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Forest (NHS)

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descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyForest (NHS)

The thick forests of the island cover the vast majority of the land. Many different types of plant and animal life thrive within its depths.

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

"Weird place, isn't it pal?" says Fuwa Mahiro while he was walking through the forest

"Well if someone waited till the helicopter landed on the earth this wouldn't be waiting" says a voice, but there wasn't any physical being near Fuwa Mahiro

"I was eager to land"

"Yeah... Last time when you were eager to do sthg you almost destroyed 3 ships, 10 buldings and 30 cars"

"I was bored..."

"You're bored for the most of the time, then you get clumsy"

"You know stomething, I'm gonna tear you to shreds!" says Fuwa Mahiro while taking out a card from the pocked. The voice that was speaking with him was his number card.

"Actually I think I sensed a good duelist, turn right now"

" Oh really, then lets go" Fuwa Mahiro disappears into the forest

"What a dumb guy" thinks number 96.

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*A dull thumping noise fills the air, growing steadily louder and louder as the helicopter appears over the forest. The engines sound a lot smoother and cleaner than the old helicopter.*

"This thing is amazing!" He yells, partly to Cinque, partly to himself.

"And can you believe it was on sale?! Only five million bucks!"

*He levels off in the air, looking outside the windows at the surrounding area.*

"Hmm. There's not really a good place to land. You see anything? A clearing would be optimal."


Meanwhile, in an old building deep underground somewhere, in a torn-up and mostly destroyed room...

A gauge on an rusted, steampunk-looking machine twitches slightly, as the indicator dials clockwise to .014, the low end of the gauge. The high end is indicated with the number 1, located in surprisingly not a red-coded section, but a green one.

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

While Fuwa Mahiro was walking through the forest he saw a human.

"Look weirdo, here's a human"

"Maybe he's an alien" says 96

" I don't care, I'm hungry and I didn't find food for 2 days. I'm gonna ask him for food now"

Fuwa Mahiro jumped in front the unknown man.

"Hey give me food!"

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Cinquième had his face pressed against the window staring down at the area below "Cinq: Look over there over there~!" he calls out pointing to a landing near a small building. Masquerade turn to looked over towards Seraph who was balled up i the corner of the helicopter shaking back and forth "102 Find your happy place find your happy place." Masquerade then got up and headed to the cockpit pointing out the area Cinquième had just pointed out "104: Over there looks like a good place to land."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil steers the helicopter towards the clearing and gently lands it waiting for the rotors to come to a stop before exiting the helicopter. He steps outside and stretches his arms into the air, bending backwards slightly.*

"Erebus was right. I don't get out enough. This is great!"

*He looks around, suddenly wary of something.*

"Something doesn't feel right."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

"You hear me give me food!"
Fuwa Mahiro looked closely and saw a tree.

"Fu*k me, I'm blind"

"No this is just idiocy and hunger combined" laughs 96

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

A voice rang throughout the forest, singing a quiet tune that carries across the foliage.

"Apples and honey
The jam in the tea is apricot.
I threw the silver
Teaspoon against the wall.

A pair of leering red eyes stared at the wanderers beneath it, the gaze lingering for a moment before closing and disappearing.

An amused smile takes form in the shadows of the brush at the edge of the clearing, luminescent white teeth somewhat glowing in contrast to the shade around it.

"Hurry up, let's play.
Dolls never say anything.
They just try to sing
The one song they know.

The mouth fades away, leaving nothing behind save the faint lyrics of a rhyme.

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil looks up at the starry night sky, laying down next to the parked helicopter. He noted all of the constellations, major and minor; he was an avid fan of anything space-related. He looked at all of the stars and galaxies spinning in the cold vastness of the universe.*

"And to think. It will all be gone."

*In his head, he watches as the stars disappear one by one, fading into nothingness. His face changes from one of relaxation to one of deep thought.*

There won't be anything any of us can do when that day comes...

*He starts to imagine that day. What will it be like? He wasn't conscious the first time it happened, so he has no idea how to begin. He envisions cities engulfed in roaring infernos, coastlines being battered by massive waves, and many other terrible things. But then the image shifts.*

What if it isn't like that at all?

*He imagines a different scenario. Everything seems relatively normal. In fact, you can't notice the changes. Until you look at the big picture. And by big picture, he think of the smallest of objects. Traces of the Orichalcos' energy resides within even the smallest of creatures, and from there it spreads, like a virus. And once enough of it coalesces...

