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gonna delete

Endless Sorcerer
Zane Truesdale
Typical Jew™
bakura normal
22 posters

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First topic message reminder :

purchase type: avatar
render: https://2img.net/h/i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu90/BurhanMysterio/Yugioh%20Renders/Scapegoatcopy.png

text: nameless
size: any is good

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Purchase type: Sig
render/image: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110928042138/yugioh/images/f/fa/LegendarySixSamuraiShiEn-TF06-JP-VG.png
text: anything that works with the card
Size: ur choice
any other details: Try to maek a render out of the monster, cuz i cant

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cancel order

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cancel order

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Oh yea i forgot to post. My Bad.

~Shop Closed~

Mod please lock.

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Locked, Until further notice.

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unlocked on req.

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Purchase type:Userbar
render: http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/normal/RenderKamina.png
text: Spammer
Size: 350x 190
any other details: Nope

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Render me 2 things:


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Nameless: You didn't say if you wanted the first resized too, if you do just say and it's a simple fix.
Spoiler :

gonna delete - Page 2 1

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Nope it's all cool Smile. I'll transfer 100 DP to you.


Also, wanna make me a sig with Helitrope? Only thing would be a text like "Nameless Evilswarm" if you can think of something better just put it instead, I won't mind.

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Purchase type: Avatar
render: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-seQvXM1S44g/T5rzHTcO8sI/AAAAAAAAAf0/2KoMuM5XMsc/s1600/R.png
text: Xrai Birdman!
Size: Make a hole with your fingers. About that size.
any other details: Green feeling?

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Purchase type: sig
render: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mafpnxzxqd1rrhldj.png
text: Yoshiya Joshua Kiryu, hee hee
Size: Same as current one
any other details: see how goldish color works with it. Also one with BG and one with out pl0x. And stay away from borders.

Purchase type: Avi
render: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mafpnxzxqd1rrhldj.png
text: None
Size: 190x290
any other details: see how goldish color works with it. Also one with BG and one with out pl0x. And stay away from borders.

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Purchase type: Avatar
render: https://i.servimg.com/u/f69/17/35/40/07/raisen10.jpg
text: Ali
Size: 270 x 388
any other details:
-Text should go where the "Yu-Gi-Oh" text is on the back of a YGO card.
-Have a border like the back of a YGO card but make it a thin+bright line. Outside of this border (the edges) should be blurred a bit.
-Colour scheme: Blue with a bit of red/lilac if possible. You can do what you want here, just mae it look good 8D.

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gonna delete - Page 2 Josh_by_bakuranormal-d5vjp48

No background (I had no clue what you meant by this, you already had a render, so I was guessing you meant something like this)gonna delete - Page 2 Mim310

gonna delete - Page 2 Mim216
Ali: Your render was a .JPG you mother f-cker D:< !!! How could you !!! a fellow GFX artist D: !!!

gonna delete - Page 2 Ali10

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Thank yoh! They look great gonna delete - Page 2 1554389127

DP transferred.

Ali + Mim




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Sig - I like it.

Av- I iz dissapointed Baku. You would have to resize render to get it to fit 190x290 which is what I meant. And the one with a BG is just cutr from the sig ._. Sp dissapointed. ._.

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You never told me make a whole new thing, you should have specified ._. Also, you need to be more specific when you say stuff like "no background" when the things already a render ._. Just say "Resize"

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Finally there's a shop which does the userbar.

1. Order:
Purchase type: Userbar
Image: http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/10/1006_ceo_guide/image/intro.jpg
Text: Researcher
Size: 350 x 19
Any other details: Text color: White
Font: Something looks sharp

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Purchase type: None of the above.
render: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/028/a/f/jin_kazama_blood_vengeance_cg_art_by_blood_huntress-d4lybzd.png
text: Ali or Alikaey
Size: 1100x688
any other details: Depth, depth and more sexy depth. Details to the right because the far left side won't be too visible.

DP: Free 'cos http://www.duelacademy.net/t24376-slifer-attendance-sheet#222699

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1. Order 1:
No Text.
Size: Enough for DA. 190x290?
Request Type: Avatar
Image/Render: http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/moyen/Red_eyes.png
Others: No effect. No border. And delete the weird symbol on the top-right corner.

2. Order 2:
Text: Centrik (Please make it on the bottom-left corner.)
Size: Enough for DA.
Request Type: Avatar
Image/Render: http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/moyen/Red_eyes.png
Others: Just put my name on it with some sharp fonts. No effect and border.

3. Order 3:
Text: No Needless Battles
Size: Enough for DA.
Request Type: Signature
Image/Render: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/142/9/c/anime_boy_render_by_bakamii_senpai-d3gx7kf.png
Others: "Centrik" will be in the bottom of "No Needless Battles". Try to make the background looks peacefully.

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Order up

Ali - Haven't done something on a canvas this big in a long time xD

Spoiler :

Cent -
gonna delete - Page 2 Cent2v10

gonna delete - Page 2 Cent210

gonna delete - Page 2 Centri10

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render: https://2img.net/h/i23.photobucket.com/albums/b396/lamarglover/NamelessBasicLogo.jpg

text: is on the render

size: 190 x 290

other details: pink and orange cheers

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Ali: -35DP (Tip)

Centrik: -450DP

Bako: +485DP.

I like the sig ;o

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Do I get my order yet? :sadface:

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lol bro where's my userbar :D
and the avatar got some problems. still in white background. i will let my avatar like this so you can see the problems.

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Purchase type: Avatar
render: Find me any good Devil may Cry related avi Smile
text: no text
Size: anything
any other details: I want it to be without a background , just like my current Avatar .

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make me a sig pl0x

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Purchase Type: Signature
Render: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/324/5/b/fushimi_saruhiko_render_by_enigfushimi-d5ln64r.png
Text: Akeno - It's A Pleasure
Size: Whatever looks nice
Other: Nothing really. Other than the fact that in the text don't include the dash. And if you can't fit all of it just cut off everything to the right of the dash.

Another Order

Purchase Type: User Bar
Render: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/057/9/c/fairy_tail___logo_guild_symbol_by_shadowfelkan-d3agy1t.png
Text: The Fairy God Akeno
Size: Whatever looks nice.
Other: Nothing really.

Thanks a bunch ^.^

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Purchase type: Sig
render: Click me. Use whichever render size will work best.
text: Young Lion mimgrim or mimgrim the Young Lion. Use the one that looks the best as the text.
Size: same as current
any other details: Just stay away from blue and yellow e.e

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