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Forest (NHS)

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descriptionForest (NHS) - Page 2 EmptyForest (NHS)

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The thick forests of the island cover the vast majority of the land. Many different types of plant and animal life thrive within its depths.

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*Ezekeil blinks in surprise.*

"Never once did I tell you to take my chopper! If I did, I would've left gas in the tank. Nevertheless, you won't be taking off with this one any time soon." He says, gesturing to the one behind him.

"Much better security system. Voice activation and more. The works."

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Jain watched on, a humored smirk etched on his expression.

He blinked as he mentally backtracked the conversation. "Wait, you mentioned something about Numbers?"

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"Yes, I did."

*He thinks for a moment, then looks surprised as if he had realized something of the utmost importance.*

"Sorry, Faervel, but you'll have to duel me another time. I just remembered something."

*He hops into the front of the helicopter and starts typing away at a console.*

Last edited by Ezekeil on Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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"Sorry, Faervel, but you'll have to duel me another time. I just remember something."

"oh well...another time then"

*The man hops into the front of the helicopter and starts typing away at a console.*

*faervel is looking at what he's doing but gets nothing from it

"may i ask...what are you doing?...and what did you remember that is so important and must be done now?"

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*Ezekeil doesn't look up from his console, but responds while still typing.*

"I'm tracking a large stormfront from the east. Tropical storm. Doesn't look like it'll become a hurricane, but it could. It might hit us here, so I'm trying to determine the necessary precautions."

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Dante was feeling a little tired from all the walking so he decided he was going to take another nap. He started to look for a place to nap waiting for Cinq to wake back up, and found a nearby evergreen. "Perfect." Dante climbed into the thick of it, sheltering himself from the elements, and sat down and leaned against it. He then slowly nodded off as he dreamed of his kingdom full of women and alcohol. "This is such a great place..." he said aloud as he dreamed.

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"This isn't good. The storm's rolling in. We need to get everyone to shelter."

*He turns around.*

"Everyone, head towards the complex. It isn't far from here. If you see anybody else along the way, tell them, too. I'll be making an announcement via the intercom shortly."

*He pauses.*

"Go, go!"

*He closes the door and takes off in the helicopter, and heads for a clearing deeper in the woods. A much larger space, by comparison.*

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Jain raises a brow before closing his eyes. "How dull, then I suppose this would be a literal rain check."

The air around him begins to shimmer. It ripples, disrupting his appearance in a vortex of dusted colors. Once it settled, a lone duel disk fell to the ground, clanking loudly upon impact.

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*Ezekeil carefully pilots the helicopter, as the winds have already begun to pick up from the leading edge of the storm.*

I need to get these sensors set up before I can head back to HQ.

*After about ten minutes of flying, he sets the helicopter down in a large clearing. He goes about setting up some equipment on the ground, which he partially buries to stabilize it.*

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Masquerade looked down towards Cinquième as he saw the ground beneath the sleeping man began to glow. Suddenly Masquerade was drawn into the dark reaches of his own mind, there before him was the Gate of Chaos evolution starting to open up. The inside of the gate was a spiraling force of redish energy with a dark figure which looked like Chaos Masquerade. The figure then walked towards the edge of the gate motioning for Masquerade to come closer. Masquerade moved forward to meet the figure at the entrance to the gate, there he spoke "104: Who are you and why do you look like me?" the figure held its hand up relieving a card of glowing light that depicted the fate of everything, before Masquerade could say anything about it the card was absorbed into the figures body and the figure began to speak "Chaos: I am the one known as Chaos. I hold the force that you have already felt, the power of limit breaking and ascending to new heights of power. The reason i took this form is because i have the ability to take the form of anyone who has evolved to the next stage of power." Masquerade was slightly confused and continued with his questioning 104: Well then what was that card you were just holding? The figure the turned slightly looking down as an image of Cinquième asleep was on the floor "Chaos: What i was holding is called the Numeron Code, a card that has the ability to change the Past, Future, and Present if used right. But as i reed this card i foretell a dark entity coming to this land. Right now you are the only number that has evolved with my power so i can only contact you for help. Im not sure what you two can do but at least you can try." The figure then shoots a beam of energy down at Cinquième "Chaos: This man has lost his memories when the numbers were created, thanks to you evolving i can grant him a temporary sanity to aid." Masquerade looks towards Cinquième then back at the figure "104: How do you know he will help you so easily?" As the energy stops flowing the figure looks towards Masquerade "Chaos: Because like you i can feel the good in his heart and know he will. Now go." the figure then waves his arm and Masquerade is reverted back to the forest seeing the glowing light around Cinquième sink into his body.

