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descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptySurvival Duels: Season 1

Survival Duels: Season 1

This is the 1st season of the new installment of Survival Duels. Before reading further it is advised that you read and understand the concept of Survival Duels and Deck Masters completely written in Survival Duels Rules & Information topic.

In this season following rules apply:

- Bio-Band bar indicates your score for Survival Duels. One match win will raise the bar by one and one match loss will decrease the bar by one. Bio-Band is located on your profile and post profile too. Bio-Band default level at start of this season is one.

- Bio-Band bar has 30 levels, which means you need 30 match wins to make it full. Of course, as stated above, each match loss will also decrease it by one so if you want to get the bar full, we advise you to lose less.

- The 1st one to make the bar full and post it in this topic will be declared for the Master of Survival of this season and gets the Achievement icon + 10000 DP. (If in the next season another person becomes Master of Survival, the achievement icon is taken from the last winner and given to the new one. However, this might change and if this event becomes a sensation in DA, we might think of making multiple achievement icons for this, to indicate how many seasons you have won, same like achievements for Tournaments or League.)

-Survival Duels count in League just like Battle Arena, in case you did not read that already, so dueling in Survival Arena will not affect your score in League, your duels will still be counted there like if it is Battle Arena.

- Deck Masters have 3 Stages. Stage 1 is weakest and it raises like that up to Stage 3. At start, you can only buy Stage 1 Deck Masters. Stage 2 Deck Masters can be bought once your Bio-Band level reaches 10. Stage 3 Deck Masters can be bought once your Bio-Band level reaches 20. (If you bought Stage 3 Deck Master and after a while, your Bio-Band drops below level of 20, which means you cannot buy Stage 3 Deck Masters anymore, you still can keep already bought Deck Master you are with, regardless of your Bio-Band level).

- If you buy a new Deck Master while you still have one Deck Master, new one replaces the old (you can only have 1 Deck Master in total). This implies that you CAN change Deck Masters during the competition by buying new ones and replacing old ones with them. There is no limit about how many times you can buy a Deck Master except for the Stage requirements.

- If your Bio-Band level drops to zero, you lose your Deck Master too and have to buy a new one in order to be able to duel again in Survival Arena. Note that you CAN continue to compete, you are not out of competition, you just lose your Deck Master and start over by buying new one.

Good Luck to you all and may the 1st one to get the full Bio-Band bar win! (We got a surprise mini event for the winner of this season, stay tuned for that)

Notice: You can post in this topic if you need to ask something regarding the Survival Duels or if you got the full bar and want to check yourself in.

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Skitnica and I just tested a duel on this. o-o
1. So Life Points don't matter?
2. The monsters are typically hard to keep on the field due to the amount of removal cards there are.
3. Do XYZing with your Deck Master count as having it die? o-o
4. If you have multiples of the same deck master, can you replace your original master with the same card? Oh Shit Ex: Master dies, normal summon copy from hand.
5. If ^^, does summoning a copy of your master count as summoning your deck master?

List goes on. o-o

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Sorry Amy,that idea is impossible in Yu-Gi-Oh at the moment .
Change rules heavily or drop it..

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Did you forget the fact that you summon Deck Master when YOU want lol? The duel goes normally as it is right now in YGO. when you see you will lose for example, opponent attacks for the last grip of your LP, then you chain your deck master and transfer yourself there. the purpose of this is not starting the duel with it, but to help you in key situations like you want to win that turn, you use help of Deck Master as much as you can that turn etc. This is new concept, new feature in your duel and I see why you think it can't be any good, same as all ygo kids you need to see the master using it first to learn LOL.


1. Yes LP does not matter after the summon of Deck Master, but read all the details about LP too. Its not just screw LP totally, its just you dont lose duel if its zero.

2. It is hard ofc, but having Deck Master long on field is broken as hell. it is designed to help you instantly, like a joker move, not something like pet and make it grow ._.

3. Is the overlay unit on the field? yes, so yeah your deck master is still on the field and alive. and yes, you can protect it by that if that is what you asked for. Once you remove the overlay unit and send it to grave, at the end of that turn, if the deck master is not back on the field, you lose the duel.

4. and 5. Deck Master is unique. other copies are just normal cards from your deck and have nothing to do with Deck Master. So yeah, it implies having 4 of the same card possible if 4th is your deck master.

