as some of you know, i played big city in 1.15. now in 1.19, im going to try to make a big city deck that can compete with the top tier decks (and then remodiefy it sept. 1st Razz). this is what i have so far (note: its had very little testing at this point. all suggestions welcome).

Monsters: 14
1x stratos
2x wildheart
2x ocean
2x elemental hero heat
1x breaker
1x ddwl
1x snipe
1x cyber dragon
1x reaper
1x gorz
1x soldier of mist valley (i so wish i had rose...)

Spells: 16

3x e-call
1x rota
2x shrink
2x lightning vortex
1x smashing
1x fissure
1x soul taker
1x heavy
1x righteous justice
1x monster reborn
2x- skyscraper 2-hero city

traps: 10
2x d prison
2x bottomless
3x solemn
1x gravity bind
1x mirror force
1x torrent