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Complex (NHS)

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Mokuba Kaiba
11 posters

descriptionComplex (NHS) - Page 2 EmptyComplex (NHS)

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This high-tech building serves as not only a shelter for those who need it, but also a control center for the Master of the Hunt. It is multi-storied, with a helipad on top.

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Limo sat on a cot. He looked at the card as if it were speaking to him

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*Ezekeil waits until everyone has left the room, then himself heads out to the upper terrace at the north end of the complex, eight stories above the ground. There, he lifts his left arm up so he is looking at the EBS-1 and presses a button on the side of it. After doing so, he looks behind him to see Erebus floating there in his full duel-spirit form.*

"Well, looks like we'll have some entertainment tomorrow, eh?"

-Indeed. I haven't been this eager to see a fight since...-

"Let's not discuss that. It hasn't quite come to pass. Not really, anyway."

-Wormholes are confusing.-

"Hell yes they are, buddy."

*Ezekeil looks up at the clear night sky, taking in the sight of all of the stars. He looks at the Milky Way, stretching its way across the entire black expanse of space.*

"Looks a lot different now than it did then."

-Indeed. It's a little chilling, really. Thinking about what could very well still happen if we don't stop it this time.-

"Well, when the opportunity presents itself, we'll just have to strike Kaio down hard and fast. We can't give him the opportunity he had, or will have."

*He pauses for a moment, deep in thought.*

"Not again."

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Character: John/Lokos

John walked slowly towards the big building and noticed the man standing on the terrace, and said loud enough him to hear

"Hmm from what I can see you are owner of this place? I judged by the looks how you stood there all almighty and stuff." Then he noticed all the mechanisms on the man. "Also as it seems you are well equipped..."

What are you waiting for? Just ask him! John could hear Lokos's voice in his head.

'I know, I know but it is embarrassing...' - John thought (So replying to Lokos so others couldn't hear him)

And standing there only wearing underpants isn't embarrassing enough?!

John rubbed back of his head... "Hey listen... Could you help me please? I sort of lost all of my stuff... It was at river then i swam to the lake and when got back to the river it wasn't there anymore..." John looked at his arm. "And judging by your looks somebody in me tells that you easily can track our numbers?"

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*Ezekeil looks down, noticing the half-naked man in front of the building. Without a word, he presses a series of buttons on the EBS-1, making the front doors open and the floor light up.*

"Follow that light. You'll find some clothes. As to your stuff, it probably floated downstream towards the mountains."

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Character: John

"Oh alright! Thanks you very much but I don't need any clothes. I have my own. Well somewhere at the mountains but still. Still thanks anyways!" John laughed and started walking to where mountains appeared to be.

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-Well, that happened.- Erebus said through the earpiece. He was now back to residing within the EBS-1.


*Ezekeil pauses a moment, then looks around the island from the terrace.*

"Let's see what happens next."

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Dante awoke in the chopper, stretching a bit as he sat up. He then climbed out of the back of the helicopter and then into the pilot's seat. "Okay. I've done this in Grand Theft Auto so it shouldn't be hard at all in real life. Now where's the R2 button...?"

"Even I know that it's nowhere near as easy to fly a helicopter in real life, Dante." Drago said to him, materializing in the co-pilot seat. He scoffed since he couldn't grab the throttle and sat with his arms crossed, waiting for them to get airborne.

Once Dante made it in to the air, taking a few minutes to actually READ the instruction manual in stead of just looking at the pictures, He made a beeline for the swamp, ready to close in on Number 53. He wasn't sure how it would be useful to him, but he'd find some way. "Alright, Jiminy. I know you're a smart ass but you're a good card," Dante said, actually complimenting the card he loved to use. "So you better help me win this one."

Holy crap, Dante. Are you actually growing a conscience?" Drago asked, surprised at the compliment. "Holy Obelisk, the world is coming to an end."

"... Shut up, Jiminy."

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*Ezekeil stands there, unmoving, as the helicopter flies away.*

-You know he just took the chopper, right?-

"Uh huh."

-Are you gonna do anything about it?-


-You drained the gas tanks and locked the doors, didn't you?-


-Does the insurance cover crashes on deserted islands?-

"It does as of two hours ago."

-You know he'll die, right?-

"Not with that Number around, he won't."

-Then why did you do it?-

*Ezekeil slowly looks up, expressionless, facing the direction the helicopter went. Then, a massive grin stretches across his face.*

"For the lols."

