How long has it been since the last? I forgot. Just going to throw this idea out there, not sure if it's been done or not already and not sure if it's widely known but it's pretty neat.

Key card:
Ali's Tactics #16 Tumblr10
Fusion Gate :

You'll be using this to get your Fusions out.

Other key cards:
Ali's Tactics #16 175px-10Ali's Tactics #16 Blaste10
Ali's Tactics #16 Tempes10Ali's Tactics #16 Tidald10
Redox Blaster
Tempest Tidal

Ali's Tactics #16 Anpr-e10Ali's Tactics #16 Elemen10
Ali's Tactics #16 Pp12-j10Ali's Tactics #16 Tumblr10
Gaia Nova Master
Great Tornado Absolute Zero

I shouldn't have to type out their effects.

Basic concept of this is to use Fusion Gate to spam out Fusion after Fusion, banishing a Hero and a Dragon of the corresponding Attribute of the Fusion you want to get out. Then, you can add another Dragon of the corresponding attribute from the deck to the hand using the banished Dragon's effect.

You only need to worry about running out of Heroes.

Short, but oh well; it's a simple concept.