Ice. Everything turned to ice and stone. Frozen, not in matter, but in time. All of the energy, from even time itself, siphoned out to some other location.*


*He shakes his head.*

"It won't happen that way. Because I won't let it. Not again."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

... And with another Number comes YET ANOTHER voice. Number 88 appeared with a somewhat angry expression on his face as he hovered behind him, following along. "Ya know, you didn't have to murder him like that. He was a good guy. Hell, all he wanted to do was end his immortality."

Drago appeared next to him and said, "Hey. We're doing something for a friend of his. You don't like it? Tough."

Dante whistled in response to Drago's requip and said, "That's a little harsh, Jiminy. Don't be so hard on him."

"Hey. I'm only speaking the truth."

As Dante walked, the two continued to fight over whether what Dante did was right or wrong, Dante eventually waded far enough through the tress and saw the tail of the helicopter. Seeing it, he chuckled and said, "Looks like I found Zeke." He assumed Zeke would be in the helicopter so he went to the side opposite the cockpit and peeked inside. Little did he know, Zeke was actually on the other side of him. When he reached up and peeked inside, who did he find but none other than Cinq.

Dante was about to say something when Drago shushed him and hovered close to his ear. Trying to stay unnoticed in case he was asleep, he had phased through the back side of the plane so noone would see his approach. Next, he opened his mouth and took a silent, deep breath inward before emptying his lungs as he shouted, "GOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOORRRRRNIIIIIINNNNNG, VIETNAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!"

Last edited by DanteKennedy on Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:59 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammar error)

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil sits bolt upright, his eyes wide with surprise.*

"What the hell?..."

*He stands up and walks around to the other side of the helicopter.*

"Dante, I don't need to actively have Erebus with me to hear when your number cards start quoting 20th century television at the top of their lungs."

*He looks around, nervous.*

"I thought I saw... I thought I heard..."

*He shakes his head as if to rid himself of something.*

"Nevermind. It's just my imagination."

*He looks up at the sky again.*

"Nice night, tonight."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Cinquième was asleep in the helicopter having a nice dream, one of those reoccurring dreams where he still had his sanity. All of a sudden a voice rang threw his ears causing his brain to revert for a quick time making him actually believe he was in Vietnam. He awoke with haste and jumped to his feet "Cinq: SIR YES SIR!" Masquerade being more linked to him than the other numbers also slightly reverted to Vietnam as well "104: Privet Cinquième the enemy is surrounding us what should we do?" Cinquième turned to face Masquerade with more of a death glare "Cinq: We fight until our last breath!" he then reached over and grabbed one of the Helicopter helmets putting it on then pointed over to Seraph "Cinq: YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ASLEEP!? THERE IS A WAR GOING ON HERE!" Seraph yawned and looked over to the two 'soldiers' grumbling  "102: Gosh can't a number get some sleep around here?" he then turned over and tried to rest some more. Masquerade then looked over to "104: PRIVATE ARE YOU GOING AWOL?" Cinquième then began to take off out of the Helicopter calling back to Masquerade  "Cinq: THERE IS NO TIME MAN! WE NEED TO GET TO HIGHER GROUND BEFORE THE GUERRILLAS GET HERE!" Masquerade was beginning to get out of the helicopter when Cinquième ended up ramming his head into a tree. This ended up knocking his brain back into place, well in the place it was before seeing as how it was already out of place, fixing both of there heads. Masquerade then looked around a bit confused until he saw Dante and Drago "104: Oh hello you two. Have any of you seen Cinq?" Seraph then chimed in pointing over to Cinquième on the ground in front of the tree he hit "102: He is over there, you two have been yelling all morning." Masquerade then headed over by Cinquième looking down at him "104: What happen to you?" Cinquième then replied stretching his hands out "Cinq: Look at all the pretty birdies."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Dante watched Cinq's reaction with a smile, enjoying the show... until he hit the tree. At that point, Dante burst out laughing and fell off the side of the helicopter, rolling on the ground from laughing so hard. After about a minute, he finally sat up and said, "Wow, Jiminy. That was hilarious!"

"And who says I can't have fun once in a while?"

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

following the half-demon he found the others' place with him
"Looks like I found Zeke."
"so that guy's called zeke...
"Wow, Jiminy. That was hilarious!"

"what am i doing...am i going to just keep following him all the time?...i know that guy once defeated me but that was just lucky i can beat him this time...i need to take that dangerous card from him

he waited for to dante to stop laughing then he stood in front of him
and prepared his duel disk waiting for his answer

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil pauses, staring at the newcomer. A strange look crosses his face; one of curiosity, puzzlement, and bewilderment, all at the same time.*

"Dante, I think you have a visitor."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Dante looked to faervel who stepped in front of him and chuckled. "Why would I want to? You don't have a Number. Get one and come back to me, man. I'm still hunting."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

faervel took 2 steps back...dante was right he had no reason to make people duel him
so if he wanted to stay here he needed a number
"My opinion is to beat Ezekiel. He's your best bet at getting another Number."
he remembered what he heard earlier
"so all i need to do is to take a new number from that human"
he turned his face to ezekeil
"is it true that you can give people new numbers?"faervel says that to ezekeil and waits for an answer

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

"If even it were true," a voice interrupted, "the term "person" is in question."

