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Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

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Naito Raizu
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descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptySlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

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Hello, Slifer Dorm. Your Dorm Leader Kurono here. I know our last Event didn't go so well, and that there was no prizes. Like I said before I wanted to get to know you guys before doing something big. Now that I have, I will be doing big Events, and with prizes this time. I do have some Events planed already, but I want to hear from my Slifers, if they have any Events they think will go well, or think we should try out. I will be willingly to listen to anything you may think will be a good Event. Soon, Tots and I will be doing two Events. When we get around to them. Leader vs Leader and Ra War. Anyways, let's hear your ideas, Slifers!!!! 

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Typrophecy wrote:
I feel dueling has gotten way to competitive, and by that i mean people don't duel to have fun as much as they just want to win. So i say we do duels with restrictions to make it more equal for everybody.
1). No attacking directly.
2). No monsters over lvl 4
3). No spell or traps that wipe out the field.

Rules like that to make the dueling closer and more fun to play. Just an idea, feel free to to tell me what you guys think!!

 The Dueling would get a bit boring if that happens... I mean Who could go on a duel without Synchros or Xyz?? Or like the boss monsters (Grapha ,Dark Magician, Faultroll)

 But to be honest i actually just duel for fun and try to be competitive at the same time. Good Idea in my opinion but for me, its just not going to work

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

ThEvilWingman wrote:
Typrophecy wrote:
I feel dueling has gotten way to competitive, and by that i mean people don't duel to have fun as much as they just want to win. So i say we do duels with restrictions to make it more equal for everybody.
1). No attacking directly.
2). No monsters over lvl 4
3). No spell or traps that wipe out the field.

Rules like that to make the dueling closer and more fun to play. Just an idea, feel free to to tell me what you guys think!!

 The Dueling would get a bit boring if that happens... I mean Who could go on a duel without Synchros or Xyz?? Or like the boss monsters (Grapha ,Dark Magician, Faultroll)

 But to be honest i actually just duel for fun and try to be competitive at the same time. Good Idea in my opinion but for me, its just not going to work

Just saying, you can still duel using XYZs like that. XYZ Monsters use Rank, not level.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I don't use synchro, xyz or fusions in my main deck. I personally think synchcro and xyz monsters ruined dueling, its just not as fun to me anymore.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I kinda have to agree with Ty on that part, back in my day we didn't have synchro or xyz, well maybe just xyz cannon (that's only if you had all 3 on the field). Also I was thinking for an event guys vs girl dueling tournament, like one side bracket is just guys and one side is just girls, then its the best guy duelist vs the best girl duelist for the last match.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@Raiden that sounds like a good idea i would for sure take part in that.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

You guys still need to duel without any restrictions, since that will make your skills improved.  

Anything outside dueling is fine. But if you have a dueling event, you should play it in advanced.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Eh.  'Scuse me for being here, but how many girls are in Slifer currently?  I know about 4 in the entire academy.  Kairi, Kurono, Yillion, and Jasmine. :/

Also agreeing a bit with Centrik.  You guys wanna be big boys/girls soon. :>

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@ Ras; Ras, Get off this!!!!!! You're really annoying me with this. If I wanted you in my post, I would say only Slifers.

@ Slifers; All the event ideas will be used. But, one at a time. I'm liking all the ideas. Smile

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Ra's, leave, or be warned next time. That is all, got it?

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Thank you so much, babe.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

i like using syncho u use weak monster to get stronger monster

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

XraishionX wrote:
Eh.  'Scuse me for being here, but how many girls are in Slifer currently?  I know about 4 in the entire academy.  Kairi, Kurono, Yillion, and Jasmine. :/

Also agreeing a bit with Centrik.  You guys wanna be big boys/girls soon. :>

so what you are saying is because we are in slifer that means we suck? Most people are in slifer because they are new to this site not dueling i would rather be in slifer then any other dorm. Every ra i've talked to or have seen on here are just plain rude, most of the slifers are nice people.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Exactly, Ty.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Kairi isnt slifer XD

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Typrophecy, we are slifer because we suck .-. there's no two ways about it

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Salad, we're Slifers because we all started off as Slifers. XD

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Salader wrote:
Typrophecy, we are slifer because we suck .-. there's no two ways about it

That's so not true. I haven't duel anyone on here so no one can say i'm good or bad. So if you believe you are in slifer because you suck fine just don't count me in with you. I'M NOT LEAVING SLIFER EVER!!!

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

i can say that you are wrong salad. I am a slifer not becuase i am bad, but because i am fairly new. I have given a few members a run for their money but they return the punch. so there is more then one way around it. i am a good duelist and dont like that you say all slifers suck. Red is my favorite color and i will stay red. no matter what the blues or yellows call us, we are each individuals with different abilities and needs. If we wanted we could beat the blues and yellows but we have to train and get better. But with you salad, i dont think there is any chance for you to enhance your skills when u talk that way. im sure all the other reds agree that we do not all suck. so raise those spirits and duel them till they drop! I wont give up dueling no matter how tought the gettings get, for i am a true duelist. true duelists do not say they themselves suck. now, what do you say slifers?do you think we can take down those blues and yellows? i do, for we are slifers! red hot with skill! We Burn red like a flame! Once ignited we spread and get stronger! Slifer FTW! (y i did this speech i have no idea i forget Razz i have ADHD and ADD so maybe thats it)

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

i slifer cause i like the color red and u can chill alot more easy lol.i ok at dueling

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Dat Grammar xD

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Salad,.. i agree,.. but,... there is also slifer that want to be in slifer forever,.. i dunno why,... i can't understand what they're thinking,... And there is also the one who so lazy to take the test (Me),... but anyways,.. i agree with you,.. about the suck thingy -.-

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

If a fight is gonna start, I'm locking this.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

i wont fight but saying that all slifers suck? cmon now thats just being a jerk Razz i for one know that i dont suck. i just dont allways get the cards i need.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I agree with you, but still.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

i say an event were ppl participate and be separated to 2 teams...tam with no hearts lose etc..but u better be fast cause i believe 99% i will get ra at 19/7/2013 so u better hurry plz Razz

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I've been busy this week with my jobs. I will get to the next Event when I can find time to sit down and make one. Just be happy I have enough time this week to check on things here. .-.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I hear about this a lot. From your words, I can know that you guys are just sensitive nabs. Centrik gave you advice and Raishion just agreed about it, and you guy turned sensitive and bitching about if they're saying that you guys suck. Seriously, what the fuck are your problems? Ranking doesn't fucking matter here and they really don't give even a single fuck about how good you guys are. I'm all tired of these nab's shits.

For the event, I think we will just have a normal Single/Double Elimination Tourny just like Akeno mentioend, or a GFX contest is good tho.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Yillion, let's calm the language please. Remember it's a forum. Also remember it's just the Ra's playing jokes alright? Let's be friends shall we?

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Thats true fluff we all like to joke around but there is a time,and a place for everything.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Oh I know, I'll punish the 2 ra's that this drama started from.

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