haunteds. This card will grab you back monsters for sweet combos and annoying attacks against the opponent. You can't go wrong with a COTH in this deck.

- Champion's Vigilance. Have you heard of Infernity Barrier? Well, Champion's Vigilance is basically Infernity Barrier for Level 7 or higher monsters. Essentially, if you control a Level 7 or higher monster, and your opponent summons a monster or activates a spell/trap card, you get to negate that card and destroy it. FOR FREE. Don't question me, use this thing.

As for Extra Deck, it looks like you could use some help, so let's help you! :3

My recommendations

-Scrap it and let's restart. Throw in the following:

x1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
x1 Five-Headed Dragon
x1 Ally of Justice Catastor
x1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
x2 Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
x1 Black Rose Dragon
x1 Star Eater
x1 Trident Dragon
x1 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand
x1 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
x1 Lavalval Chain
x1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
x1 Master Key Beetle
x1 Thunder End Dragon

This Extra Deck is great. Just trust me on this. If you need an explanation, ask.

Last edited by Naito Raizu on Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:22 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

That's why those two are possibly my favorite staffers^

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob


How am I not your favourite? XP

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

And since i am the one who mains Blue-Eyes here.... I'll give my input here. Good Start by the way.

Your Monsters:

Red eyes darkness metal dragon x1
Blue eyes white dragon x3
Maiden with eyes of blue x3
Masked dragon x3
Delta flyer x2 (suppose to be for syncro summons but imma noob)
Alexandrite dragon x2
Exploder dragon x2
White stone of legend x2
Shining angel x2
Honest x1 ( i have yet 2 use it well)
Rider of the storm winds x1
Darkstorm Dragon x1 ( donno why i have it :/ )

- 1 Maiden
- 3 Masked Dragons
- 2 Delta Flyer
- 2 Alexandrite Dragon
- 1-2 Exploder Dragon (You only ever need one really. If you do run one it is a decent tech choice)
- 2 Shining Angel
- 1 Honest
- 1 Rider

So that leaves 9-10 monsters left still in the deck. Lets remedy that.

+ 1 BLS-EoB (As Naito said it is a great boss monster)
+ 1 Eclipse Wyvern
+ 1 Lightpulsar Dragon (LPD is a great card due to the fact it opens the door to 7 star Synchro monsters and is a card that can revive a dead REDMD when destroyed.)
+ 2 Red-Eyes Wyvern (Revives REDMD)
+ 2 Divine Dragon Apocralyph
+ 2 Summoner Monk
And the Pièce de résistance:
+ 0-1 Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon (Just trust me on this one... but ONLY throw it in if you are not running Exploder Dragon. It is a tech choice and is not for the faint of heart.)

And that brings the monster count to 18-19 monsters.

I'm just gonna get to the point now with Spells and Traps.

3 Sliver's Cry
3 Trade-In
3 Upstart Goblin
3 Dragon Shrine
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Burial from a Different Dimension
1 Dragon's Mirror

2 Call of the Haunted
2 Champion's Vigilance
1 Solemn Warning
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

That brings the total to 41-42 cards.

And if you must know why my tips are like Naito's the reason is this: His tips were based off of my deck. Same with mine.

The extra deck he gave you is the same i use so i have nothing to add there.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Naito Raizu wrote:

How am I not your favourite? XP

Yea well you left for a while so you have to work your way up the ladder once again. :D

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

EDIT - have teh dragon stone does that mean im suppose to save it for syncros??

and i was under the impression that u wanted ur blue eyes in ur grave not ur hand?

also multiple light pulsar dragons like 2.

Dosent work? or...

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

the Stones can be used as synchro fodder or Shrine fodder if you need a Blue-Eyes for Trade-In. Trade-In and Upstart are your main sources of drawing and Shine is deck thinning/Grave setup

Also remember that Maiden is a tuner

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Wyrm the Blue-Eyes master. :3

We should have that as an actual title.

Anzobuse wrote:
Naito Raizu wrote:

How am I not your favourite? XP

Yea well you left for a while so you have to work your way up the ladder once again. :D

Aww. So my special privileges were revoked as well? :<

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Give me that Title and i will gladly take it

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

I`ve been playing with Blue eyes deck also. Try the Kinka Byo Mystic Piper combo. Because of the great number of lvl 1 monster this loop will add a lot in your draw power. If you want, I can PM you my deck.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

just wanna say thanks guys took wyms suggestions like word for word, am so far loveing the deck, and my opponents aren't raging at me for not knowing what my cards do so thx grem :D although u has nothing 2 do with this topic lol

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Best of luck in your forward duels with the blue eyes deck.


descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Well,...kandy,wyrm, amd naito has already posted in here,.
I Guess there's nothing more to improve

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Naito Raizu wrote:
Wyrm the Blue-Eyes master. :3

We should have that as an actual title.

Anzobuse wrote:
Naito Raizu wrote:

How am I not your favourite? XP

Yea well you left for a while so you have to work your way up the ladder once again. :D

Aww. So my special privileges were revoked as well? :<

Ya sound like lovers e.e

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Naito Raizu wrote:
Wyrm the Blue-Eyes master. :3

We should have that as an actual title.

Anzobuse wrote:
Naito Raizu wrote:

How am I not your favourite? XP

Yea well you left for a while so you have to work your way up the ladder once again. :D

Aww. So my special privileges were revoked as well? :<

The only privilege you have left is that detonation button you keep using to blow up dorms. You keep ruining Slifer's life and you'll take your other privileges back.

@BWG: Don't worry, I have my eyes set on you.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Keep ruining Slifer's lives?

So I'm not restricting to blowing up just their dorm anymore?

Can I blow up their campgrounds too!?

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Well, you get more points for that.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Oh this is going to be fun~! >:3

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

You bet.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob


You're hopeless. That's a blueish-green.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

I thought it was cool.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Lock topic.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Glad you enjoy the deck. My job here is done.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

Good, go back to your mother planet.

descriptionBlue Eyes Deck I b Noob EmptyRe: Blue Eyes Deck I b Noob

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