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Cinquième awoke from his long sleep finding himself underneath a bed in a small room "Cinq: Mommy are we there yet?" he said all groggily crawling out from under the bed. As he looked up he saw Masquerade staring down at towards him shaking his head "104: Get up we got some hunting to do." Cinquième then got up from the floor and stood next to Masquerade "Cinq: Alright lets go ride in that helicopter~!" Masquerade then slaps his forehead and shakes his head "104: You imbecile! While you were sleeping it was stolen." Cinquième face then filled with rage "Cinq: DAMN YOU SATAN~!" he then fell to his knees with a now saddened look on his face "Cinq: I wanted to ride that." Masquerade then raises his hand to smack him before suddenly being interrupted by a burst of power "104: It seams there is another number among us. It seams really powerful an over 100 if im not mistaken." Cinquième's spirits suddenly lifter and he jumped up onto his feet "Cinq: Well what are we waiting for? Lets go find him." Masquerade then turned into a sphere of light and returned into the top of Cinquième's deck with a faint whisper of his voice echoing through the room "104: Well then hurry up and find it." Cinquième then takes off running as his right eye lights up with the number 104 in it catching all residual traces of the other numbers power. As he turns to look into a room he sees a man there staring at his card, the figure of a great dragon behind the man "(in his head to Masquerade)Cinq: LOOK ANOTHER FRIENDLY DRAGON." Masquerade then answers back in his head "(in Cinquième's Head)104: What goes on in here i will never understand, but dragons are usually not friendly." Cinquième, ignoring Masquerade, walks over to the man pulling from one of his five(Cinquième in french) decks from his belt and places it in his duel disk "Cinq: Hi there stranger~! I see you have a talking card. Maybe you can't see it, but i can. I would like to add him to my group of friends so lets duel." Cinquième then stands there waiting for his answer.

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Dante walked back into the complex, Number 46 hovering behind him still nagging him.

"I told you to be careful, didn't I?! Why the hell would you risk losing me like that? 50 Life Points! Seriously?! Who knows what I would have become if you hadn't beaten him! How dare you risk it like that!!! I'm sure that if he had me as a partner, he surely would've liste-"

"... Shut up, Jiminy,' Dante replied, tired of all the nagging he was receiving. He spotted Cinque running down the hallway looking like he was in a rush. Dante figured he found another Number card so he decided to follow him. Seeing that he had found a duelist, Dante slapped him on the back playfully as he said, "Hey, buddy. Just won my first duel so don't you go losing on me too."

At this moment, another sprite appeared in front of him, looking like a purple robot. "I am Number 53: Heart-eartH; Heart, for short. At your service," the thing said. Dante not really knowing what it was but knowing that it was the number of the card he just acquired, sighed.

"Great," Dante said, mildly irritated, "another one to deal with. Let me guess. Since Jiminy here is my conscience, that makes you my... what? Libito?"

Heart, seemingly surprised by this comment, turned to Drago and said simply as he pointed at Dante, "This human isn't very bright, is he?"

"Well, he did steal a helicopter and then decide to surf on it when it ran out of gas," Drago said, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

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when i arrived at the Complex, it was crowded

-Dang, how many ppl are there?
102- Lots, i cant count them either, this is overwhelming...
-i see we got some good competition here, but, should we duel?
102- its strategically wise to wait until one shows up
-got it, we'll wait i guess

We wait for someone to show up

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While I was waiting, i found two people, Heart and Dante

-looks like people are here already

102- should we ask for a duel?


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*The intercom within the complex comes to life with a slight buzz at first.*

"Welcome, newcomers. And welcome back, my hunters! I see Dante has succeeded in acquiring another number card! Congratulations to you. Now, due to the fact that you're all inside, your next duels should be nice and temperature-controlled! Happy hunting!"

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faervel enters the complex and sees some people listening to an intercom
."...your next duels should be nice and temperature-controlled! Happy hunting!"
"WAIT...i got questions
who are you?
what are all this people doing here?
(points at dante) are u the one that sent that guy after me?
and do u own a number?
come on i need answers"
faervel stares at the intercom waiting for answers...

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"My my, hasty one, aren't we? Tsk tsk. Good things come to those who wait."

*The intercom is silent for about thirty seconds.*

"Okay, to answer your questions. My name is Ezekeil. Second, everybody is here competing over number cards. Or did your pamphlet not say that? Tres. Si. And four..."

