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Complex (NHS)

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Mokuba Kaiba
11 posters

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyComplex (NHS)

This high-tech building serves as not only a shelter for those who need it, but also a control center for the Master of the Hunt. It is multi-storied, with a helipad on top.

Complex (NHS) 4608134612_1052474dbe_o

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

*A soft whirring fills the air and steadily grows louder and louder as a shiny black and white helicopter approaches the complex.*

About time we got this show on the road.

*After making his speech on the loudspeaker, Ezekeil had gotten aboard the helicopter and was on his way towards his control center. His "HQ" as he likes to call it. Seeing the helipad below him, he brings the helicopter to a stop and gently lands it in the center. As the whining rotors slow to a stop, he exits the helicopter and heads inside, where he finds his way to his control room. Monitors show camera feeds from every corner of the island. Taking a seat in a large chair, he pulls up to the desk and leans back in the chair, relaxing.*

"Alright then."

-You know, I could've flown that thing too.- A voice says through his earpiece. It is his duel spirit, Malefic Cyber End Dragon (AKA Erebus), which resides in the device attached to Ezekeil's arm, the EBS-1.

"Yeah, but I bought the thing just so I would be able to fly it around this island. So I'm gonna be doing it myself."

-You never let me have any fun.-

*Ezekeil smiles, laughing a little bit, then turns his attention to the screens.*

"And now we wait."


*After a time, a small indicator light turns on near one of the screens.*

"Oh? Who do we have here?"

*Looking on the indicated display, Ezekeil sees a solitary figure in the forest, sticking to the shadows.*

"Intriguing. Erebus, pull up the flight manifest for me on screen four, please?"

-On it.-

*One of the displays closest to him lights up with an official-looking document listing the names and identities of everybody on the drop-plane.*

"Hmm... Ah hah. Here. That must be that Faervel guy."

-According to the manifest, he's a vampire.-

"Seems we have a few of them. Let's see what he does first."

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Cinquième had entered the area coming up to what seamed to be a large building. "Well this looks nice. I'm glad i picked this place." his deck then glowed again and he raised it up to his ear "Whats that?" the deck pulsed a few times before Cinquième's voice came up again "Shut up it was my idea to pick like that." his eyes then widen as he feels a uneasy feeling. He then growls in anger as he jumps back. He landed on his bottom quickly taking his shoes off turning them onto there sides causing sand to flow out "Gah~ that feels better." he sighs and lays back setting his shoes on the side. He then just lays there relaxing as he waits for his new friend to react.

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*Another indicator light ignites, this time on the screen showing the outside of the complex. Ezekeil looks up, curious.*

"Somebody's here."

-Should we do something?-

"No. I want to know what they're here for."

*Ezekeil reaches forward and presses a button, holding it down. He begins to speak.*

"Hello there! Are you a competitor?" He asks, knowing very well that he is.

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Cinquième quickly jumped up looking around frantically calling out with his own fake echo "Hello-o-o-o-o-o-o~!" he then looked down at his deck seeing that his new friend was trying to talk to him. He pulled the card up to his ear and nodded as he apparently 'listened' to the card. "Oh i should ask that? Alright then." he then placed the card back on top of his deck and proceeded to call out "Are you one of those talking cards? If so my new friend says i should get you so we have more friends." he then realized his shoes were off from before and hoped back down to put them back on.

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"No, I am not a card. I'm a person. And this is an intercom." He says through the speaker.

-That was... random- says Erebus through Ezekeil's earpiece.

*Ezekeil sits there, thinking.*

"Again, I have to ask. Why are you here?"

