Duel Academy
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Get your game on!

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

Duel Academy needs more yugimonz talk! Duel Academy needs two members who will help us out in this goal. We have members who regularly post and talk in our forum, but we lack the motivation to talk.
These assistants' duties are going to be:
- Keeping TCG & OCG Discussion alive with loads of interesting topics to talk about.
This includes but is not limited to:
1. Posting YGO news as online so from real life, including tournaments and other real life events and highlights from them such as deck ideas, outcome of the tournament or any other interesting things from those, also news such as release dates or hype about new cards or packs released, current or future meta, banlist and such format discussions etc.

2. Opening YGO discussions of any kind other than pure news. You will monitor the online ygo sources and when you see some cool decks or combo ideas or just cads worth mentioning, or simply some tech card choices in some decks like is it worth, what do people think about it, generally it is centered about opening a quality discussion about gameplay itself, to engage more members to start giving opinions and discussing these kinds of topics. It is advised that you are good and pretty active ygo player yourself so that you have always to share and speak about, either your decks your combos and opinions on certain ygo things.

Basically same like we see new discussions about cards, decks and combos each day in big sites such as pojo, ygoforums tcgplayer and the rest, we want that here as well. You can rip off ideas, meaning cool stuff you see in other websites you can repost here, of course with changing stuff, we want our own discussion, we don't want simple copy paste posts, you can get the inspiration from other websites but not copy their things. Source linking is of course allowed like when new cards are released ofc you will link the source, but for the rest be yourself and do it in your own style.

Don't think this as a "reporter" who needs good grammar and writing skills, this is meant to be simple and start quality discussion between members in DA so that we together get better by sharing info, giving opinions and taking opinions into account.

We will not say you have to post some topic on a daily basis, but when we view the statistics of TCG & OCG section, we want to see it pretty active and that there is always, simply always at least one or two active topics that are being discussed there. If there is more to talk, you will engage the talk, you will post again and again there keeping the flow of talk ongoing (aka bump the topic if it goes inactive but there is more to talk there)

Reply here if you have question, serious one though, or if you want to apply for the position. Apply with just mentioning why we should choose you, what qualities you have and what makes you eligible for the position. Basically, convince us to hire you.

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

I have a question about this.

Can Teachers ask these Assistants to keep an eye out for certain information and relay it to them when it is released as an actual part of the Assistant's job, or are these Assistants working by themselves?

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

I am willing to inform teachers everything, but sadly what can Inform them.

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

That actually answers my question well enough.

Ignore my question or delete it or something along those lines.

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

More active TCG/OCG section Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! 2184694589 .

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

So here I lay once more...
Well why should I be hired for this position, and what exactly does make me better then other applicants? That is a good question, but I will elaborate on why.
Firstly as most may know, I was a member of staff for well over a year recently, and held multiple staff positions in that time. I also believe that I was a pretty hard worker, active, and generally easy to get along with, so all of these attributes I think make me pretty suitable for this position.
Also through my time at DA I have had no behavioral issues, or warnings from other moderation or administration regarding behavior, so I think that I could represent staff in a very positive way, and also with very minimal conflict with other staff, or members.
I may have had to leave DA for a time due to other reasons,but I am back Razz 
Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! 1l9M6

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

Sure, I can do it.

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

Do an Application ._.

I want Spade as Assistant :3

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

It's pro application by ALu. We should accept it

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

Staff refrain from posting in this topic, except for Amy.

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

Anzobuse wrote:
Staff refrain from posting in this topic, except for Amy.

And you.

Also, I'd like to apply for assistant. That'd be cool if I got news and reported it in here. About me, I guess everyone knows. Firstly, I'm super active. Like, super. I'm always in here for 8 hours because I have nothing else to do except Pokemon and Minecraft. Besides, I'm confident enough to say I'm pretty good at dueling and knowing rulings, even though I don't play the game competitively as I did months ago. Thirdly, I was a staff before (Teacher). I didn't do my job properly though e.e Writing articles and making lessons isn't for me, since I'm impatient to think (Don't get me wrong, I'm still an Asian). And, I got banned and warned twice, but that doesn't really matter since I don't troll around harshly like I did before. Now, I'm being a nice kid who has nothing to do and is wanting for some kind of good job. Maybe when I get 16000 DP's, I can buy 2 Warning Removal Item's ;w; So, accept me :D

Also that's my item. Get my credit on it.

Proof: http://www.duelacademy.net/t23345-random-idea-came-in-my-mind

Naito, you'd better prepare your shield and some more protection.

descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

The Admins have selected Centrik and Spade to be our two assistants, so congratulations to them and thank you to all that have applied!


descriptionTwo Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW! EmptyRe: Two Assistant Jobs - Apply NOW!

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