In an almost dark void a lone man stood staring up at the great dragon before him as the drizzle fell upon his face and begun to run down his body. The large dark dragon with pulsing lights roared its loud cry into the sky as its mouth begun to glow with an instance fire that was building up inside of its thought. A booming thunder then followed the dragons roar as the dark stormy sky lit up from the lightning rushing through it. The dragon then lowered its head looking directly down towards the man staring him in the eyes. The dragon then looked to the right taking its eyes off of its target, it then quickly jerked its head back releasing the fire within its mouth sending it hurling towards the man standing in the line of fire. The man watched as the golden fire came his way as lightning once again lit up the stormy sky followed by the sound of thunder. As the radiant flames of the dragon hit its mark the young man's eyes opened up and his body moved forward.

Cinquième looked up towards Masquerade already knowing what happened near the Chaos gate and how he only had his memories(and Sanity) back for a short while "Cinq: Well we need to try and help before i lose my sanity again. We need to hurry and warn Ezekiel. By the way where is 102?" Masquerade nodded then replied  "104: He was left on the Helicopter by accident. he then returned to his card form placing himself in Cinquième's hand "Cinq: Alright then we better go get him." Cinquième then takes off into the woods heading in the direction he knew the helicopter went in hoping he will make it to the site in time to warn Ezekiel of what is coming.

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(DISCLAIMER: This is a planned event. So this is NOT character controlling! Thank you.)

*Ezekeil stood alone next to the helicopter as the wind raged around him. Gale-force winds tore through the island, especially the area he was in. This particular section of the forest was a rather large clearing, surrounded by tall pine trees. Occasionally a branch – or even an entire tree – would snap; you couldn’t hear it over the howling noise of the wind, though. The wind whipped at his face, messing up his hair more than it normally is.*

“This isn’t good…”

*At that moment, Ezekeil notices a figure steadily walking toward him from the opposite side of the clearing, a few hundred feet away. As the figure comes closer, he comes into better focus. It’s Dante.*

“What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be back at the complex with the others?” Ezekeil yells over the wind.

*The figure of Dante continues to walk forward, until he is about thirty feet from Ezekeil.*

~But why on Earth would I want to do that?~ Said Dante, but with a strange echo to his voice. It sounded like his normal voice, but with a hint of something underneath it that produced the echo, like an otherworldly harmony.

“What do you mean… Wait…”

*The figure of Dante laughs, his voice still sounding as if it were echoing slightly.*

~Good, you seem to have figured it out. You always were a quick one. I do have to ask, how did you figure it out so fast?~

*Ezekeil clenches his fist, then slowly makes direct eye contact with the figure.*


~I’m waiting.~

“It’s because I knew you for the better part of a year. I know your voice when I hear it.”

~In that case, how have you been?~

*Ezekeil tilts his head ever so slightly.*

“I’ve been doing fine, thanks for asking. Been pretty busy with my research though, as you probably figured out. Yourself?”

~Oh, I’ve been marvelous. Never better. A two-year slumber is great for the mind.~

*His face turning back to a more serious expression, Ezekeil resumes his previous train of thought.*

“Why are you here?”

~Oh, I just thought I’d take a little stroll around the island. Weather is perfect for it and all.~

“Cut the crap, Kaio.”

~Fine. You never let me have any fun. Alright, so here’s the truth. I got bored, and felt like paying a visit to some of my old friends. First you, of course. Maybe Crown next. I’d say Klaus as well, but we know what happened to him. After Crown, who knows? Maybe a nice metropolitan city.~

“Damn it, Kaio. Once wasn’t enough was it?”

*Kaio/Dante shrugged.*

“I guess I’ll just have to show you again…”

*Kaio/Dante looks up, curious.*

“… Why you can’t be allowed to roam free!”

*Ezekeil raises his left arm up, revealing a series of small metal discs attached to his sleeve. Suddenly, they begin to glow. Beams of green light emanate from the side facing away from Ezekeil. Then, they seem to start bending. They rapidly contort and form the shape of the panels of a duel disk. A duel disk made of energy and light. He didn’t have the EBS-1 on him, so he carried around a backup plan just in case. It appeared that for once it had paid off.*

~Hm. Looks like you’ve got yourself an upgrade.~

*Kaio/Dante looks at his duel disk, noting his own deck.*

~Lightsworns… Bah. How about something a little more… fitting?~

*The deck glows with a dark, shadowy aura. Kaio/Dante grins.*

~Much better.~

*Kaio/Dante raises up his own duel disk, ready to fight.*

“I won’t let you escape this island, Kaio.”

~We’ll see about that.~

*Ezekeil stares intensely, the anticipation of the situation rapidly consuming him.*

“Dante, I know you’re in there somewhere. If you can hear me, fight alongside me now.”

*He takes up a more battle-ready stance. Then both he and Kaio say at the same time…*

“Let’s duel!”

~Let’s duel!~

*Two holographic lifepoint counters appear in the air. They both read 4000. At the same time, all of the monitors across the island light up with a view of the duel for all to see. Both duelists draw their starting hands. The wind picks up, howling around the island.*

~I’ll start this off.~ Says Kaio as he draws his first card.