*Another silence.*

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

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I stare at the intercom

-well, he aint responding, abort?
102- yes, indeed
-then what are we gonna do next, i saw faervel earlier, should we go after him?
102- yes, and i sense Dante is also going after him
-sweet, lets go chase him down, what do u say 102?
102- im fine by that, and i want a nickname
-how bout..., !, Sephiroph!
102- sure, Sephiroph it is!
-shall we then, partner
Sephiroph- We shall.

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(rp note:from now on i write what i think in italic)
faervel is totally mad after waiting about 30 seconds between each of the man's sentnces
he opens his mouth to shout something but then thinks
"shouting to this guy wont help me i need to find that half demon"
he then leaves without saying a word
walking in the complex looking for that guy he realizes someone's following him(matt)
he suddenly stops turns back and asks
"what do u want human...?"

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*With the intercom now turned off, Ezekeil leans back in his chair with a sigh.*

-Something wrong?-

"No, no, everything's fine. Don't worry about me, Erebus. Focus more on keeping yourself in tact."

-It's another one of those days, isn't it?-

*Ezekeil sighs, then speaks.*

"It's been more than a day, Erebus."

-Is that why you've been so tired? Has Kaio been pressing on your mind that much?-

"Not Kaio specifically, but his influence, definitely."

*Ezekeil remembers back to just a few moments ago when he felt as if he were loosing control when speaking over the intercom.*

"You remember what happened last time, Erebus. Right?"

-Of course. How could I forget? I was possessed by the bugger, remember?-

"True, true. But I had to walk around with Kaio, still. You just got to float there in your subconscious."

*A momentary silence.*

"He just... takes control... if you let him in."

-I know.-

"I made that mistake."

-We both did. Don't blame yourself. He's powerful. There wasn't really much you could do until the end.-

"I still feel like I should've done more to stop him from killing."

-You still can. We've got a while longer yet to figure out the turning point in this time. And we've got another five-hundred years before any of this even starts again. You hit him pretty hard two years ago.-

"What do you mean 'You hit him pretty hard'? I wouldn't have been able to do it without you and my deck. Not to mention Crown. If it wasn't for his program, my brain would've been fried in an instant, along with my mind."

-Even with Crown, you were the one who fought Kaio. I just provided support and acted as your weapon when you needed me most.-

"But even then, we weren't entirely strong enough."

*Erebus remains silent.*

"And now Crown has disappeared and I have no clue where he went."

-I can find him.-

*Ezekeil is shocked into silence at this sentence; his breath seemed to have left him in an instant.*

"You know where he is?"

-No. But all programs leave traces. And he ran it through me, remember?-

*Ezekeil's face slowly changes from one of shock to one of sheer elation.*

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's find him!"

-There's only one problem.-

"What's that?"

-I've already tried. There's a big issue.-

"Which is?"

-We don't have enough power. But I know how we can get it.-


-We're on an island filled with powerful cards. We could harness that power with the remnants of Crown's program. It wouldn't be hard. We would just need them all in one place. And they have to remain with their owner, once that person gathers them all. So we have to convince them to let us use their power before they themselves even get the chance. And we'll have to repair some of Crown's program as well. It's fragmented in my memory.-

"Do you think we can do it?"

-We can if we start right now.-

"Then let's go."

*Ezekeil reaches down and presses a button on the EBS-1. A portion of it slides open, revealing a thick USB cable. He plugs it into the console, and the letters on its surface begin to glow, outlining the letters EBS-1.*

"Alright. Time to get to work."

*He begins to type on the keyboard; various displays and messages, lines of code, and a multitude of windows appear and disappear on the screen intermittently. He isn't typing alone though. Erebus is uploading all of the information he has on Crown's program to the database as well, expediting the process.*

"Let's do this, Erebus. For everyone who has ever been, everyone who is, and everyone who ever will be."

-Let's do this for those who lost their lives, and those who will lose them at Kaio's hands.-

"Let's do this for the future of mankind."

