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Complex (NHS)

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Mokuba Kaiba
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descriptionComplex (NHS) - Page 3 EmptyComplex (NHS)

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This high-tech building serves as not only a shelter for those who need it, but also a control center for the Master of the Hunt. It is multi-storied, with a helipad on top.

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As Harth is floating about as a ball of fire, he detects something large appearing with his rather diminished senses (fireballs don't have eyes, ears, noses or the like, but as a changeling he has an awareness of his surroundings regardless of form). Because of this, he decides to change into something with eyes. But something FUN- he was getting bored again. He turned into a form he often used for physical confrontation; this was your standard fantasy ogre, but with skill and brains driving its muscles. He was, at this point about 10 feet tall. He noticed that the large thing he had detected as a fireball was a helicopter. He threw a nearby brick at the front of it.

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*A short beeping sound goes off, and a bolt of what seems to be electricity shoots from the top of the complex and intercepts the brick, incinerating it. Ezekeil watches the entire scene on camera.*

"Good to know the security system works again."

*He turns to look at the camera feed showing the figure at the front of the complex.*

"What are you up to... I wonder..."

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Harth watches the brick being incinerated, and now realises that the helicopter is protected by something. He finally decides to go into the building, but shall do so in dragon form. He turns into a large green dragon and forces his way through the nearest door.

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*A warning siren wails throughout the complex.*

"Dammit. Erebus!"

-On it.-

*The sprinkler system in the main hallway turns on, drenching the green dragon in freezing water.*

"You can steal and crash my helicopter."

*The sprinklers turn off.*

"You can rip out my power cables."

*A dull humming noise emanates throughout the hall.*

"But if there's one thing I won't tolerate, it's breaking and entering."

-Let's see how you like this, shapeshifter.-

"We'll see if he can maintain a form with a few hundred amps coursing through him."

*Suddenly, bolts of electricity shoot out from the walls like you would see coming off of a tesla coil. They make contact with the largest object in the room; the dragon. The water acts as a great conductor as well, forcing more bolts to be drawn to the dragon. Eventually, it stops, and the hall becomes eerily quiet.*

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As a changeling, Harth had not only had his powers from birth, but all his ancestors had those powers and they had developed from millions of years ago, although the actual nature of how they had evolved is a concept of much speculation. However, the ability, as all traits passed down, is for survival. And every last phase of the ability has had a common feature- when an immediate threat has appeared, the body will change to fit that threat immediately and involuntarily. This dates back to before the species had achieved sentience; how could a creature which had no ability to solve problems select a form most resilient to the current problem? And so, in cases where a life is threatened, a changeling will immediately turn into a form that will not be harmed by what would otherwise cause damage. As quickly as possible.

When Harth was hit by the electric shocks, he hardly felt a thing. Instantly and instinctively, his body had turned into rock. He was no longer a green dragon, but a dragon made of rock. He stood still until the blasts stopped coming, then thought about his position. He walked for a while towards the centre of the building, then stopped. He then turned into a small rock. A pebble about the size of a person's thumb. He then proceeded to grow. He kept on growing past what you would call a stone, then reached the point where he would be called a boulder. He kept on growing until his height reached the top of the room. Then he kept on growing, breaking the ceiling and the walls around him. Someone wanted him out? He was inside. He might as well oblige their desires and turn the whole building inside out.

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"Lovely. Computer, lock down the west wing!"

*A flashing red light courses throughout the building. A siren echoes throughout the area. Large metal blast doors lock down, closing off the area.*

"Alright. Force it to a smaller size first. Before it breaks what's left of the walls."

*The walls in the west wing begin to contract rapidly.*

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After seeing the response from the unknown beings inside the area, Harth decided he was done. There was no way he could sneak around the place, nor was there any benefit in causing any more damage. As the walls were closing in, he decided to stop them from crushing him simply by crashing past, so he turned into a creature resembling a triceratops. This triceratops, however, was made of a dense metal, and as he crashed at full speed through the walls which were closing in on him, Harth was able to get past them with ease and make it back outside.