~Perfect. First, I’ll start by activating my field spell card! You should know it well; it was the subject of much of your old research! The Seal of Orichalcos!~

*As Kaio activates his card, a large green design spreads out from under his feet to surround both him and Ezekeil. It emits a bright green glow, lighting up the area under the darkness cast by the stormclouds.*

~Next…~ He looks at the cards in his hand, grinning.

~Next I’ll summon my first monster! It may be a little different than you remember it, but I can assure you, it is much more powerful than its previous form! Lumina, Shadowsworn Summoner!~

*A bright glow appears on Kaio’s side of the field, and out of it the figure of the monster appears. However, the monster does not look like its normal version. Kaio has twisted it to look like a darker incarnation of itself. Its formerly-white robes are now black and grey, among other changes. Another holographic window appears, detailing the attack points of the monster: 1000.*

~How do you like my modifications? Personally, I think this suits them a little more. The white was too cliché.~


~Next, I’ll activate the spell card, Charge of the Shadow Brigade! With this card, I can send three cards from the top of my deck directly to the graveyard, then add one Shadowsworn monster from my deck to my hand! And I choose Garoth, Shadowsworn Warrior!~

*Kaio pulls a card from his deck, revealing it to be Garoth. He then adds it to his hand.*

~Now, since I ended up milling a Shadowsworn monster with my spell card, I can now activate Lumina’s effect! By discarding Garoth to the graveyard, I can Special Summon a Shadowsworn monster from my grave! And I’ll choose the Garoth that I just sent.~

*Another flash of light, and Garoth appears on the field. He bears similar changes to Lumina. Another window appears with its attack points: 1850.*

~With that, I’ll set two cards and end my turn. During my End Phase, I have to mill three cards due to Lumina’s effect. Garoth’s effect activates in turn, milling another two. And since I milled two Shadowsworn monsters, I get to draw two cards, again due to Garoth’s effect! Now, how will you respond to this, I wonder?~ Kaio laughs.


*Ezekeil draws to start off his turn. Looking at his hand, he attempts to piece together a strategy.*

My hand is decent. I can make it work. But not with the Seal on the field. I can’t activate Malefic World. And if I can’t activate Malefic World, I can’t get my Malefics out on the field.

“Damn it…”

~What’s the matter? Giving up already? I knew from the outset that you weren’t good enough to beat me without Crown. Too bad it took you this long to realize it for yourself!~

+ “And who says he’ll be fighting without me?”

*A voice echoes throughout the area as a helicopter suddenly rises up over the treeline. Its sleek look appears in stark contrast to the turmoil around it. It rapidly moves closer, before landing next to Ezekeil’s own helicopter. On the side is a logo.*

An icon of a crown.

*The door slides open, and a person steps out. He wears a long blue coat that whips around in the wind. His long hair is a light blonde color, with a few streaks of a light brown in it in places.*

+ “I heard you could use a bit of help.” Says Crown.

“But how did you-“

-That would be my doing.-

*Crown reaches into his pocket and pulls out the EBS-1.*

+ “We thought you might need this.”

*He tosses it through the air to Ezekeil. Ezekeil reaches up with his left arm as the energy-duel disk disappears, and the EBS-1 automatically clasps to his arm. The cords snake up his arm and plug into the sensors and devices attached to the inside of his clothes. The letters immediately begin to glow with a bright light, as the same duel disk from before appears. Only this time, the light is a bright white, and much stronger and faster-forming than before.*

“Welcome back, old friend.”

-It’s good to be back.-

*Ezekeil looks towards Crown.*

“I don’t suppose you happen to have your old program on you, would you?”

-We can do you one better.-

*Crown pulls out a small SD card, and tosses it to Ezekeil.*

+ “No, I don’t. But let’s give this one a shot instead.”

*Ezekeil grins, and inserts the SD card into the side of the EBS-1. Suddenly, a small holographic display appears above it, showing a page of scrolling code, which then disappears shortly thereafter. Then, the EBS-1 glows even brighter, as well as a card in Ezekeil’s hand. Malefic World. Ezekeil looks at the card, noticing something different about it. He grins again.*

“Sorry, Kaio, but it looks like the rules have changed again. Because you see, you aren’t the only one who can change cards! With this program, Malefic World got an update! Now, I can put a field spell onto the field in addition to the one that was already there!”


“I activate Malefic World!”

*He throws down the card onto his duel disk, and the area itself seems to change. Everything appears to change, as it shifts to the image on his card. The design from the Seal remains where it was, however everything else has changed.*

“I may not be as powerful as you are, Kaio. I may not be as old or experienced. But if I have any advantage that you lack… It’s the fact that I have people supporting me. Erebus, Crown, Cinque, everybody around the island are all cheering me on in this confrontation. They’re all watching us now. Hell, even Dante is in there somewhere, I know. And I know that he’s watching us too, because he knows what’s about to happen.”

