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Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

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Naito Raizu
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descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptySlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Hello, Slifer Dorm. Your Dorm Leader Kurono here. I know our last Event didn't go so well, and that there was no prizes. Like I said before I wanted to get to know you guys before doing something big. Now that I have, I will be doing big Events, and with prizes this time. I do have some Events planed already, but I want to hear from my Slifers, if they have any Events they think will go well, or think we should try out. I will be willingly to listen to anything you may think will be a good Event. Soon, Tots and I will be doing two Events. When we get around to them. Leader vs Leader and Ra War. Anyways, let's hear your ideas, Slifers!!!! 

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I don't know if you can do this or not but i think i would be cool to do a create your own card competition. Not sure how it would work but it is an idea.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@ Ty; I'll give that some thought, but I do like that idea.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@Kurono Thanks i've always wanted to do one, designing a card just seems like a lot of fun.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@ Ty; I'll see to it, when the time comes.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

How about balls kicking competition?

P/S: This is not a spam post.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Centrik if you dont have anything meaningful to say.. go spam elsewhere :<

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@ Trik; If you spam something that I'm taking seriously, I swear I will let all hell break lose. -_-

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

i think Alhemicar know something,.. he once tell me that he has some event,.. but i forget,.. if he was online i'll tell him to tell you Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? 1554389127,..maybe this help,..

Last edited by Zelkrof on Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@ Z; Thanks, Z.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

This may be simple but how about a couple of normal Single Elimation Tournaments? No matter how simple one hasn't been done in slifer for a while.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

How About A Duel Competition Smile And the Winner Will Get Points Or Move to another Dorm Smile 
But What Duel Network Will You Use ?

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Since I'm still Slifer, I might as well suggest this

Tag Team Tourny on YGO Pro?

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Some members don't have access to those things, sadly. :/  @ Naito
I'd suggest a fun tourney.  One with a type, attack, defense, or card restriction.  Why I joined the Max Attack tourney. Razz

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

        My idea is Team Deck Building :D.
But how does it works ?
Players are split in teams,with task to create deck type picked by dorm leader.
After all teams create their deck they war each other.
Its hard to explain so i am going to do it trough an example :
Dorm Leader:"I wanna see Gladiator deck"
Team one (Player1,Player2,Player3,PLayer4)
Player 1(First player adds card and explains why:
Fire Formation - Tenki 3 Copies
Because we need more search and card smaller in order to speed up Gladiators .
Player 2 (All players from Player 2 can chose to add or remove card copies or add new card)
Brotherhood of Fire Fist -Bear 3 Copies
I like the idea of using Tenki ,so why not to play something that can get us free tenki ?
Also its removal effect is useful.
So what do you think slifers ?
P.S: Sorry for long post XD.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Team deck building sounds interesting but requires so much organization and collaboration, which honestly doesn't really happen here. Neither.

You should look into events not so duel-heavy and that have people do said thing on their own time. Something like a drawing competition. Of course, for that, it'd be a make-fun-of-yourself drawing competition expecting to get funny entries and not masterpieces.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

So you're saying that the Reds won't need to have a high-pressure event?

That may work too.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Sure. Not everything has to be dueling. Sure, it's a yu gi oh community, but there's a lot more going on here to just focus on duels that pretty much play the same now.

Besides, the drawing theme could be ygo related, getting back on topic that way. Could be something like draw your favorite monster, draw yourself as a duelist in the anime show, draw blue eyes white dragon coldly eating a bunch of scared, defenseless kuriboh. Stuff like that.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Sounds so kiddy. Surprised  But fun.  Get the reds to do some collaborative project.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I got an idea and i probably already told you kuro in PM XD 

about an event where you make your deck with boosterpacks?? 

how are these made, I got a site where each booster pack is listed and every card in it,  then we select 5 or 6 random boosterpacks, we only use those 5 or 6 and check what cards are listed in the pack and use a randomizer program to see which cards will get in the boosterpack, max 10 cards/bp 

and u just make like 18 to 24 random boosterpacks so 3 or 4 for each pack, and then you randomly select which to give to the participant...?

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Well first Abby, I would like to say you are doing a fantastic job at being a leader. It doesn't take much  to be a 'boss' but a true leader is a whole different story. Actually seeing that you do care about the responsibility you were given and acting upon it personally gives me a morality boost.

Now for events...

Even though this is a Yu-Gi-Oh! based community, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to get out of our comfort zones a little bit! I actually come from the RuneScape Clan community so I learned a ton of off-site activities that could be done and taken to a liking (hopefully) by others. One of the main things I enjoy doing is going to flash-game multi-player sites such as playforia or omgpop and doing silly things on there such as billiard, mini golf, puzzles and a plethora of other games that can be done. It gives everyone a chance to step away from the world's most addicting card game and share some laughs playing some simple - yet still competitive games.

Another idea I have kind of had (although it isn't really considered an event, though you can probably make one out of using it) is possibly DA getting a Teamspeak 3/ Ventrillo server. I'm quite terrible at explaining but the best way I can put it is Skype on steroids. They're mass audio communication servers that (in my opinion) reduce the lagg that group chats in Skype have.

Also Poker would be fun ^.^

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

@ All the Slifers; Thank you, Slifers, for all the ideas. I'll think about them all and see what we can do with any of them. And what I might just do, so everyone's idea is used, use each idea, but one at a time so Slifer don't get into too many things at one time.

@ Vox; Thanks, Vox. I take my job very seriously. Being Leader means a lot to me, and I really want to do a good job with it.

@ All the Ras; I said this was for Slifers and Slifers ONLY!!! Now get off this. Can't you people read and respect that, please? Doing these things for my Dorm is important to me, now bug off it, Please?????

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

We were trying to be helpful. ;o

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Before ANY Ra's check this post again after i post this, READ THE F***ING TITLE! You arent allowed here! Good Day sir

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

How ungrateful.

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

Not ungrateful, just annoyed your not listening to the rules or reading the F***ing title

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

chill men some ra have heart to slifer :D

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

ik but they are ras xD cmon guys read the title ya dumb ra's

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

lol well at less they welcome us when we new lol

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

I feel dueling has gotten way to competitive, and by that i mean people don't duel to have fun as much as they just want to win. So i say we do duels with restrictions to make it more equal for everybody.
1). No attacking directly.
2). No monsters over lvl 4
3). No spell or traps that wipe out the field.

Rules like that to make the dueling closer and more fun to play. Just an idea, feel free to to tell me what you guys think!!

descriptionSlifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas? EmptyRe: Slifers (And Slifers Only) Event Ideas?

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