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Cinquième sighs lightly and then looks at his deck "Well first i was trapped in the desert. So then my new friend helped me find three places, then i played 'Any Many Mine Mo' to see whee i would go, and then i came here, and then i took my shoes off, and then i talked to you, and then i told you how i was trapped in the desert, then i told you how....." he continued his rambling on for about five layers of telling him about how he was telling him stuff before his deck light flashed and the disc activated. Number 104:Masquerade then appeared next to Cinquième interrupting his rambling and causing the number 104 to appear in his right eye "104: We are hear searching for numbers. This one i am with may be a bit.......weird, but his heart is just. So i shall lend him my powers so that he may achieve the prize and realize his dream." Cinquième then looked up to Masquerade "Cinq: Oh thats where you have been. But yeah like he said i want to collect all the talking cards and then we can all be friends." Masquerade then took a more human appearance looking like a negative version of Cinquième with the number 104 in his left eye. Masquerade then whacked his hand to his forehead shaking his head "104: you have already forgotten what your goal was." as he was being scolded by 104 Cinquième turned to where the voice they were hearing was coming from and spoke ignoring 104 for a bit "Cinq: So do you know where the other talking cards are Mr.Voice?"

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*Ezekeil thinks for a moment, then starts speaking again.*

"I do know where the other Numbers are. I know where they all are, at all times. Pretty simple system, actually. Basically, I just employ the Numbers in my own possession and link them into the EBS-1's database and sensors pick up the residual traces of power leading to the other Numbers via a link I don't quite understand and..." He continues to trail on until Erebus interrupts him by speaking to him via the earpiece.

-Will you shut up already and get on with the conversation?-

*Ezekeil blinks in surprise, then starts talking again after a moment's pause.*

"It's going to be dark soon. Care to come inside for something to eat, or drink, or a rest? We can discuss your questions then."

*Ezekeil releases the intercom button, then presses another one labeled MAIN DOOR SOUTH. The large doors on the front of the building slide open in almost complete silence.*

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Cinquième and Masquerade watched as the main gate in front of them opened up allowing them passage into the complex. The two then looked toward each other "104: Be careful in there in there, were still not all to sure about this guy." Masquerade then turns back into light and enters the card on the top of the deck. Cinquième then turned and headed inside the complex still talking to 104 like he was right next to him "Cinq: Psht~ Its all good, im leading us so were safe." a loud grone then echoed from the card followed by a quick speech "104: Its because your leading us that im worried." the two then continue to head down the hall working there way around.

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

Dante saw his friend Cinque walk up the the big doors of the complex and thought for a moment. I know he's not right in the head, but who is he talking to? Dante thought to himself. He then heard a voice that sounded like it was in his head. It was a deep tone that had a somewhat sarcastic tone to it as it said, He's talking to his number, you idiot. Dante looked around but though he was just hearing things when all of a sudden he heard it again. Down here, you idiot. Your deck. Look at your deck. Dante, on a whim, looked down at his deck and a light shined from his duel disk. All of a sudden the light became blinding and Dante responded with "What the-?!"

Before he could finish his sentence, a spirit was standing in front of him. A regal man with long hair and what looked like scales under his left eye was he, although he was somewhat translucent. Dante looked at him with a puzzled, yet arrogant expression and said, "Okay, who the hell are you?"

The man bowed to him and said, "I am your number card. My name is Number 46: Draggluong. But you can call me Drago, Dante." The man then crossed his arms in front of him, an equally arrogant stance to mirror Dante's.

Dante chuckled and said, "You honestly expect me to believe you're my card? I can't believe this. I'm going nuts. I am officially going nuts." Dante then looked to see the doors open in front of Cinque and said, "Well, no time to talk with you, Jiminy Cricket. I have to get in that building." Moving quickly, he ran for the doors at a full sprint. Just as the doors were about to close, Dante used a combat roll to dive towards the door, his duster nearly getting caught int the crack between them as they closed. Missing his jacket by fractions of fractions of an inch, Dante was able to finish his roll and kneeled for a moment. Watching Cinque move, he stood up and jogged to catch up to him. Making it to his side, he turned and looked at Cinque and said with a cocky grin, "How's it goin', buddy?"

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

*Ezekeil watches as Cinque enters the building, followed by another person.*

"Erebus, identify that competitor and scan for his number card."