-Let's do this...-

*Both say at the same time...*

-"For Earth!"-

*From this point on, if anybody were to enter the room, all they would hear is the sound of manic typing. And all they would see is a solitary figure, typing away like the future of everybody depends on it.*

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Cinquième stood there with his disk raring to go as he waited for the man with the friendly dragon. As he stood there Masquerade appeared and smacked Cinquième on the back of the head "104: What did i tell you? Number 102 comes before all else." Cinquième then looked back with a tear falling from his eye pointing his finger to the card the other guy was holding "Cinq: But but but but........the friendly dragon...." Masquerade then scowled at him "104: No buts. Now get your butt over there and get 102 first." Cinquième whined a bit before finally giving into Masquerade "Cinq: Fine, lets go." he then turned to the man in the cot "Cinq: Ill be back for that friendly dragon." Cinquième then took off igniting his right eye to search. While running around he found a trace of 102's residual energy on the other side of the wall(well what he assumed was a wall which ended up being three rooms and two hallways.) so he looked up and saw an entrance like thing quickly making his way through. The path was clustered with wires and polls along with other high-tech gadgets and devices, he even passed by the room near the room Ezekiel was in hearing his furious "haxor skillz", eventually he mad it to a place he could stand and walk forward through the jungle of cables. Cinquième eventually came to an opening which looked out to a large room where Matt and Farvel were conversing, the room was quite large with pillars and wires hanging from the ceiling, he then looked down to the two conversing seeing which of the two had a talking card with his 104 eye. Cinquième then called down to Matt "Cinq(to Matt): Sorry to disappoint you but he doesn't have what you seek, so in other words 'The Princess is in another castle.' but i know which one." he then grabbed one of the wires hanging from the ceiling and jumped with it causing it to rip and swing him down, coincidentally this was the wire that powered Ezekiel's room, as he was swinging down wailing like George of the Jungle would "Cinq: George, George, George of the Jungle strong as he can be, watch out for that tre-" just then Cinquième rammed into a pillar as the end of the wire came and hit him causing thousands of volts to charge through his body. He then slid down as if nothing had happened to him hitting his feet to the floor. Masquerade then came out and stood beside him looking "104: You need to be more careful i had to protect you with my power." Cinquième then looked towards Masquerade "Cinq: You know you didn't have to right? I do this stuff on a regular basis." Masquerade was then about to scold him right before he took off to Matt "104: Well maybe that shock was a good thing, his priorities seam to be in the right place." as Cinquième reached Matt he held up his duel disk "Cinq: Alight lets duel."

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*Ezekeil blinks in surprise as the lights in the room flash and the backup generator fires up.*

"What the hell?"

-Already working on fixing it.-

*In the room inhabited by Cinque, Matt, and Faervel, the snapped cable starts to slowly draw itself back up into the ceiling via some hidden mechanism.*


*Some hours later.*

"It wasn't my fault that you decided to release this thing!"

"I only did it because you wanted to!"

"I never wanted to!"

"I'm sick of your lies! That's all it's been lately! Just lie after lie! Are you incapable of at least one truth?"

"Are you!?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You lied to me about knowing it was here for weeks! And you lied about Erebus for months!"

"Leave Erebus out of this! He had nothing to do with it!"

"Like hell! He's a Malefic monster. He's just as dark and twisted as that thing!"

"He's not bad! I've known him my whole life. He's been tied to me since birth! He is not a bad person!"

"He's not even a person!"

"Damn it, I'm done with your crap! I wish I could just-"

*Suddenly, the computer console that covers multiple walls lights up. Sensors and gauges around the room redline. The ground starts to shake.*

"What the hell!?"

*Just then, a massive green light floods the room. Through the bright light, a shadow of a large serpentine beast is visible. The form lunges towards one of the two people in the room. His eyes grow wide as he sees it coming towards him, as do the other person's.*


*An unearthly scream is heard coming from Klaus, as the shadow is upon him. Suddenly, blood covers the walls. And then, the shadow turns towards the other figure. And then...*

*Ezekeil wakes with a start in his chair. The glow of the computer screens illuminates the room. Erebus had turned out the lights when he noticed Ezekeil had fallen asleep.*

-You alright?-

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. How's the program coming along?"

-It's going great.-

*They are silent for a moment.*

-You had that dream again, didn't you?-


-I thought it had finally stopped.-

"I did too. Maybe because Kaio is stirring in his slumber."

-You think his influence is even getting to you in your dreams?-

"Yes. I do."

*Ezekeil thinks back on his dream. His face grows somber.*

"I regret that day so much, Erebus."

-I know you do. But there was nothing you could've done.-

"I wish it could've been me instead of Klaus. He didn't deserve that fate."

-I'm glad it wasn't you.-

"Why? Look at the terrible things I've done in my past! I fought over a bunch of soul-stealing items. I brought people to this island and made them duel for number cards. I killed people, Erebus, under the barrier. And worst of all, I let Kaio out."

*He pauses, then speaks, almost with a melodic tune to his voice.*

"I lose myself in all these fights. I lose my sense of wrong and right..."

