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descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyMystical Space Typhoon.

Mystical Space Typhoon. Images11

Spoiler :

Now that Heavy Storm is banned, Mystical Space Typhoon has a whole new place and use in decks.

Hey guys , As you know Mystical Space Typhoon was almost released since the start and now that it is at 3 now for a while , This card is one of the very few that are played in every deck no matter what or the decks that are top but what alot of people don't know that this card is possibly one of the most misplayed cards ever , I am going to talk to you guys about some of the myths of how this card is played.

-The Blind MST-

I have heard of this phrase many times before and to be honest , I used to do it myself. A common case in which your opponent starts first , summons or sets a monster and plays 2 backrows and you start and Blind mst one of them randomly , sure you could get lucky and get rid of one of the good ones but you don't want to really take that risk , Because eventually if you pick something that you don't want to get rid of , You'll be in a minus one condition , no matter what card you destroy with MST , It's only one and you would have to get around the others. I wouldn't really recommand using this method but although , It can be good sometimes but still risky when you want to maintain your field control or you want to complete your combo.

-Using MST effectively-

It's true there is a bad way of using MST and it would end leaving you in a minus one condition. Now , Let's talk about using it effectively , It is critical that you save your MST for times that you that you absolutely need them for ex. getting rid of cards like (Rivalry of Warlords, Gozen Match, Skill Drain (to an extent), Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Shadow Imprisoning Mirror, Mind Drain, Kaiser Colosseum, Imperial Iron Wall) or kill any sort of side cards that kills your deck or stops you from doing your main combo. Remember guys It's all Judgement calls ,  If the best play is you blow out your opponents one set to go for game, then do that. If your best play is to hit their face-up hate card and play around your opponent's other backrows, then do that.

Feel free to comment below or if i missed anything.

Peace out~

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

Mystical Space typhoon? is it in tcg yet?

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

Best method of using MST is by taking advantage of it's Quick Play attribute. You can always use it as a bluff and when the opponent goes to MST your MST, chain it and give them the -1 instead.

Against stall decks, this is especially useful against Thunder of Ruler as you can use it during the Draw Phase.

In a situation where your opponent has multiple face-down back row threats, I would attempt to bait one of the sets out and then chain MST onto one of their other sets. This way, you're avoiding hitting something that can be chained like Threatening Roar or CED, and you're more likely to kill off one of their traps they can't use at the current moment, such as Mirror Force. In the worst case scenario, you would be forcing them to activate one of their sets that they could have been saving for later.

In my opinion, MST is much better than Heavy Storm due to its versatility. Staples are overrated.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

No Grem it's still in OCG.

MST is OP. Nuff said. We don't even need to discuss about that. It can be used to bluff your opponent. Like, your opponent is using Dragunity's with a Stardust Dragon on the field and you're having MST and Dark Hole in your hand. You can easily try to destroy Dragon Ravine and activate Dark Hole. Troll.

I got that yesterday when dueling with Fedi ._.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

There are only 2 completely valid spells and traps that destroy spells and traps, and 2 much less valid.

MST and night beam are both valid in their own right, and have strengths and weaknesses. Night beam is always a 1 for 1. MST is... MST.

Dust tornado and twister are less valid. Twister costs 500 LP and can only destroy face ups, but it's definitely a valid side card and it stops continuous effects from resolving. Works as a side against skill drain and field spell things. Dust tornado is a poor man's MST, as it needs to be set before you can activate it, but it can work as a side sometimes. People who have a crucial trap that they really need to protect might even use this card so they can set that crucial trap in their opponent's turn so they can use it in theirs. This does happen, believe me, I did it once in a blaze fenix deck.

That's basically all the generic spell/trap removal in terms of spells and traps. Don't forget that you can run breaker, lyla, and other monsters with spell/trap destroying effects in other decks. Tis worth doing.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

Can't see how in the world MST could overrule Heavy storm. Cause Heavy storm will wipe off everything your opp has Ali you weird..

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

I think he's trying to say Heavy Storm's speed is only at 1.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

What does that matter gives more plusses in an instant

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

BlackLeg-Sanji wrote:
What does that matter gives more plusses in an instant

But you can't starlight road an MST can you?

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

^ the point.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

The topic is about how to use MST effectively and not use it the wrong way.

Not sure why you guys comparing it to heavy storm , They both have their pros and cons.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

if you dont know how to use mst you should stop playing the game

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

Playing MST is super easy Surprised MST moves are like Text book movz c'mon

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

BlackLeg-Sanji wrote:
Can't see how in the world MST could overrule Heavy storm. Cause Heavy storm will wipe off everything your opp has Ali you weird..

You obviously missed the fact that MST can negate.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

I remember times when MST was semi-limited... As I like to call them, the good times. Imo Heavy at 1 is ok, MST should be semi'd, it has already been a piss off to continuous cards.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

^I remember a time when MST was Limited to 1 and Heavy Storm was banned, oh the horror of the backrow cards D:

Using MST effectively:

- Set it and use it at the end of their turn so they cannot chain anything to it.
- Use it on their continuous Spells and Traps
- Use it to destroy your own Heavy Storm/Mirror Force/Torrential Tribute so that they do not get to summon Stardust Dragon with Starlight Road's effect.
- Have devil's luck and hit the most important card in their 5 set cards backrow like a boss.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

I wasn't really asking a question guys , I just wanted to share a few myths on how MST is played and my opinion on them.

@Train Heartnet : Thanks for being the only one out of all posters that spoke about the main topic and didn't go off-topic , Lol.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

Already talked so on chat box.

descriptionMystical Space Typhoon. EmptyRe: Mystical Space Typhoon.

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