Alright guys, I just heard about the new LTGY card, Ghost Fairy Elfobia. Looking at it's level, attribute, name, and art, it seems uncannily similar to our old friend, the only secret rare out of CBLZ that no one wanted, Mystical Fairy Elfuria. I'm thinking that Konami is doing another 1 card at a time archetype (ahem, Dustons), but this one seems like a fairly strong control and xyz/anti-xyz oriented set of fairies (none of which are even Fairy-type, mind you...). I might try to pick up a playset of each of these to see if Konami follows up on them, because I love the art and the playstyle seems fun.

I'm not gonna link the cards in here because:
1. I don't know how
2. I'm too lazy to actually find out right now
3. I have AP tests tomorrow

Basically, Elfuria lets you reveal a WIND monster in your hand to lock xyz summons to the level of the monster revealed (so if it reveals a level 3, only rank 3 stuff like Acid Golem, Zenmaines, or Leviathan Dragon can hit the field until your next turn), which could be really good against things like Evilswarms! NO OPHION FOR YOU.
Next, Elfobia lets you reveal a WIND monster in your hand to prevent all monsters with a higher level from activating their effects until the end of the opponents next Main Phase 1. Not sure how I feel about that effect, but it seems pretty useful against some things, looking at generally EVERY deck right now, since level 4s seem to be tying everything together right now, excluding Elemental Douches-I MEAN DRAGONS (Even still, with Elfuria and Elfobia on the field, E-Dragons will have a bad time). Plus, the art is amazing. Not to mention it's a Psychic. E-Tele, anyone?

This whole "Fairy Elf" (that's the name for now, OK?) archetype actually has me thinking that perhaps Konami realized that "Hey, maybe E-Dragons did f*** everything. Let's release something one set at a time that can slow them down enough to actually play a few turns or maybe even take control of the flow of the game." Maybe that's just me overestimating these fairies, but I personally think they have potential. At any rate, these two had better not be all that's coming. I already have a soft spot for them.

At any rate, I'll be looking forward to hearing more about this potential archetype and will attempt to transfer over what I hear about to this post (but don't hold me to that. People forget stuff.).

So until then, LyghtSyde out.

EDIT 6/12/13: Anyone see that Pokemon's new Fairy type beats the Dragon type? Hint hint, Fairy Elves vs. Dragon Rulers...