*He says something under his breath, then continues.*

"It's shaking from the pain that's in my head, I just wanna crawl into my bed, and throw away the life I led..."

*He says something else under his breath, then stops speaking and stops talking with the melodic tune.*

-But think of all the good things that you've done.-

"Like what?"

-Do you remember the train?-

"The one that nearly crashed?"

-Yeah. You saved every person on that train by taking the controls after the driver passed out. You also fought over those items to make sure nobody else would use them for evil.-

"But I failed."

-No, you didn't. You just didn't get the opportunity to succeed. And under the barrier, those deaths weren't your doing. It was Kaio's fault.-

"Doesn't change the fact that I released him."

*Erebus continues on.*

-And the people you brought here. You did an amazing thing. You brought people together, some for the first time.-

"They're fighting, Erebus."

-But for a common goal. The realization of their dreams. Ezekeil, you're helping them achieve their life goals.-

"But what about Kaio?"

-Yes, you did release him. But you know what? That doesn't matter. Because you fought against him to send him back. You worked to correct your mistake. You did the right thing.-

"But he's coming back."

-And we'll be ready for him. It wasn't your fault that Klaus died. Friends fight. Kaio decided that he wanted to take a side is all. And his decisions never end well for at least one person.-

"What are you trying to say?"

-Despite all the terrible things you may have done, you've done so much more good than bad. You've helped so many people, Ezekeil. Including me. You're a good person.-

*Ezekeil sheds a few tears, but he tries to hide them.*

"Do you really mean that?"

-Of course. Why would I lie to you?-

*Ezekeil smiles, then wipes the tears from his eyes.*

"Alright. I get it now. Thank you, Erebus."

*He focuses back on the computer screens.*

"Now, let's finish this. Because if there's one thing I do know, it's that it's not over."

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- (he sees Cinque in the distance) looks like i got a challenger on my hands?
102- looks devious, dont u think
- meh, a battles a battle, but this will be the first time i use u, friend
102- lets just duel now

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faervel takes 2 steps away from the duelists
*i might have time for watching a duel
*middle of duel:
*102 leaves
*faervel smiles
that human kid really doesn't know how to talk to his number...this duel is not worth my time
*faervel leaves the place
*thinking as leaving
maybe that kid knew how to treat his number even better than me
i mean it's not like they were the best dueling team ever but at least
they weren't like me and 53...that card was really controlling me...
well...at least i know 102 is not a dangerous card and so is that kid

Last edited by faervel on Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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I stare at the face of defeat
-aww, this sucks

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Dante, still in the room with the man with the "friendly dragon," as Cinque put it, looked over to him and said, "Well. Looks like your challenger is gone so why don't you and I duel? We can go Dragon vs. Dragon. Sounds reasonable, right?"

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As Cinquième was dueling he was more calm and collected than when he normally walked around with Masquerade almost as if he wasn't crazy "Cinq: Go Madolche Queen Attack a devastating blow." he called out as Tiraramisu hit Matt with her attack. "104: Wow your so normal.....it feels strange to see you like this."

Matt's turn went buy, he summoned out a Blacking and attacked Cinquième's Invoker "Cinq: In response i activate my two set cards, Defense Draw and Breakthrough Skill. First Breakthrough Skill stops your Blackwing's effect so there is no special summoning for you, next Defense Draw cancels out the damage i would have been dealt, plus the added bonus of me getting to draw a card." Cinquième then drew a card from his deck taking a look 'Madolche Chateau' that might come in handy if he destroys my current one. He then looked towards Matt who was ending his turn.