*Ezekeil slowly closes his hand into a fist, except for his index finger. He then dramatically points towards Kaio.*

“What’s about to happen is that we’re going to defeat you! Together!”

~Ha. Nice speech, boy. I’d like to see you try!~

“Alright then. You heard him. Let’s show him what we’ve got! I send Stardust Dragon from my Extra Deck to my graveyard to summon… Malefic Stardust Dragon!”

*A bright flash of light manifests itself into the form of Malefic Stardust Dragon, which lets out a loud roar. A holographic window indicates its attack points: 2500.*

“Now, Stardust, attack Lumina!”

~Not so fast! I activate my facedowns! Shadow Spiral and Shadowsworn Barrier! With Barrier’s effect, I can mill two cards from my deck to negate your attack!~

“Argh... Not good.”

~Oh, but it gets better. Because I just milled Wulf, Shadowsworn Beast! And when it is sent from my deck to my graveyard, I can special summon it!~

*Another bright light appears as the shadow version of Wulf appears on Kaio’s side of the field. Attack: 2100.*

“Fine. In that case, I’ll set two cards and end my turn!”

~Alright. Then it’s my turn again. I draw!~

*Kaio looks at his card, then laughs slightly.*

~It seems that this is going to end sooner than I thought. Pity. I summon Judgment Dragon!~

*A very bright light engulfs the area as the monster manifests itself, the window displaying a staggering 3000 attack points.*

“Judgment Dragon…”

~Indeed. And now, I’ll attack your Malefic Stardust with Judgment Dragon!~

*Judgment Dragon releases a powerful burst of energy at Malefic Stardust Dragon, destroying it in a flurry of bright shards. Ezekeil’s life points tick down to 3500.*

~Then, I’ll attack directly with Lumina!~

*Ezekeil’s life points tick down again, this time to 2500.*

~Next, I’ll attack with Garoth!~

+“Ezekeil, do it now!”

“I activate my trap card, Magic Cylinder! This way, you can take the hit instead of me!”

*The cylinders manifest themselves and redirect Garoth’s attack back at Kaio, reducing his life points to 2150.*

~Argh, you insolent little… No matter. It’s too risky to try attacking with Wulf, now that I know you’re hiding those… I’ll set a card and end my turn!~

*During the end phase, Kaio mills out three for Lumina, and Ezekeil banishes one. Garoth mills two, Ezekeil banishes one. Kaio draws two; a Judgment Dragon and a Garoth. He then mills four for Judgment Dragon, putting another two Shadowsworns into the graveyard. Ezekeil banishes one final card.*

Ha. Funny enough, my other facedown IS another Magic Cylinder. I got lucky by drawing those two cards.

“I’ll draw!”

*He pauses, thinking.*

I have no monsters on the field. If I don’t do anything, I’ll lose this no matter what. He’ll just nuke everything else with Judgment Dragon and attack me. There’s only one thing I can do, it looks like.

“Alright then…”

*The wind picks up violently.*

“It’s time…”

*Branches and trees crack in the forest as the wind tears through it.*



“I send a copy of Cyber End Dragon from my Extra Deck to my graveyard so that I can special summon… Malefic Cyber End Dragon!”

*A massive burst of light illuminates the area, and out of it appears the figure of a large, three-headed dragon. Erebus.*

“I have no choice. I know he’ll negate this, but… I have to try. Erebus, attack Judgment Dragon!”

~Not so fast, or have you already forgotten about Shadowsworn Barrier? I mill out two cards, then negate your attack!~

*A pause.*

~It would seem I milled another Wulf. Join the fight!~

*Wulf special summons itself from the graveyard.*

“Damn. I should’ve thought that through.”

+“He’s getting tired. Being in this duel is stressing him out to the point where he can’t think straight.” Crown says to himself.

“I’ll set two cards and end my turn, Kaio.”

It’s all riding on this turn. Fingers crossed…

~I’ll draw.~

*Another pause.*

~Perfect. I’ll tribute one of my Wulfs to summon…~

*The wind picks up, faster than before.*

~Gragonith, Shadowsworn Dragon!~

*The light appears again, this time revealing a gigantic dragon. It roars loudly.*

~And now for its effect. While it may only have 2000 attack now… It gains 300 for every Shadowsworn monster in my graveyard.~

+“And he has eleven.”

~Right you are, Crown. Now, be silent.~

+“Why, you little…!”

*Kaio continues on, seemingly oblivious to string of curses Crown speaks to him.*

~This brings its attack to 5300!~

*The dragon roars loudly as its attack points skyrocket.*

~But that’s not all. Because the card I drew at the beginning of this turn was none other than Shadowsworn Sabre! And by equipping it to Gargonith, it gains another 700 attack points, putting it at a grand total of 6000! But that’s not all. I’ll use the power of the Seal to increase its attack points by another 500!~

“I activate my facedown, Malefic Divide! With this card, as I’m sure you remember, I can summon one Malefic monster from my graveyard! Come back, Malefic Stardust Dragon!”