A disembodied mouth hung in the air, twisted into a sneer. Its tone clearly masculine and somewhat mocking.

"After all," it continued, "that would imply a "person" must be alive to be called such."

A pair of eyes took form above the mouth, gazing down at those below it. They eventually settled onto Faervel.

"And I do believe your kind are walking corpses, are you not?"

Unkempt dark locks shimmered into view; a healthy peach skin tone filled into the space between the eyes and mouth. The pointed nose scrunched as did the corporealizing flesh adjacent to it. "Mm, I suppose you aren't. A diet of nothing but blood emits a stench much more foul than that. I suppose that would make you... a half-breed? Interesting..."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil pauses, thinking for a moment before responding. He speaks with a strange calmness to his voice, his pitch rising and falling in places, making it sound more sly.*

"Yes. I can. To those who earn them."

*Then, he regards the newcomer.*

"And who might you be? I don't exactly have the flight manifest on me."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

The head's lips lifted slightly as he chuckled. Arms and a torso took shape, fitted with what appears to be a purple business suit with black cuff links. A dark red ascot stood out in the ensemble, somewhat glowing as the floating figure's attention shifted to Ezekeil.

"I'll save you the trouble then; I'm not on your flight manifest. Think of myself as a meddler passing through. Your little gathering was amusing to spectate, but... oh, I believe I've forgotten to introduce myself."

The half-man floated down and was parallel before Ezekeil. "I am called Jain, the Phantom of Phantasms." He extended a hand forward, clad in a spotless white glove. "A pleasure."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil grasp the hand in a firm shake.*

"Pleasure. So, you find this gathering amusing? Well, then why not join it! In fact, it's the only way to stay on the island, so you may as well."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Jain's eyes gleam with curiosity and something sinister. "Oho? Is that right? Then I suppose so, since you've been so kind to extend your hospitality."

The grip around Ezekeil's hand faded as did Jain's arm.

"In fact..."

The arm reappeared, now equipped with a KC Duel Disk. "I do believe this calls for an initiation."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil laughs slightly.*

"I hope you don't intend to duel me. I'm no competitor. See the helicopter? Only two people are licensed to operate in this airspace; the owner of the island and his duel spirit. And seeing as my duel spirit is back at the complex performing some very important tasks, then the owner must be yours truly."

*He pauses.*

"However, you can always attempt to duel Dante here. However, he does have a substantial collection of Numbers already in his possession. He would be no easy opponent. Or you could hop in the helicopter and I could take you to the other competitors. Or you can stay here and do whatever. Take your pick."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

"Oho?" Jain turned to the one referred to as Dante. "If it were easy, that would be dull. And I can't have that..."

He frowned briefly. "Speaking of which..."

Jain's half-body vanished, now appearing before the white-haired man.

He gave an appraising gaze at Dante. "A half-demon... with an ascended bloodline...? This sounds awfully familiar..."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

ignoring the one that just called him walking corpse he goes on
"what do you mean by earning them?"

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

"Well, there's a variety of ways, Faervel. First and foremost would be to challenge me to a duel, which I can almost guarantee that nobody here would win. That's why you don't have to actually beat me to earn a Number. You just have to prove yourself worthy. You could also duel another competitor, and even if you don't win, if I deem that you are deserving a new Number, you might get one."

*He pauses and waits for a response.*

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Dante, upon hearing Ezekiel's comment about flying the helo, moved over to him and said, "Wait... Are you trying to say I DIDN'T have permission to fly the then-new-now-nothing-but-scrap-metal helicopter I flew earlier?"

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

*Ezekeil turned to face Dante, and began speaking with a matter-of-fact tone.*

"As it turns out, no, you did not. You're lucky that it was my helicopter, otherwise you would have been shot down."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

hearing what the man says faervel thought for a moment
"this guy seems so calm...it seems this is not going to be easy but i need a new number no matter what"

"fine i challenge you to a duel"

and prepared his duel disk

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

Dante chuckled and said, "Sh*t. May bad. You told me the helicopter was there and to take it so... Well, I took it."

"Unfortunately, Mister Genius over here didn't check the fuel gauge before takeoff," Drago said, appearing behind him.

"... Shut up, Jiminy."

descriptionForest (NHS) EmptyRe: Forest (NHS)

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