Cinquième's Turn started and he drew taking a look at his draw 'Madolche Magileine' "Cinq:Perfect" he mumbled to himself. He added the card to his hand and started his turn "Cinq: First off ima use Tiraramisu's special ability, by removing 1 overlay unit i can send up to two Madolche monsters from my grave to my deck then send up to the same number of cards from your field to your deck, so in other words Hootcake and Messengelato go to my deck and Blackwing follows to yours." The Blackwing on the field turns into a beam of light and returns to Matt's deck "Cinq: Now that a Modolche went back to my deck do to a Madolche effect Ticket activates and i get to add a Madolche monster from my deck to my hand, but since i have a Madolche Fairy-type on the field i can special summon it instead, so come back to the field Messengelato." a beam of light shot out of Ticket revieling Messengelato. "Cinq: Now i normal summon Madolche Magileine, and due to her ability i can add a Madolche monster to my hand from my deck, so another Hootcake for me." Cinquième holds his hand out as trails of light move from his deck to his hand creating the Hootcake card. "Cinq: Now i use the effect of Hootcake on the field to banish Invoker in my grave to special summon another Magileine." Hootcake thenbegins to glow and call forth another Magilene from his deck with a beam of light, now the three level four monsters are standing side by side by side with three little circle showing four in them "Cinq:So now that i have three level four monster, its time." The three monsters turn into beams of light flying into the network of energy before them and the 104 in his eye begins to glow violently "Cinq: I overlay my three level four monsters to Exceed Summon...." then the energy vortex explodes as 104 appears out of the area, kinda dressed like Utopia though "Cinq:...Number 104: Masquerade in attack position." Cinquième the looks up at Masquerade "Cinq: Why do you look like that?" Masquerade then looked down to him shaking all the extra stuff off "104: Well one of us needs to look crazy or our relationship would be off." Cinquième then shrugged as he pointed his finger at Matt "Cinq: Oh well, go direct attack him." Masqureade then takes off heading for Matt ramming him with his attack, but as Matt's LP dropped to Zero it seams that a bit of life force left and went into 104. The chaos gate then appeared behind Masquerade and and pulled him into it "104: Wait whats happening?" the gates then closed on him. A small rectangular light then appeared before Cinquième, he then reached out and grabbed the light. The gate then exploded as the chaos form of Masquerade came out causing the card to revile the C104 card along with a Rank-Up card. "Cinq: Well it looks like you just got stronger." Cinquième then reached out his hand as a ray of light shot out and hit Matt causing the 102 card to come into his hand "c104: Well it looks like we did well." Cinquième then nods before collapsing.

Cinquième then awoke on the floor of the room to Masquerade shaking him as another newer face stood to the side "Cinq: Five more minuets mom." he said groggily. Masquerade then smiled looking down to him back to his normal form "104: Well it looks like your back to normal." Cinquième then pointed to the strange fellow to him "Cinq: Who is that guy?" 102 Seraph then walked over to Cinquième taking a form to look like a lighter Cinquième with a 102 in his right eye "102: I am your new number, 102 Star Seraph Sentry to be exact, i will serve you until the time of our parting. My previous master called me Sepheroth." Cinquième then looks up at him and smiles "Cinq: Nope, your going to be Sparkly Gold Guy." he then chuckles lightly as he sat there regaining some energy.

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*The intercom turns on; this time the static is absent. The numerous TV screens and whatnot throughout the complex and the rest of the island light up with an image of Cinque's face after winning.*

"Congratulations, Cinque!" Says Ezekeil in a very official-sounding announcer voice.

"You are one step closer to achieving your goals! However, by doing so you have made yourself a potential target for those looking to gain more number cards. Good luck, and happy hunting!"

*The intercom clicks off.*

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Rather than approach as a squirrel, Harth decided to walk over to the buildings as something more noticeable. After turning into a horse, he trotted his way up to the complex and pretended to be a random stray horse. Whoever might see him as such will most likely suffer some kind of ill fortune.

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-He's outside dammit.- Says Erebus with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"You need to get over yourself." He laughs slightly.

-I do not!-

"Do too."

-It's not my fault that he's doing it wrong.-

"Doing what wrong?"

-Well, in reality, a dragon wouldn't...- He is cut off by a beeping noise on the console.

"Well crap."

-What's wrong?-

"The pizza is burning."

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Having become slightly bored of being a horse, Harth looked around and could see no-one in clear sight, so he decided to become a floating fireball for a bit. This was quite a weird form for him to take, but it was still a possible form nonetheless, and so he floated in mid air waiting for someone to see him.

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*Ezekeil sits there, eating a slightly-burned piece of pizza. He watches the feed from the cameras around the island.*

"Nothing interesting going on it seems."

-Does that surprise you?-

"Surprisingly, yes. No pun intended. It worries me more than anything."

-How so?-

"Well, if we don't see some more action soon, I'll have to start forcing people together, or I'll have to go hunting myself for the ones that are a bit lost. Can't have them roaming around."

-It would be a good chance to test that new RC program you made.-

"Indeed. All we need for that is..."

*A soft whump-whump-whump noise is heard from outside.*

"... a new helicopter."

*He looks on the helipad feed. The new helicopter is similar to the old one, except more advanced. It is more sleek in design, and is completely black. It has enough room in it to hold about eight people as well.*

-When did you order that?-

"I got the old one insured, remember?"

-One hell of an insurance plan.-

descriptionComplex (NHS) - Page 2 EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

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