Then, however, he thought he should show some common courtesy.

He changed into the figure of a slender young man.

"I am Harth. I don't know who you are, but you're clearly running this gig. What is it? Is this a show? May the show continue. I care not if you would show your strength, but if it pleases your audience then let battle commence."

He then winked at the nearest camera.

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*The intercom turns on, even as the wall is piecing itself back together like a scene out of Portal 2.*

"Well, it took us long enough to reach this point. Since you are kind enough to give your name, I'll give mine. I am Ezekeil. I own this island. And this..."

*A loud roaring is heard echoing throughout the surrounding landscape.*

"...Is Erebus, my lifelong friend. To answer your question, this is no show. While it does present an entertainment value too good to pass up, it was intended simply to allow somebody to do something life-changing. And battle? What sort of battle do you propose?"

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Character: John/Lokos

John slowly walked to complex.

"Why the fu*k would you climb those mountains?! It took us so much time to get here because of that!"

"I thought that it would be an shorter way there..."

The John heard loud noises from the complex and wall cracked open.

"Who somebody has an party there! Wanna check it out?"

"Sure I want!"

After saying that John jumped in the room right before wall closed up behind him.

'Well damn...' He though.

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"There are many kinds of battle that we could use to show strength, but the most obvious if you consider the purpose of this island is to duel. In a physical confrontation you would have surprise and technology on your side, as I don't even know what you look like, let alone your strength. In a battle of wits we may be here for quite some time. So if you accept, a duel would be the best option. Come face me."

Through all of this, Harth kept the same serious facial expression. It was a stare.

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*The intercom clicks off, and Ezekeil sits there, thinking.*

"What do you think, Erebus? How's a duel sound?"

-I honestly can't say.-

"I haven't had much chance to test out the modified version. I mean, those new card..."

-We still don't know where they came from.-

"I think we know more than we let ourselves think we do."

-Your point being?-

"We'll duel him. But first, we'll have to explain the... circumstances... of the match."

*Ezekeil looks at his deck, noting the card whose face is showing.*

Malefic Divide. What are your secrets?

"He'll have to be patient though. First, we eat. I'm starving."

-Good choice.-

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Character- Leon
Duel Spirit- Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo

"This looks like a good place to start."
"If I were to organize an event that took place on an island, this is where I would stay. It's significantly different from all the other locations."
-I agree. What I meant to ask is, why do you need to talk to the organizer?-
"I don't own a duel disk. This guy is watching us right now."
-What makes you say that?-
"Less than ten minutes ago that building was falling apart at the seems."
-It looks fully repaired now.-
"There aren't any construction vehicles or a scaffolding in site."
-The building regenerated?-
"Something like that."
-Something like that cost money.
"Precisely. A island full of weather-proof spy camera's must be pocket change for whoever this person is."
-The organizer will show himself?-
"No doubt. While we're waiting can you teach me how to duel?"
"Just the basics. I'll figure it out as we go."
-You sounded so confident, as if you were going to win this.-
"I don't plan on losing- not when we work together."
-You sound so enthusiastic. Remember, Leon, winning could mean death.-
"No, Leo. Winning could mean freedom."
-Now that we are talking about winning... How exactly do we do that?-
"That's a question for the big boss. We will just have to wait to ask him."

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*A camera out front pans to look at the figure standing in front of the door. The lens rotates as the camera zooms in.*

"Seems we have a new visitor."

-You gonna let him in?-


*The intercom turns on, and a voice broadcasts through it.*

"Welcome, competitor, to my complex. Please, step inside."

*The doors slide open silently, revealing a long hallway.*

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"Excuse me, sir."
*Leon ignored him.*
"I hate to impose, but you wouldn't happen to have a spare duel disk?"
-While your asking for stuff see if he knows where a Number can find a hot duel spirit around here?-
"What is this all about?"