*Malefic Stardust Dragon appears once more, in defense position.*

Hopefully he’ll take the bait and go for Stardust instead of Erebus.

*Kaio laughs.*

~That won’t save you now. Are you ready to lose, Ezekeil? Because your downfall begins now. Gargonith, attack Erebus!~

“I activate my trap card, my other Magic Cylinder! You were right about not attacking before, but now there’s nothing left to do about it!”

~That’s what you think!~

*The Seal pattern on the ground pulses as Ezekeil’s Magic Cylinder shatters on the field as its effect is negated. The Seal then dims a bit.*

“What the…?”

~I used the power of the Orichalcos to negate your trap card, you fool. However, in my present state I don’t retain enough power to do both that and boost Gargonith…~

*Gargonith’s attack drops back down to 6000. Kaio’s talking is a bit laborious as he breathes hard. It takes him a moment to regain his breath.*

~Now, finish off Erebus!~

-Come and get some, you…- Erebus follows with a particularly foul phrase.

*The attack comes barreling towards Erebus in seemingly slow-motion to Ezekeil. Ezekeil’s eyes grow wide as he watches. He calls out one single word.*


-Don’t worry, Ezekeil. There was nothing we could do. Don’t blame yourself. We just weren’t powerful enough on our own…-

*At that moment, the attack makes contact, shattering the figure of Erebus into a blizzard of white shards. Ezekeil’s life points tick down to 500.*

~Hahahahah! How does it feel to be on the brink of disaster, with nobody left to help you?~

“Erebus…” Ezekeil falls to his hands and knees.

*Kaio continues laughing maniacally.*

“I’m sorry… I failed you, Erebus… Crown…”

*The wind starts to pick up again as the rain begins to pour down in buckets. Kaio remains dry, but Ezekeil is quickly drenched.*

“… And Klaus.”

*The wind howls as it tears through the area, the black storm clouds overhead rolling and twisting around themselves in turmoil. Everything seems to slow down for Ezekeil. Everything goes quiet. In his head, he seems to enter a more withdrawn, surreal state, secluded from everything else.*

I’m sorry, everyone. I’ve let you down.

*A single tear rolls down the left side of his face and falls directly onto the surface of the EBS-1, where it quickly mixes with the rainwater.*

~Have you given up yet? Come to terms with your inevitable demise?~

*Then, suddenly, Ezekeil’s life points tick down again. 500… 450… 325… finally coming to a stop at 250.*

“What?” Says Ezekeil in surprise.

~What’s going on?~

=You always told me that you felt like you were alone in this world.= Says a voice to Ezekeil, but so that he cannot hear it, as if it were removed from the scene.

*Ezekeil stands back up, looking at his life point counter in confusion and stress.*

“I don’t… understand…”

=And that you felt like nobody was there to watch out for you.=

~Well? What are you doing?~

=Well, I guess you’ve earned a little help from a guardian angel. Let’s let the truth prevail… Together.= The last sentence was heard faintly by Ezekeil, but he doesn’t quite realize it. He does echo the last word though.


*Suddenly, a gargantuan black circle spreads out from where Ezekeil is standing. It shines with a dark light, which steadily grows brighter and brighter.*

~What is this?!~

*Out of the circle appears a massive figure. Sort of gold/tan in color, a colossal dragon rises from the circle, then lets out a loud roar once it has fully emerged, followed by the circle closing.*


*A window appears, showing the monster’s attack. 5000.*

“What in the world-?”

*A voice echoes in Ezekeil’s head.*

=Long time no see, friend.=

*It is the voice of Klaus.*

“Klaus?! Is that you? Where are you?”

=I am here. I always have been. I never really left. And to answer your question…=

*The dragon lets out a loud roar. A card materializes on Ezekeil’s duel disk. Malefic Truth Dragon.*

“No way…”

~Argh. You and your Malefics are getting on my nerves.~ Says Kaio, who did not hear the voice and as such does not know of the events that just transpired.

*Ezekeil’s head quickly turns to look at Kaio.*

~I activate Vanquishing Shadows! By tributing one Shadowsworn monster, I can take the summon of your monster and negate it! And I tribute my other Wulf to do just that!~

+“Ezekeil! Remember last time!”

*Ezekeil blinks once in surprise, and then a flashback overtakes him. He sees his first duel against Kaio, when he used a certain card to stop one of Kaio’s cards from affecting Erebus. Snapping out of the flashback, he casts his right hand forward.*

“I activate my counter-trap, Malefic Hyperjump! With this card, I can change the target of the receiving end of one of your card effects to another one of my Malefics! And I choose Stardust!”

