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descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

Hi there ^^

I was wondering if anybody could give me some pointers on my deck? I'm still fairly new to this and did a bit of research.. But my deck just doesn't seem to move very quickly if that make sense and lacks flow..

I'm currently using:

3x Cyber Dragon
3x Cyber Dragon Drei
2x Cyber Dragon Core
2x Cyber Phoenix
2x Cyber Valley
2x Proto Cyber Dragon
2x Shining Angel
2x Heavy Mech Support Platform
Cyber Eltanin
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Polymerisation
3x Evolution Burst
Limiter Removal
Power Bond
Monster Reincarnation
Super Polymerisation
Cyber Repair Plant
Inferno Reckless Summon
2x Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Negate Attack
Sakuretsu Armor

And my Extra Deck:

Cyber Twin Dragon
Cyber End Dragon
2x Cyber Dragon Nova

I'm still not sure what to put into an extra deck and I'd love to being my deck down to 40 cards.. But I can't seem to cut anything else out of it without messing things up :s I mean, It's an okay deck, but I find it hard to get the monsters I need.. I thought about cutting Marshmallon or Jinzo, but they've saved me so many times xD

I hope I can maybe get a bit of help with this ^^ Thanks <3


descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

Mr.Kandy to the rescue to -puts on shades- pimp this deck.
Many of the cards you do not need sorry to put it so bluntly. But no fear I am here to pimp this deck. Key/Legend to use while reading Kandy's fixes (-/-) Indicates my very trust worthy comments about the add/take out (()) these brackets are to inform you about the selection I made (Usually about opnions you may have while fixing this deck).

-2 Cyber Phoenix
-2 Proto Drag
-2 shining
-2 Platform
-1 Eltanin (The take out of Eltanin is up to you), Jinzo, and Marshmellow
-2 Poly
-3 Evo burst
-1 monster rein, Super Poly, and Inferno
(You dont need much backrow All in no fear>)
Toss the whole backrow except the 2 mirror forces.
+2 CardCar
+1 Valley, Honest, Core, OverLoad Fusion, DarkHole, Machine Dup (For them Valleys shinanigans), Foolish Burial (This card is a choice), and MST.
+2 Powah Bond, Lance, and Cyber Repiar Plant.
+3/2 Upstart Goblin, and Pot of duality (Choose one of those for putting 3 in your deck and make the other 2 Example: 3 Pots and 2 Upstart)-To keep dat consistancy-
+2 DNA Surgery -This baby is your Super Poly-
+1 Solemn

I will do the extra soon but I hope this helped!
If you would like an explanation of why I did the changes I will happly include those.


descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

Okay okay okay I'm back to do that extra deck of yours and maybe the side deck, but I don't see Cybers doing very well in match duels.

+1 Cyber twin dragon
+2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (This baby is the the super poly it intertwines with the choice of DNA surgery)
+1 Chimeratech Overdragon
+1 Adreus
+1 Constellar Pleiades
+1 Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
+1 Number 61
+1 Shark Fortress
+1 Tiras
+1 Zenmaioh

I hope this Pimp My Deck from me helped! Thanks for the deck. And may the odds ever be in your favor....When dueling.

descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

Well i won't be telling what to take out or what to put in.But what i will tell you is that most people thinks that cyber dragons are fusion deck (prob beacause of power bonds,overload fusion).Personaly i'm not using them at all.Keep in mind that Cyber network is cont trap ,which means it's speed 2 and can be used durring your opponents turn .Use it abuse it and you will own.Focus on level 5xyz (cards like :pleyades ,nova ,tiras),and you will do just fine.Tip cards:Vylon cube.(can be searched with repair unit or banished with network) -allows easy lvl 8 sinc.If you still in to fusion thing use The light-hex-sealed fusion.Transmodify -allows easy cyber dragons on field.

descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

Thank you so much ^^ *Hugs* Smile It definitely seems like a much faster moving deck than the one I had going Smile I just always had trouble getting the cards I needed on the field :/

Though what confused me was you left the main cyber dragons out :s those proved to be real saviours since they were so easy to get out on the field and easy to fuse.. Is there a reason you left them out?

Just wondering Smile xx

descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

As in 'Main Cybers' I assumed you are meaning Phoenix and Proto Drag, those cards are unneeded to say. They slow down the build of the deck Proto drag is nothing special all it is an cyber dragon. cyber phoenix is also unneeded. Phoenix just protects other machines from Targeting cards. You can not search this card for core nor repair plant. It just is a useless card sure it's last eff of when destroyed you plus one but not worth putting in the deck, 'cause you already have so many deck thinners.

descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

I meant the Cyber Dragon itself, the one with 2100 atk Smile

I see what you mean about Phoenix.. I should probably rethink how I've been using it, but it's been helpful to an extent once I have the main fusion monsters on the deck Smile

I took on board what you said, starting out with the build you gave me but it took a lot of working with. I ended up settling on the following tonight, which has won me quite a few duels today:

3x Cyber Dragon
2x Cyber Phoenix
2x Proto Dragon
3x Cyber Core
2x Shining Angel
2x Mech Support
1x Cyber Eltanin
2x Cardcar
1x Jinzo
1x Marshmallon
1x Cyber Valley

1x Limiter Removal
1x Machine Duplication
2x Polymerisation
1x Super Polymerisation
1x Power Bond
1x Fusion Recovery
1x Fusion Sage
2x Evolution Burst
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Pot of Duality
1x Cyber Repair Plant
2x Dark Bribe
1x Negate Attack
2x Mirror Force
1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Cyber End Dragon
2x Cyber Twin Dragon
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Chimeratech Overdragon
1x Number 61 Volcasaurus
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Shark Fortress
1x Wind Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
1x Constellar Pleiades
2x Cyber Dragon Nova

I know I strayed a bit from your original deck.. But this has worked out fairly well for me Smile the cardcars and duality pots made searching so much easier, but then without the cyber dragons I lacked power. So then I put those in, but found I lacked fusion ability. Added a few more fusion cards in, a powerup or two and switched mystical space typhoons for dark bribes (After learning they don't actually negate trap effects!) then it seems to have really picked up speed!

Thanks for the advice Smile I'm glad I managed to use it to build something strong of my own though instead of just plagiarising your work Smile

I'll take on board what you said about Cyber Phoenix too, it's an interesting point, especially if I can find other ways to protect my fusion monsters once I get them out on the field Smile

Much love!

Katy xx

descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

No problem Katy. Looks like you didn't change much. I understand many people don't like other people taking over their whole deck. I surely dont. But no fear in time we all get better. And Cyber Dragon ._. I never took it out of the build xD. I only took out Cyber Phoenix and Proto drag. I don't really like using Dark Bribe this card just negates and lets the opponent plus 1 I personally dislike when my opponent has an advantage against me, true MST does not negate (Exception of Cont traps and spells) but it can pop backrow you may be scared of during the duel. But I hope this helped!


descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

It really did :D Thank you ^^

Would you mind of I friended you? Xx

descriptionCould I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^ EmptyRe: Could I get some help with my Cyber Dragon deck, please? ^^

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