(NOTE: I've read every page so far so I know what's going on but naturally Leon does not)

-Isn't it obvious? He gathered everyone here to duel for each other's number.-
"Is that true?" *Leon stares at the ceiling*
-He may not be able to hear my voice or even see me through the human security devices. You will have to be more specific.-
"Hey, you! Is it true? Is it true that I have to gamble Leon- er my Number in order to win? When does it stop? When am I the winner? If I lose my only Number card does that mean there is no way for me to gain him back?"

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*The intercom is silent. All that can be heard is the background buzzing of the microphone. Then, a different voice...*

-You need not worry, you two. For what Ezekeil cannot see nor hear on his own, he can through me.-

"To start simply, yes, I have spare duel disks. And I'd be more than happy to give you one. But as to your other questions, they are a little lengthier. First off, you are the winner when you are the only one holding a number card. In otherwords, you'll have to get them from everybody else. And should you lose your Number, you can always get it back. Although it might take some... effort." His voice seems so be growing steadily... different. His tone is changing with each sentence, growing more and more cold. More somber.

"For your other questions, they're a bit... trickier. And I can only think of one way to answer them. Would you like to know... the truth?"

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"The truth?"
-I would like to see this man.-
"Yes." *Looks to Leon and whispers* "I don't think we are in any position to make any more requests."
-I still feel like we are talking to a wall.-
*still whispering* "That's because we are."
"If we continue down this hallway will we find you, the truth, or perhaps both?"
-We won't find out just standing here.-

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faervel is about to leave the complex since he thinks he has no reason to stay here any more
"And should you lose your Number, you can always get it back. Although it might take some... effort."
faervel hides to try to find out what's the conversation is about
"For your other questions, they're a bit... trickier. And I can only think of one way to answer them. Would you like to know... the truth?"
"the truth!?what's he talking about?"
faervel gets closer to be able to hear better

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*After a pause, the intercom clicks off. The hall is silent. Then, the lights go out. After about five seconds of darkness, the floor lights up with a series of green lines. A pathway. It leads down the hall and around the corner, to an apparently insignificant wall. A single line, only about the width of a finger, traces up the wall about midway and ends in a ring. A door, with a pressure point on the wall for a doorknob.*

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i overhear the conversation
-i think its time to go back to dueling, i think ill go after Ezekeil first...

He runs to the intercom


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he doesnt hear a response

-i cant believe this, am i not a competitor anymore?

he looks around

-ill find someone evencually...

he wanders off to where faer is

-u know where competitors are dude?

descriptionComplex (NHS) - Page 3 EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

Please do not doublepost. Edit your previous post instead next time. Thank you.

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-Someone is there. Are we being followed?-
"Sounds like a typical duelist. Do you think they are all that loud?"
-Does it matter?-
"Perhaps not. I guess I touch this and-"
*the door slide open swiftly and just as Leon and Leo step through the door slam shut and a loud unsettling locking sound is heard.*

Were we locked in or were unwanted guest locked out.

*Leon wasn't afraid though worst case scenario he would be killed. Mission accomplished.*

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*The room is pitch black. Then, the floor lights up in a similar fashion to before. But only in a single square where Leon stands. The square suddenly seems to be moving, taking Leon with it. A platform. It slowly descends on an incline, while itself remaining parallel to the ground. The room remains pitch black throughout this, and grows steadily colder the further down the platform descends.*


"I suppose we should join him down there."

*He reaches forwards and presses a button on the console, and the floor beneath him begins to descend in a space similar to the size of that platform, taking both him and his chair down.*

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"So 'the truth'. Is it about my curse? My immortality."
-Leon, I have a bad feeling, Leon.-
"Are the power of the Numbers really strong enough to end me of this long overdue life?"

*Leon takes a deep breath.*

"I'm sorry I've been rude. My name is Leon. My Duel Spirit is Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo."
-It's a pleasure...- *Leo looked and felt uneasy. He didn't blink.*

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*The platform comes to a halt, presumably reaching the bottom of the lift. A hissing noise is heard behind them, as the wall closes off the passage. Then, another line leads to the center of the room, ending just before a circle about five feet across. Another line appears from the opposite direction, ending before the circle as well. A brighter light turns on at the end of both, showing a railing and console. From the other side, somebody approaches the opposite console.*

"Don't worry. Just walk forward. This place has to be far underground, otherwise anybody would find it."

