Survival Duels Rules and Information Surviv12

Rules and Information

Survival Duels is a forum Event based on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime's Survival Duels arc. In anime, those are mandatory Duels issued by Professor Viper at Duel Academy. Bio-Bands are special kind of bands that were used to drain both the victor and loser's energies upon the conclusion of the Duel. It is the skill system for open duels regardless of dorms or grades. Professor Viper tried to resurrect Yubel with the energy collected from those bands.

In our site Survival Duels will not be exact the same as in anime. We adapted it to serve our site better.

Battle and Shadow Arenas will be used for Survival Duels too. See it like an upgrade to Arenas. You duel normally and just decide if the duel will count as Survival as well or not. That being said, the rules of Arenas apply first and then they are updated with the rules of Survival Duels.

1. Battle and Shadow Arena sections will be used to post results of your duels. All duels need to be confirmed too in order to be processed. Upon agreement with your opponent about Battle or Shadow Arena duel, you will also agree if you wish to count the duel as Survival. If you choose to, your Bio-Bands will be updated at the end.

2. Battle and Shadow Arena Challenges subforums will be used to make challenge topics to find your opponent easily. You do everything like you do for Arenas and additionally mention if you wish to count it as Survival Duel.

3. All duels must be "best 2 out of 3" Match Duel. All other things such as TCG, OCG, Advanced, Traditional are decided by duelists themselves.

4. Bio-Bands are present in a way of Profile Field which is located in your main profile page and also post profile which is located left of your posts. Bio-Bands have default bar with the max length of 10. All duelists begin with energy level 1 represented by Bio-Band bar as 1/10. That value is your own life energy.

5. When you win the match you gain one energy level and your opponent loses all. (Example: Your opponent has Bio-Band at level 5 indicating his collected energy and you have 3. You win the match and gain 1 energy level which is 4 in total while your opponent loses all and starts again from zero.)

6. The first duelist that collects default max Bio-Band level 10 is the first Master of Survival.

7. There will be a pinned thread containing the info for the current Master of Survival.

8. Next duelist that achieves the same energy level as Master of Survival can challenge him for the position. If he wins, he takes the position and collects one more win which makes default max length of Bio-Band increased by 1. If he loses Master of Survival stays at the position and collects one more win which also makes default max length of Bio-Band increase by 1. (Example: Master of Survival has 10 wins. Bio-Band max length is 10. He loses to a challenger who collected also 10 wins and gives him the MoS position. Now as the new MoS won one more match the max length of Bio-Band is 11 and next challenger needs to get energy level to 11.)

9. Master of Survival can duel more on his own and collect more wins. If that happens, the default max length of Bio-Band raises with the wins, respectively. (Example: A duelist collects first 10 wins which make him Master of Survival. Then, in order to secure his place so that no one gets to challenge him, he wins 3 more matches which raise Bio-Band max length to 13 and thus make it more difficult for others to get 13 wins in a row.)

10. If Master of Survival used advantage specified in rule no. 9, duels against any member and loses a match, his Bio-Band drops to zero and because the duelist he played against was not his challenger (had less wins than needed to challenge) the default max length of Bio-Band resets to 10 like it was at start.

11. DP rewards for Survival Duels are same as for Battle Arena: Each duel you win gets you 30 DP. Each duel you lose does not take any DP from you.

12. All matches in Survival Duels are recorded in the League.

13. When Master of Survival is challenged for the position he must accept the challenge or he loses the position by default. Stalling the duel and longer inactivity also results in a loss of position. In that case the first challenger gets the position.

14. Challenging the Master of Survival will be done by posting in the thread reserved for him in the pinned tab of this section.

15. If duelist's Bio-Band level drops to zero it does not mean duelist can't duel in Survival Duels anymore. Losing a life is just in anime and here it just means you start over again but this time not from 1 but zero.

16. When Bio-Band max level length resets it does not reset the actual levels of duelists. It just resets the maximum possible level. (Example: You are at level 3. Bio-Band max level length was 13. Master of Survival gets inactive and Bio-Band max level length resets to 10 kicking the inactive MoS from the position and giving the position free to conquer. However you are still at level 3, it just means you dont have to get 13 wins anymore but only 10 since it has been reset.)

17. Becoming Master of Survival grants you a reward of 3000 DP, and each additional win you make as Master of Survival get you another 200 DP. Also you get a MoS profile field:Survival Duels Rules and Information Venom_10 to mark your position.

18. You cannot duel an opponent that has the same IP like you. If you do, you risk to be permanently banned from Duel Academy.