*Malefic Stardust Dragon roars as the blast is redirected towards it, destroying it.*

~You… I’ve had quite enough of this! I end my turn!~ Says Kaio, clearly irritated.

*After Kaio mills out his cards, Ezekeil ends up banishing a total of four of his own.*

“Alright, it’s my turn! I draw!”

Let’s do this. Iku ze!

*He looks at the card he just drew, and smiles.*

“I’m going to defeat you, Kaio. The only way I know how. At the last… possible… moment! I activate the card I just drew! Mystical Space Typhoon! And I target your Shadowsworn Barrier!”

~What? No!~

*The stormclouds themselves form into the Typhoon, and destroy Kaio’s trap card.*

~No matter. You still aren’t powerful enough to stop Gargonith!~

“I don’t have to stop Gargonith.” Says Ezekeil calmly, cool and calculated. Back to his normal visage.

~What?!~ Says Kaio in confusion and slight anger and irritation.

“Maybe you should duel more, Kaio. You seem to forget that in order to win, all I have to do is reduce your life points to zero. And while yes, Gargonith may be much stronger than Malefic Truth, the same is also true in relation to Malefic Truth and your Lumina!”

~What? But how?!~

“It’s simple, Kaio. The Truth will out.”

*He grins, brushing his drenched hair out of his face.*

“Now, Malefic Truth Dragon, attack Lumina!”

*He pauses.*

“Oh, and by the way. I can destroy Gargonith. Because when Malefic Truth Dragon destroys one of your monsters, the rest are destroyed too!”

~No!~ Says Kaio, sounding more panicky than irritated.

“Malefic Truth Dragon! Finish this now! Attack!”

*Malefic Truth Dragon unleashes a powerful blast of energy from its mouth, hurling it at Lumina. The attack makes contact, and a large explosion results. Kaio’s life points drop to 0 as all of his monsters are destroyed.*


*After the smoke clears, the Seal is gone. Dante is lying on the ground, unconscious, presumably freed from Kaio’s control. Immediately after losing, Kaio would have already disappeared back into wherever it is that he slumbers. The rain persists. Ezekeil watches as all remnants of the duel disintegrate into a fine white dust that disappears into the air. The last thing he sees is Malefic Truth Dragon disappear before he falls unconscious.*


=Good job, Ezekeil. As tenacious as ever, it seems. I look forward to more duels with you.= Says the voice, absent from the scene again.

*He pauses, seeming to turn to the side to see another tangle of energy floating around in this subspace. It glows faintly.*

=But then again, there are others who deserve it more. Others who you have come to hold dear to your heart…=

*The ball of energy in the foggy field of subspace, an apparent layer between the real world and the beyond, dims more and more as the other grows brighter and brighter.*

=Goodbye, Ezekeil. I’ll see you next time.=

*The first ball of energy disappears entirely, as the other one phases out of this layer and back into the real world, where it enters the EBS-1.*


*Ezekeil dreamed.*

He saw a turmoil of different colors and shapes with impossible geometry. His head hurt slightly, as if Kaio’s influence was still affecting him. There seemed to be a path through the scene. He slowly started to walk forward.

As he begins to walk forward, the scene immediately changes. The world around him goes black, except for millions of tiny points of light. Stars. As he walks, they slowly begin to disappear.

The further he goes, the harder he finds it is to move. He wants to run, but he’s trapped at a slow walk. Soon, it becomes so difficult that he’s on his hands and knees, and eventually he can’t even move as it becomes nearly impossible to breathe. It feels like the empty blackness that now surrounds him is crushing in on him.

Then, he looks up. As he does so, he notices something rather peculiar. A single ball of glowing light, no larger than a marble, floating in front of him.

“What could this be? The way out?” He wonders.

Using what little strength he has left, he reaches up towards the ball and grasps it in his hand.  Suddenly, his head is filled with a fleeting vision. After it passes, try as he might, he is unable to recall it.

“What was that? A memory?”

After a moment, the image came back.

He saw a different time, a happier time. In this image were Klaus, Erebus, and himself. There also appeared to be a fourth person. Crown? No, he thought. It couldn’t be Crown. The figure looked nothing like him. It didn’t even look human, for that matter. But it sounded human. They all did. They were laughing. Maybe something funny had just been said, or was it something else entirely?

No matter how hard he tried, he could not focus in on the fourth person. Eventually, the image began to fade from his mind. He tried to hold onto it, but couldn’t, and eventually just gave up and let it fade away.

After a moment, he reflected back on what he had seen, and felt.

“What was that? It almost felt like someone was… calling out to me. From… a different time? No. That isn’t possible. Communication across entirely different stretches of time? I never thought it to be possible. But still, it definitely felt like someone wanted me to see that. But for what reason?”

The dream began to fade.

“Maybe one day…”

*Everything goes dark.*

“… I’ll find out.”