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Amy Kool wrote:
Did you forget the fact that you summon Deck Master when YOU want lol? The duel goes normally as it is right now in YGO. when you see you will lose for example, opponent attacks for the last grip of your LP, then you chain your deck master and transfer yourself there. the purpose of this is not starting the duel with it, but to help you in key situations like you want to win that turn, you use help of Deck Master as much as you can that turn etc. This is new concept, new feature in your duel and I see why you think it can't be any good, same as all ygo kids you need to see the master using it first to learn LOL.


1. Yes LP does not matter after the summon of Deck Master, but read all the details about LP too. Its not just screw LP totally, its just you dont lose duel if its zero.

2. It is hard ofc, but having Deck Master long on field is broken as hell. it is designed to help you instantly, like a joker move, not something like pet and make it grow ._.

3. Is the overlay unit on the field? yes, so yeah your deck master is still on the field and alive. and yes, you can protect it by that if that is what you asked for. Once you remove the overlay unit and send it to grave, at the end of that turn, if the deck master is not back on the field, you lose the duel.

4. and 5. Deck Master is unique. other copies are just normal cards from your deck and have nothing to do with Deck Master. So yeah, it implies having 4 of the same card possible if 4th is your deck master.

Hm... So I'm getting that LP does matter if you don't have your deck master out. Btw, since Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus can go into the S/T zone, does that count as the deck master's presence? Razz

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

From the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia


If a player's Deck Master is destroyed, he/she loses the Duel. If a player's Deck Master is Tributed by a card effect to Special Summon another monster or used as a Fusion Material Monster or can otherwise be immediately replaced such as by the effect of "A Deal with Dark Ruler", the monster that is Special Summoned next becomes the player's new Deck Master.

If multiple Deck Masters are Tributed or used as Fusion Material Monsters, the Special Summoned monster is treated as the Deck Master for all of the players the original monsters belonged to.

I don't know if DA follows these Rules but Amy, please take some Rules or make them yourself and let people follow them.

The "Deck Master" concept breaks ALOT of basic Game Mechanics so these Rules are a necessity.

sidenote :

Sidenote #2 :

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Don't worry Gianus Smile

The original rules for DMs are crappy because they were never official, just parts of episodes from which rules were ripped off and ppl tried to understand the flow of them. Of course in anime, rules were established by episode needs, outside it was impossible to use them since they did apply just for the scenarios in anime, but not whole game. Also, anime always used some custom rules which were not followed by official card game rules and thus making anime rules too situational.

I used just the concept, to transfer yourself into Deck Master, meaning when DM loses you lose too. I pretty much modified everything and established rules on my own.

What you stated in Side note 1 and 2, is all covered by that rule of mine you mentioned in side note 2. Thing is, fusion of Deck Masters, overlaying them for XYZ, whatever, all that is simply followed by that rule of mine. You simply look is the deck master himself present on the field at the end of the turn for that player, if yes then he is still in game, if not then he loses. If both of them have no deck master on the field at the end, it is a draw game. I stated that if you win a duel, its 30 DP like BA, if you lose you lose nothing, which implies that also when Draw, you dont lose nor gain anything.

As for things like enemy controller, it lasts until the end of the turn, at end its returned. does not matter at all for my rule. The deck master in either case is still on the field, yours or opponents, still on the field. Thus the Lava Golem as deck master option is given... Smile

And yeah I know, that rule seems overly broken but it is not. These are just Deck Masters, they don't have whole card sets made for them to make their plays stable. With them, you need to sense the situation, you need to be prepared when to use it and how to use it. It is a sword with two edges. it can kill you faster than regular duel, or it can help you overcome the death or strenghten your attacks Smile

That rule might seem not to be balanced but it is very balanced. Deck Masters are not some broken monsters. Mostly they are some rarely used ones, except few commonly used like Rai oh. But things like Necrofear are certainly not used. This opens up new plays, opens up new challenges for members. See, I picked Deck Masters wisely. For example, sapphire pegasus, once its destroyed it goes to ST zone. Still on the field, aint? Yeah, thats right, you can't get rid of it that easy. It might be weak but it keeps you alive if your opponent cannot destroy it as Spell lol. Way to get you time. Necrofear, you destroy it, swarm the field so that you could double OTK lol, but Necrofear was already summoned as deck master. This means at the end of turn, Necrofear uses its effect, takes its destroyer and gives you control over it by being an equip card on the field. Still in game right? So yeah, it is not just call of the haunted lol, its many things that could keep them alive.