-On it.-

*The screens immediately in front of Ezekeil light up, showing a view of the main hallway. At the same time, small security cameras in the hallway pan around to keep the two in shot. Various HUDs and information pop up intermittently as the computer scans the pair. Then, a new window pops up.*

-The newcomer appears to be a man called Dante. According to the documentation, he and Cinque know each other previously.-

"What Number does he have? Scan Cinque while you're at it as well."

-Do I have to do everything in this relationship?- Says Erebus mockingly.

"Pretty much." Replied Ezekeil, unfazed.

-You never act like you love me anymore.- Says Erebus, mimicking the sounds of sobbing.

"Shut up and do it, you great big moron." He tries not to laugh.

-You could at least say please next time.-

*Another window pops up, putting a new overlay over the video feed. The Numbers in both of their decks seem to glow under this filter. A computerized feminine voice emanates from the console.*

+Numbers identified. Cinque: Number 104: Masquerade. Dante: Number 46: Erethreal Dragon Draggluong+

-When the hell did you program that feature in?-

"Like two days ago."

-Oh, so now you're cheating on me?-

"Erebus, you are a card. Not a person. Neither is the computer. Now shut up, and play minesweeper or something."


descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

Cinquième jumped to the side completely startled by Dante ramming his head into the wall by accident. He then hops back up onto his feet as if nothing happened and raised his hand up to his shoulder height in Dante's direction "Yo~! Hows it be hangin~!"

(Inside Cinquième's Mind) Inside his mind a figure of Masquerade appeared in his head beginning a secret conversation with him in his head away from everyone else. "104: Cinquième i sense a power simmer to that of mine coming from that mans deck." Cinquième's figure then appeared in his mind next to Masquerade's and begun to talk "Cinq: Don't worry that's just Dante, he isn't too much to worry about, if anything he might help." Masquerade then placed his hand on Cinquième's eye sending power into it "104: I guess i am going to have to trust you on this one. Here use my power to see what he has with him."

(Outside of the Mind) Suddenly his right eye began to glow showing the number 104 in his right eye causing his sight to see one card in Dante's deck glowing (Note: Im not chara controlling im just pointing out how my eye can see the numbers power and its not actually glowing to anyone else.) Then what seamed to be a large dragon figure came into view but was still too blurry to tell what it was "So it seams you have a talking card as well." he smiles and continues along the path looking for the voice that had called him into the building earlier.

(Inside his Mind) Cinquième stands there in the same position as before with Masquerade hand over his right eye "Cinq: It looks like a dragon..........so it must be friendly." Masquerade then removes its hand from his eye and brings it to slap Cinquième's face "104: God your Stupid, Dragons are fierce and ferocious not cheerful and friendly. Just keep your guard up." Cinquième just chuckles as the mind realm begins to crumble signifying the end of there current conversation "Cinq: Okie Dokie Ardichokie~! Ill keep my guard up if ya say to."

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Dante watched Cinque run into the wall and chuckled as he shook his head. "Clumsy as ever it seems. And how's it hangin'? Oh, down around my knees." He then chuckled again but stopped for a moment as he watched Cinque's focus turn to the card as his eye glowed with a number. He then heard Him say something about a talking card and shrugged his shoulders as he said, "Yep. I have a talking card too. I'm just as crazy as you are now, buddy."

Dante then heard the voice speak again, sounding like it was out loud this time and not in his mind, as Drago appeared once more behind him. "You aren't crazy, you sarcastic moron. I'm real."

Dante's eye twitched as he turned around and said with a snide tone, "Okay, Jiminy. If you're real, then why can I just pass right through you huh? Explain that to me." Dante crossed his arms with an arrogant posture, looking like he knew that Drago couldn't come up with an explanation prove once and for all that he really was just crazy... However, what Drago said just made it sound even more like Dante really was crazy.