*Ezekeil wakes up to see Crown standing over him. The storm still rages. It had only been maybe thirty seconds, after all.*

+“That was one of the best duels I’ve ever seen.”

*He reaches his hand down and helps Ezekeil up.*

“Yeah, you weren’t the one who had to actually play it.”

*They both laugh.*

+“Let’s get him into the helicopter.” Says Crown, gesturing towards Dante’s unconscious body.

“You sure we can fly this thing in this weather?” Ezekeil says, half yelling over the wind.

+“I’m sure I can get mine to the complex. I don’t know what kind of a beating yours will take though in this weather without being covered.”

“I can handle that later. Automatic storm tents are all over this island. There should be one nearby that we can remotely move.”

Even still, I’ve got a hell of an insurance plan to cover it…

*The wind grows louder as thunder peals through the air.*

+“Alright. Let’s get him inside!”

*Together, they manage to carry Dante into the back of Crown’s helicopter and close the large doors. Ezekeil remains in the back as Crown climbs to the front and pilots it back towards the complex, although not easily. The turbulence is great and he has trouble keeping it in the air, but he manages. Then, Ezekeil remembers what happened to Erebus.*

Erebus! Are you there?” He says, panicking.

*A long pause, then...*

-Yes. I’m here.-

“Whew. I thought you were gone.”

-I did too. I was floating between worlds for a while there.-

It seems we both were…

“What happened?”

-I’m not quite sure. All I remember is darkness crushing in on me, and then, a surge of power, and I was back here.-

“I wonder if it was Klaus…”

+“You heard from Klaus? Isn’t he…?”

“Dead? Yes. It was… like his spirit or something. It came to me in the form of Malefic Truth Dragon… Speaking of which…”

*He pulls out his cards thumbing through them looking for Malefic Truth Dragon. He doesn’t find it.*

“It’s gone. Truth Dragon is gone.”

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Dante, being unconscious during the whole event, didn't realize where he was and had no idea of the company that was around him. Instead he was dreaming of something else entirely.

"Oh, Emma... You're such a naughty girl...~"

Drago, who had become somewhat more corporeal thanks to Leo, was actually able to touch Dante now. So, appearing next to him, decided to try and hit him. Bringing down his fist as hard as he could while concentrating, he shouted, "WAKE UP, FOOL!"

... What actually was felt was little more than a mosquito bite. "Go away, Ron... She's mine..."

Drago figured trying to do it again was a wasted effort so instead thought of a different plan. "Oh my god! Emma Watson has a penis!"

Now, being in a very deep dream shifted this dream with that statement into somewhat of a nightmare for Dante. Dante sprang up and shouted, "OH GOD, WHY?!" He then noticed Drago standing over him and said, "Oh, it's just you."

... And THEN he noticed he was no longer under a tree. He looked around to see the inside of a helicopter and scratched his head for a moment before moving forward toward the pilot seat. There, he noticed Ezekiel in one seat and a new guy in the other. He turned to Zeke and said, "Why am I in a helo? I was having a very nice dream involving me, Emma Watson, and a bed, ya know."

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"Well, for starters, you're still a bit delirious after your little nap." Says Ezekeil, not from the cockpit, but from a chair right next to Dante.

-I think he's seeing double.-

+"Or he's just crazy."

*Ignoring the other two, Ezekeil continues on.*

"Second, I'm guessing you probably don't remember anything about what just transpired."

*Ezekeil goes on to explain the most recent events, taking care to leave out the bits about Klaus and his dream.*

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Dante looked to him and said, "Oh. I thought you were there in the cockpit."

Dante then looked to him as he listened and said, "Okay, wait a minute. You're telling me that I was possessed?"

"Yes, you lopsided, half-brained idiot. You were possessed. And by that Number 53 card, I'm guessing."

"Oh, that's just awesome. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!!!!" Dante shouted as he pulled out the Number 53 card.

"Yes?" Heart asked, coming out of the card.

Dante held the Number 53 card in his hands vertically, ready to tear it as he said in a quite irritated tone, "Did you possess me like you did that other kid?"

Heart instantly waved his hands as he said, "No no no no no! I did no such thing! Honest!"

Dante put a little more pressure on the card as he said, "Is that your final answer?"

"Yes! Oh god yes! I had nothing to do with it, I swear!"

Dante then smiled and put the card away as he said, "And who says interrogation doesn't work?" He then looked to Zeke and said, "Alright, now back to the guy in the cockpit. Who's he?"

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"That there..." Says Ezekeil, gesturing with his thumb.

"That there is Crown. I'm sure you remember him from our time in the holodeck."

-If it weren't for him, we'd probably all be dead, or worse.-

*At that moment, the turbulence picks up, rocking the helicopter violently side to side. Ezekeil remains sitting in his chair as if nothing had happened though, leaning forward slightly.*

"We should be back at the complex soon, hopefully."