So, we are in the situation where you say its broken and can be abused where Skitnica and Rashion think its too easy to get rid of Deck Masters and it cannot be used in such metagame. My answer to this is to learn to abuse your Deck Masters and to use them properly lol. that way you will gain power by using them. Also, when everyone can use them, then it becomes like meta. Now, what would you use, a deck that utilizes many "Call of the huanted" like cards to keep your Deck Master alive, or just go raw style and use a meta deck where your Deck Master can be used as an extra joker card to help or defend, or don't use it at all lol. The choice is yours Smile

and Rashi, yes LP does matter until you summon Deck Master and link yourself to it. You can also decide not to use DM at all lol. But, then u are at the loss. Sometimes it really will not be needed but sometimes you would lose the duel if you don't use it Smile

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Quick question is it essential to get a deck master when doing survival duels?

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

You have to have it purchased on your profile and start the duel with it, but you are not limited to summoning it. You are free to play without it too if you don't want to summon it Smile

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

Survival Duels rules have been slightly updated, with new clarifications added there. These come from your questions and things I have not put at start. Now that we have cleared it out, I've updated the rules with them.


the updates are following things:

Survival Duels Rule Updates wrote:
Special Cases: Lava Golem, for him summoning conditions must be fulfilled, in other words you have to tribute two opponent's monsters for him. We have put it like this, because one of the big impacts Lava Golem does is actually that tribute of opponent's monsters.

If both you and your opponent lost the Deck Master and fail to summon it back to the field by the end of the turn, you both lose at the same time and thus, duel is declared as a Draw (no DP earned, nor lost, Bio-Band stays the same). Note that, before you summon your Deck Master, you duel regularly and you can lose by LP like in a normal duel. Also, losing a duel by other means like decking out is still possible. Deck Master is only linked to LP, but not other things.

Additional rules.
- If you use more copies of your Deck Master in your deck, those copies have no connection to your Deck Master. They are just regular monsters and have nothing to do with it. How do you know which one is your Deck Master? Well, in case you forgot, Deck Master is the one banished face-down at the start of your duel. Your Deck Master does not count as regular monster, meaning if you got 3 copies of same card in your deck and your Deck Master happens to be the 4th, you can do that because Deck Master does not count as a regular monster in your deck.
- If your Deck Master is used as a material for other monster like Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz etc, you do not transfer your Deck Master to these, meaning there is no new Deck Master, it is still the one you started with. This implies that if your Deck Master is used for a fusion summon and goes to graveyard, you have to summon it back to the field by the end of the turn, or else you lose the duel. Same with Synchro if used as synchro material. You just go by rule that Deck Master has to be on the field, so if it ends up in graveyard or somewhere else than the field, you lose the duel at the end of the turn. For Xyz there might be a misunderstanding because technically an overlay unit stays on the field, however official rules declared that overlay units are not counted as on the field, thus if your Deck Master became an overlay unit, it is no longer on the field which implies that you will lose the duel at the end of the turn.
- Deck Master has to be on the field once summoned to keep you alive, this counts also opponent's field.

To start a Survival Duel, you just have to include your Deck Master in the deck you play with, but you are not obliged to summon it in your duel if you don't need to, or don't feel like summoning it.

 These are the updates. I have put them in various places inside rules, where their nature fits the most so that we have it all clean looking again, but I listed em here one after another so that you get updated faster if you already read all the rules before.

You notice that in the new rules I said for Ritual, Fusion, Synchro and Xyz, your Deck Master is not transfered to them if used as material. It is still your Deck Master and if it went from the field for being a material then you gotta summon it back or you lose the duel at the end of the turn. Same goes for Xyz! I thought the overlay units were counted as on the field, but the Xyz official rules state that it doesn't, so we follow that rule too. If your Deck Master becomes overlay unit, it is no longer counted as on the field and you have to resummon it somehow by the end of the turn or you lose the duel.

I am sorry I said other way before, but I really thought they were counted as on the field and no one informed me about it later on lol.

descriptionSurvival Duels: Season 1 EmptyRe: Survival Duels: Season 1

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