"I'm what most call a 'duel spirit.' The reason you can pass through me is because I am an intangible being, similar to a corporeal ghost. That's how you pass through me. Get it now, genius?" Drago leaned in close, giving Dante the "stink eye," looking at him with an angry expression like he really was an idiot.

Dante countered with, "Well, ghosts aren't real, which proves that you aren't real either!" Dante was shouting at Drago in an annoyed tone and, if anyone who COULDN'T see duel spirits was around, they would think he was arguing with himself and would also, in fact, believe he was certifiably nuts. "I can't believe I'm even talking to you like you're a person, you cracked-up figment of my imagination!"

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

-They're arguing.-


-All four of them.-

"The Numbers and the competitors?"


"You can tell this how?"

-Because I can see them.-

*Ezekeil sits back in his chair, relaxed, watching the two figures on the screen.*

"Well, I can't. Not through these cameras at least. So if anything interesting happens, tell me."

-Cinque is saying something about a dragon.-

*Ezekeil grins with a hint of satisfaction.*

"Well, I've had enough waiting. Let's make something happen, shall we?"

*He reaches over and presses a button labeled MAIN ROOM 1. On camera, it can be seen that the floor lights up, revealing a path guiding the two to that room. Ezekeil then stands up, and exits his command center, heading down the hallway towards the same room, but taking his time so as to not enter it before the other two.*

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

Cinquième jumps startled at the flashing lights that appeared on the ground below them "Cinq: Holy cow its magic!" he then went over and clung to the wall "Cinq: Quick someone save me......." Masquerade, now deciding to make an appearance due to his partners recent show of immaturity, came out in the same form as before (Negative looking Cinq) turning to face Dante and Drago "104: Hello i am Number 104: Masquerade." He then turned to Cinquième slapping him across the face "104: You moron that is technology not magic, i am more magic than that." Cinquième then turned to Drago ignoring the slap and explanation of the floor "Cinq: Hey~! Your friendly right? Masque says you wouldn't be and.........." he suddenly stopped turning back to Masquerade "Cinq:YOUR MAGIC?" Masquerade then slammed his face into his palm and shook his head "104: What do you think i have been all this time?" Cinquième then looked at his deck then back at Masquerade "Cinq: To be completely honest..........i thought you were a stalker at first............then a pet.............then a figment of my overactive imagination............then just some guy trapped in a card." Masquerade then smacked him once more pointing to the lights on the floor "104: Just follow the glowing magic lines alright." Cinquième then jumps for joy a bit "Cinq: Hah~ i knew it was magic." he then quickly jumped back to the wall "Cinq: Ahhhhhh~ Magic....." Masquerade tired of his randomness grabbed Cinquième by the shirt collar and dragged him along to the room waving to Dante and Drago "104: Come on lets continue on."

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

Drago was about to retort when the floor began to light up, apparently showing them the way to something. Dante noticed this too and they both looked at the direction the floor was leading them to. They both then thought the same thing out loud. "Hey, the floor lit up." He then watched Cinque be as random as always, chuckling at his antics, and then Cinque asked Drago a question.

"I try to be," Drago said to Cinque before turning his head back to Dante and continued in a snide tone, "except when SOMEONE doesn't believe you exist."

Dante grew quite irritated with Drago's remark and shouted, "Well, it's kind of hard to believe you exist when I CAN'T EVEN TOUCH YOU, YOU MONKEY!" Dante then noticed Masquerade and said, "Great. Juuuust great. Another one. Are you Cinque's sanity?" He poked his thumb at Drago as he continued, "Because Jiminy over here seems to be my conscience." He then held a finger up and, twirling it around in a circle, said in an unenthusiastic tone, "Yay. Everyone here is schizophrenic. That's just awesome."

Drago and Dante then, both figuring there was nothing better to do, followed Masquerade and Cinque as they bickered back and forth.


"Foster's reject."

"Arrogant psychopath."

"Why thank you. I love the way you compliment me."

"That wasn't a compliment, you imbecile. It was an insult. Of course if you weren't so stupid, you'd know that."

