Amy Rose: there is only 1 vanilla monster in the game that is 4 star with 2000 ATK, and that is Gene-Warped Warwolf, who has only 100 DEF. I don't like seeing created cards more powerful than the most powerful versions of similar cards already in the game.
In general, I can't tell just how broken or not the Ritual monsters are when you do not have the cards Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow . . . etc available for us to see. Don't put in card games to cards we can't see because it makes it difficult to judge the set.
For the Ritual Spells, you need to go back and recheck how a Ritual Spell card is meant to be written. The way you have it isn't Yugioh Syntax correct.
For Chaos Blast, again I don't know what type of monster Shadow is. If he's very difficult to summon, then the card is ok, but if he's reasonably easy to summon then the card is overpowered.
The effects of all 3 Ritual monsters are heavily overpowered. The only card in the game that is unaffected by both spell and trap cards is Vennominaga, and she is nearly impossible to summon, unlike Ritual monsters who are reasonably easy to summon.
Creativity: 4/10 (7/10 is max for cards based off games/anime because it is done all the time, and I've seen much better Sonic cards than these)
Spelling/Grammar/Syntax: 5.5/10 (spelling is mostly good except a couple typos. You need to work a lot on making them read the same as real Yugioh cards)
Pics: 6/10 (white backgrounds look ugly on cards, and I think you could've looked a bit harder in general to find better pics.
Balance: 4/10 (work harder on this. If something has an awesome effect it has to be difficult to summon or it has to have some sort of other bad part of the effect or cost that evens out the effect.)
My Opinion: 4/10
Final Rating: 4.7/10 - take in my suggestions and try a bit harder next time for a better rating. sorry for being harsh but i don't believe in saying something is good when it just isn't. just use this as a learning experience if you want to make more cards in the future.