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"What exactly is here that needs so much security?"

Could it be that he simply needs to hide from his own technology? Is he being watched as well? So much security for what? 'The Truth'

*Leo growled at Leon*
-You need to wake up. You may be immortal. You may not feel pain. You still feel fear. You have nightmares, memories, and a personality underneath that mask you try to wear. The truth is you have your goals and there will always be someone who feels that your goal can be used to their advantage. I highly doubt that that man invited you down here to simply give you a duel disk and some friendly advice.-

After a brief moment of silence. Leon walk toward the dark silhouette of this man.

"I need to know."
-So foolish. You say you have lived over ten-thousand years but you are still a naive child.-

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Cinquième got up after his moment of resting and looked around the room he had been in for quite some time. He had heard many commotions going on in the area even when Ezekiel came up on the intercom, Masquerade then turned to him "104: I think we should get down there, it would be good to learn the 'Truth' to this." as Masquerade was talking Cinquième had already begun to stand up noticing the lights go out "Cinq: Is it sleepy time already?" Masquerade slaps his forehead shaking it "104: Just look for the magic floor light." Cinquième immediately jumps back slightly surprised "Cinq: Ahhhhhhh! Magic! Quick i need help. Someone! I NEED AN ADULT!" suddenly Seraph had shown up illuminating the room wit his bright light "102: Well he isn't the brightest fella is he?" Masquerade looks over to Seraph "104: Not really, but his heart is in the right place and thats what counts." Cinquième then jumps and clings to Seraph "Cinq: SAVE ME SPARKLY GOLDEN GUY!" Seraph pats Cinquième's head and pulled him off "102:I'll do my best to protect you when i can, but for now get the f*ck off." Cinquième quickly turned and ran for a hall, which looked like it had glowing floors "Cinq: THEN ONWARD TO NARNIA!" He shouts as he runs down the hall. Seraph and Masquerade turn to each other and shake there heads before following Cinquième. The hall ended up leading to a secret crate elevator which looked to be shut down "Cinq: Well this looks like the entrance to Narnia." Seraph then kicked him into the elevator and walked in himself followed by Masquerade "102: Yes it leads to Narnia now just sit there." Seraph had then begun to glow bright which ended up giving energy to the elevator causing it to go down to where everyone was "104: You know what your doing right Seraph?" "102: Yes. Well i think i do." "Cinq: Of course he knows what he is doing, he is taking us to Narnia."

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*Ezekeil looks up in surprise as the lines and consoles rotate into a different position, and a new one appears. Now they are arranged evenly around the circle.*

"Looks like we're about to have a new visitor."

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Cinquième Stood there waited for the door to reopen relieving what ever was on the other side "Cinq: It takes a long time to get to Narnia." then both Seraph and Masquerade slap him on the back of the head saying the same thing at the same time "102: Turn around!" "104: Turn around!" after being slapped Cinquième turns around seeing Ezekiel and a new person standing there "Cinq: IT'S MAG-!" quickly both numbers cover his mouth so he couldn't scream the word saying simultaneously "102: It's not magic!" "104: It's not magic!" they then both pushed him into the corridor following behind him. Masquerade then looked over to Ezekiel "104: So what is the 'Truth' you speak of?" as Masquerade was talking to Ezekiel, Seraph was scolding Cinquième a bit trying to convince him it wasn't magic "102: Didn't you hear the doors open behind you?" "Cinq: There were doors behind me?" but it seams that Seraph was failing miserably

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"What's the truth? I'm growing impatient."
-Let's leave, Leon.-
"Yeah, nothing is happening down here."
-Who are those clowns?-
"I don't really care. Before I leave, where can I get a duel disk?"

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