"Oh yeah? Well at least I can actually hold a girl, you unlovable, worthless piece of paper!"

"Oh, NOW you believe I'm real. What happened to me being your conscience, you contridicting walking brick of insanity!"

... And this continued... And continued... And continued...

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

Cinquième then called out to Dante and Drago as he heard the 'Walking Brick of Insanity' comment passed between the two of them "Cinq:Did someone call me?" Masquerade then pulled him in a rougher motion as he looked back to him speaking "104:There insulting each other not calling you." Cinquième the raised his arm pointing out in front of him as he is being pulled "Cinq: Forward into the room~! Well backwards from where i am being pulled." Masquerade then gasps as he enters the main room dropping him on the ground "104:Did i just hear something intelligent come out of his mouth? It must be the end of the world." Cinquième then just laid there waiting for the voice from before to appear with Masquerade standing next to him.

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

*Footsteps can be heard from beyond the opposite door of the other two people. They grow steadily louder until they stop just before the door. The door slowly opens, silently, its hinges freshly greased and oiled. Ezekeil steps into the room.*

"Hello there. And welcome to my humble island abode. Please, sit." He indicates the large, pre-set table at the center of the room.

*He motions with his left arm, the arm with the EBS-1 attached to it.*

"Oh I almost forgot. This here is Erebus."

*A small part of the EBS-1 slides open to reveal a speaker.*

-That would be me.-

"Again, please, sit. And if there is anything I can get for you, don't hesitate to ask."

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As they continued to bicker, the tension was broken by Cinque's voice. They then looked to the entrance to the room and walked up next to Cinque and Masquerade, standing just inside of the room. He looked to Cinque, ignoring his "sanity," and said, "Well, whoever's in charge of this place must have SOME plans for us."

Drago then said in response, "For some reason, I have a feeling it's not good."

"... Shut up, Jiminy."

Dante then Noticed the man in the room and smiled, saying, "Well well well, the almighty god of this island has graced us with his presence. Hallelujah! Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya!" He then heard the invitation and said, "Alright. I'll stand over there, but I'm not sitting in the chair owned by a man that drugged me and abducted me, then decided to take me to his island to have sexy fun time with me." He moved over next to the chair and leaned on it, waiting for Cinque to get his bearings enough to actually speak a relevant sentence.

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-You listen here, buddy. You got on that plane WILLINGLY. If any lawyers ask, there was DEFINITELY no brainwashing or subliminal messaging involved...-




-Okay.- He said, sounding a little dejected but at the same time not truly caring.

"Would you like something to drink? I'm sure you're thirsty after the day you've had."

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Cinquième then gets up off of the floor looking over towards Dante "Cinq: Well i don't believe i was drugged, i think they just took my meds away." Inside his mind Masquerade spoke to him "104: Cinquième quick look at the device on that mans arm, i sense a strong presence from there." then Cinquième's right eye once again obtained the number 104 as he can now see the spirits that hid among everyone. Knowing what Drago was he now came in more clearly but not knowing what creature the device held all he could see was the outline of a dragon. Then Cinquième blurted out accidentally what was supost to be to Masquerade in his mind "Cinq: Another Dragon~ He must also be friendly." Cinquième then hopped along to a seat and quickly sat down "Cinq: So is that one of the talking cards were supost to find?" he asked questionably looking blankly at the table in front of him.

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"If by talking cards, you mean Erebus, then no. However, odds are any other entity you encounter will be a prime target." He says as he takes a seat at the head of the table.

-Did he say 'Friendly'?-

"Shut up, Erebus."

-FINE!- Says Erebus. Ezekeil smiles and laughs silently to himself.

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Dante looked to the speaker and said in a somewhat condescending tone, "Oh. Well I guess if it was ONLY brainwashing that it must have been safe, right?" He then looked over to The man (Ezekiel) and said, "So, what did you lead us here for, exactly? A friendly chat over some tea and crumpets? Come on now. I mean, where's the traps and the stainless steel tables and the amateur surgery equipment?"

