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I'm running a survey and one of the questions is how my life would be without internet. I think my hard will be harder but it will be better.

I'm asking this questions to you to :3

My Blog is bad-ass, ain't it?


How my life would be without internet? Quite hard, especially when i'm preparing to make money online lol

Welp, to think straightforward, i don't think it could have a "big" impact, for instance, phones are not making up for most of my needs, i don't need FB, Twitter, or Viber to speak with someone (if i don't have internet) i can just give that person a call instead. Only part where I'd miss the internet is the opportunity of meeting new people, i'm serious, i love that part :D and ofc porn duh
I wouldnt want to live anymore.
Mr.Kandy wrote:
I wouldnt want to live anymore.

Bernkastel wrote:
Mr.Kandy wrote:
I wouldnt want to live anymore.


Your school is on the Internet if I aint mistaken? I wouldnt give a shit tbh.
Well I still feel cool. I have music to handle but without it I wouldn't be able to find music sheets and real books Sad which is bad.
Train Heartnet
Before I had internet I had a normal life, just the same as now with the only difference being that I cannot do without internet now. It's part of my life and I need it to do my everyday life things not to mention it's a must for university.
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