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Dante braced as the helicopter shook through the turbulence, waiting it out. As the helicopter shook, he continued as he said, "Ah. So that's the famous Crown, eh? Interesting." He then looked over to the guy in the cockpit and said, "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

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+"And now why on earth would I be dead? Absent for a few years, yes. Not telling anybody where I was, yes. Dead? No. You can't get rid of me that easily." He says without turning around. He flips a couple switches here and there as he talks.

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Dante looked to him with a puzzled expression as he said, "Well, wait. If you're not the dead one, then who is it?"

Drago appeared next to Dante and said, "Dante, don't you think you're being a little intrusive with these questions?"

Dante shrugged and said, "Hey, I need answers, Jiminy. Asking questions is the best way to get them."

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"You're talking about Klaus." Ezekeil's voice grew a little more somber as he said this.

*The cabin of the helicopter is silent for a while.*

-We're almost there, Zeke.-


Except it isn't the storm that I'm worried about.

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Dante looked to Zeke and said, "Oh. Okay. So that guy in the cockpit is Crown, the dead guy is Klaus, and, for some reason, you're evil buddy Kaio decided to possess me while giving me a really good dream." Dante sat down next to him and said, "Not that I'm all that happy about being possessed, but I gotta thank him for one thing. Emma Watson is one sexy little minx, man."

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-You won't have much to thank him for next time, trust me.-

We have more to be thankful for right now than you know, Dante...

+"We're getting close to the complex now. Should only be another minute or so."

"Well then. I guess it's time to get this thing started."

(Transition to Complex)

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"Attention everyone! A large storm is rolling in. You are hereby required to seek shelter in the complex if you can. Otherwise, you better hide. Because it's gonna be rough."

"so that means everyone's there...including himself...and i guess he'll have time to duel me this time"

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Dashing through the dense forest Cinquième made his way to where he knew Ezekiel was suppose to be according to the chaos gate "Cinq: We have to hurry and warn him." he calls out. Soon the sky above began a downpour of water upon the forest as lightning lit up the sky. Cinquième could feel a dark aura coming from the direction he was heading, Masquerade ten came floating by him, looking much like Astral with his arms crossed "104: Feels like we didn't make it in time......" Cinquième kept running in the direction with Masquerade following behind him "Cinq: Doesn't matter we might be able to help if we get there."

Cinquième, after getting lost in the forest, came rushing out into the small clearing as Crown and the others were taking off. "Cinq: Well it looks like they won." he sighs lightly as his rushing slowly came to normal walk. Masquerade then came phasing up to his side "104: You should keep it up or were going to miss our ride." Cinquième then shakes his head lightly "Cinq: No were fine, besides i recognize this place. There is something i need to do." Cinquième then passed by the clearing heading down a path counting the trees and begun making marks on them as he goes along. He soon comes up to a large tree where he begins to dig at the base. He then pulls out a small matalic box and a deck of cards as Masquerade comes up "104: What are you doing?" Cinquième then smiles and places the cards along with a picture into the box burring it, a small tear rolls down his face and onto the spot that he just covered, a small sprout then came out of the ground where his tear fell "Cinq: Im giving myself motivation." he then got up onto his feet and looked around his sight flashing back to petrified trees and small crystals of ice floating about before he headed back to the clearing "Cinq: Come on Masquerade, lets go finish this."

As they reached the clearing Cinquième headed up the left behind Helicopter and opened the door. Suddenly Seraph came flying out of the storage area jumping onto the ground kissing it "102: Oh thank god its land!" Masquerade then looked down at Seraph while Cinquième entered the Helicopter to grab his card "104: You do realize that thing has been on the ground for a while right?" Seraph then turned his head to Masquerade  "102: Ummm........" The announcement then rang through the area calling all Participants back to the complex. Masquerade then continued by and headed towards Cinquième "104: So how are we going to get back there in time?" Cinquième then came out of the cockpit and pulled Seraph back into the helicopter shutting the side door "Cinq: Were going to pull a Dante." "104: Are you sure this weather will allow it?" "102: Oh god were going to fly again." He then tossed Seraph into a passenger seat and pulls Masquerade into the cockpit "Cinq: Yes were going to fly. I have already checked the controls. Its voice activated, Masquerade i need you to masquerade your voice as Zek's." Masquerade knew exactly what to do, now as his voice projected it was masked perfectly to sound like Ezekiel's "104(Zek): Ummm.......On?" the computer then picked up the vocal patters and the rotters began to rotate and speed up to the ability to fly. Masquerade then turns to Cinquième who was beginning to lift the helicopter off the ground "104(Zek): Do you even know how to fly this thing?" Now that the helicopter was in the air Cinquième found the way to move it forward answering Masquerade as they headed off to the direction of the Complex "Cinq: I can fly this thing as well as Matt can duel. What does that tell you?"

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