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"Traps? Only if it involves a cave, a shadowy demon homunculus guy, and a large spotlight."

-Are you talking about...-

"Nobody needs to know about the time travel stuff, Erebus. Anyway, I invited you all to this island for one reason. To let you duke it out amongst yourselves to see who was the superior duelist. However, I also did it because it's bloody entertaining to watch you people fight."

*He puts his left hand forward, as if casting an object over the table. As he does so, a holographic map of the island appears.*

"Now, since you're here, I offer you some information. And, since I find you two entertaining, my assistance if needed. The chopper out back isn't just for show."

-Yes it is. That's why you bought it.-

*Ezekeil continues talking, seemingly oblivious to Erebus' comment.*

"Now, at the present time, there are competitors in these locations." He indicates the lake, forest, and beach.

"Should you decide to go after more Numbers, I would suggest starting in these locations. Also, if you see any unconscious competitors that haven't quite recovered from their entrance into the island, feel free to wake them. Any questions?"

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Dante watched the map as it popped up and said, "Gee, what fancy tech you have. No wonder you could brainwash us on the plane." He then noticed a blip in the swamp and said, "Hmmm... That looks interesting. I think I'm going to start there." Dante then waited for Cinque to pick his target so they could leave.

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*As the word 'Swamp' is said, a holographic HUD appears with a line pointing at the location. It reads off some information. Coordinates and other numbers, mostly. But it also has a name.*

"In that case, you'll be going after Faervel and Number 53: Heart-eartH. I wish you the best of luck, hunter."

-You realize you're his slave now, right?-

"Only slaves get to ride in the helicopter."

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Masquerade take the lead ahead of Cinquième and walked over to the map looking at Ezekeil "104: If its not too much to ask, do you know where number 102 is? He will be a great asset to our team." Cinquième then came up walking behind Masquerade having the most serious look on his face he has had since he arrived on the island "Cinq: And we get to ride in the helicopter right?" Masquerade then waved his hand slightly and continued to speak "104: Ignore my partner for a second he has the tendency to be a moron." Cinquième then puffed his cheeks a bit pouting "Cinq: Hey morons everywhere will be offended by that...............wait i think that went wrong. But anyways i was serious about that helicopter thing......do we really get to ride it?" Masquerade then slaps his own forehead while shaking his head "104: Im sorry about him."

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"Oh, of course. Erebus, locate Number 102 for me?"

-No problem.-

*After a brief moment, a new HUD, basically identical to the last one, pops up over the beach.*

"There's your target. His name is Matt."

*Ezekeil watches Cinque for a second, then says...*

"Yes, you can ride in the helicopter."

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Dante looked to Cinque and said, "Well, there we go. You have your target, I have mine." He then looked to Drago and said, "It's time for us to get going. Come on, Jiminy. Don't want any giant whales swallowing us now."

Dargo scoffed at Dante and responded only with, "Funny." He then disappeared, seeming to fade away. He then said to Dante through a mental link, Just keep your eyes on the prize and I'll keep the scary monsters away.

Dante then began to walk away, calling to Ezekiel behind him, "Thanks for the info. We'll return for more soon." Heading out to the Helipad, he noticed the sky getting darker so he decided, "Why not? It looks comfy." He then opened the back of the chopper and climbed inside, laying down for the night and shutting the door with his foot. He then fell asleep in the back, hoping nobody decided to take off in it with him inside.

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Cinquième yawned lightly and crawled under one of the chairs "Cinq: Alright we can get him in the morning. That desert really wore me out." Masquerade then grabbed Cinquième's feet and begun to carry him "104: He may be right, it would be hard to hunt without being well rested, so if you don't mind ima go find a place for him to sleep. Were going to set out in the morning" Masquerade then took Cinquième to find a place to sleep.

descriptionComplex (NHS) EmptyRe: Complex (NHS)

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