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Crystal Beast Deck Help

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descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyCrystal Beast Deck Help

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Here's the deck (Updated):


Reason I run 1 Lightning Vortex is cos it lets me clear the monsters on my opponents field and more importantly, I can dump a Beast into the grave which helps getting Rainbow out quicker, plus if I have 1 CB in my backrow and a Blessing and Hamon or Dragon Queen in hand I can get the CB back and it may mean I can summon Hamon or Dragon Queen.

I have 1 Cobalt for Rainbow summoning and also because I can send Sapphire to top of my deck if they are both out and it means next turn I'm guaranteed a free CB of my pick in the backrow for Hamon, Dragon Queen or Rainbow.

I run 2 Rare Value for draw power

And the traps I run are to deal with anything I don't like until Hamon or Rainbow come to play.

Please let me know what I can do to improve this deck guys. I was originally going for a Hamon or Rainbow speed summon type deck, but now I'm trying to fit in Crystal Abundance turbo to a small degree. So please let me know what I should swap in and out to make the main focus of this deck Abundance OTK turbo, with Hamon and Rainbow as backup if I can't Abundance OTK

thanks Smile

Last edited by Mai_Valentine on Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

@Flyinghigh: Thank you! I don't mind you using the deck at all, glad you're having fun with it Smile

Are the traps of it proving to be worthwhile? I know lots of people have said to lose all the traps, but imo they help keep you alive and kicking long enough to get something going or just mess your opponent up. But that's just in my experience, I'd love to hear what you think of the traps :3

Btw, should I run 2 Tour Guides for an easy Zenmaines? I'm not sure if it'd be good tbh Smile

Also, I did consider Rainbow Dark but in this deck he'd be meh imo. I mean to get him out you'd need all 7 CB's in the grave (not field or S/T, which automatically puts you at a disadvantage). Then they need to be banished to summon Dark, so goodbye to Rainbow in this deck, as there aren't 2 of each beast and Rainbow requires all 7 on the field, S/T or grave, not removed from play. And also you've then got literally 5 CB's left in the whole deck to use to summon Hamon with. So not only does summoning Dark screw you (IF you can pull it off) BUT, if your opponent has a mirror force or anything to destroy Dark you've basically ruined the whole deck and unless you get a lucky Hamon out or happen to have 4/5 CB's left for Abundance you'll probably lose. Don't mean to be a downer on your changes Flyinghigh, but that's just looking at Dark and summoning him from a factual point of view. However, Advanced Dark would work well to quickly get CB's from the deck to the S/T Zone for Rainbow Smile. Maybe instead of Rainbow Dark and Rainbow you should run 1 Dark and 1 Dark Armed Dragon? Think about it, with Advanced Dark the CB's are dark types and Dark Armed would at least be playable even if Rainbow Dark is out rather then Rainbow. Imo having both Dragons means Rainbow becomes a dead draw if Dark is summoned, but if it works for ya then go for it :3.

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I understand that using a Dark and a Rainbow isn't a good strategy, but I'm not playing the deck to be competitive, so I do it anyway. Besides, Rainbow Dark and Raibow/Hamon are two completely different builds anyway

But aside from that, I don't think that Zenmaines would help, because I would keep the traps in.The traps do help stall when you're looking for the right card, but I don't see Tourguide/Zenmaines helping.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Don't start trolling each other because it makes you look stupid. This thread is meant to help people with their decks and comments like "delete it" or "trash the deck" is unappreciated and unneeded. If you're not here to offer helpful advice or constructive criticism, leave.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Alikaey wrote:
Don't start trolling each other because it makes you look stupid. This thread is meant to help people with their decks and comments like "delete it" or "trash the deck" is unappreciated and unneeded. If you're not here to offer helpful advice or constructive criticism, leave.

Thank you Ali, and I wasn't trolling him, just making Judgement look as stupid as he talks.

Anyway, back to the subject! So, 2 Tour Guides is a bad idea, okay. Any other cards I should add? I saw Horn of the Phantom Beast a bit ago and maybe running 2 of this Trap and swapping out Crystal Promise and 1 Bottomless wouldn't be a bad idea? I mean the card can equip to every CB except Ruby and Tortoise. It gives the equipped monster 800 Atk and lets me draw a card so it increases my draw power.

Is that a good idea or worth it? Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I actually think those swaps for Horn would be really good, Horn is a great card in any deck that can run it. I'd definitely consider it.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Not sure if you've seen it yet but there's an article on our site made by a friend who's just as much of a Crystal Beast fan of me. He calls himself the god of CB. I'm the father of them Crystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 1554389127.


descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Alikaey wrote:
Not sure if you've seen it yet but there's an article on our site made by a friend who's just as much of a Crystal Beast fan of me. He calls himself the god of CB. I'm the father of them Crystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 1554389127.


Thanks for the link Ali, while it was kinda useful...it really didn't help MY build, ya know? I think that's helpful if you're building a CB deck from scratch or your current CB deck is a stinker. But if you have a decent CB build like mine...it's not too helpful. To really implement those suggestions into this build I'd have to lose Rainbow Dragon, Hamon and most if not all my traps. I will certainly use it when making an Abundance OTK Turbo deck, but not for this one. Thanks a bunch anyway though :3

Also, if you boys are the God and Father of CB's...I'm their Queen Wink

Here's the tweaks I made to the deck: https://i.imgur.com/GnmyPYa.png

Took out 1 Crystal Pair and 1 Bottomless for the 2 Horns. Also took out 1 Zenmaines for 1 Leviathan Dragon.

P.S. Feel free to get the author of that thread in here, I'm sure his help as well would really bump this deck up :D

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help


I keep coming back to this thread.
Can't really say much about the rest of this deck.

I'd take out Vortex and 1 Tortoise. That's pretty much it. XD I like the Horn of the Phantom Beast idea. Surprises opponents and works with 4 of the CBs.

Not sure about the Lavalval Chain duplicate. It helps get ready for Rainbow Dragon and Blessing, but you'll need a lot more draw power if you're going to run them turbo.

Daigusto Emeral is a nice card, but stops Rainbow Dragon plays. Then again, it helps with recycling, since you don't run a high amount of monsters in this deck.

Maybe a tree if you want to get out Hamon or search out the last few CBs for Rainbow Dragon or Abundance OTK.

Don't plan on the Abundance OTK turbo; Only one copy of Abundance and situational to get 4 CB in S/T with Abundance in hand,

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

As I've said, I don't wanna lose my Vortex as it helps clear my opponents field and dump a weaker CB to the grave. If I have Vortex, Pegasus and Eagle in hand then I can play Vortex to dump Eagle, summon Pegasus and search out a CB. So in other words I've cleared the opponents field, got a decent attacker out to direct attack, dumped a weak CB to the grave for Rainbow and gotten another CB I'm missing for Rainbow out all in 1 play. That's why I keep 1 Vortex. Helps me set up for Rainbow while blowing up my opponents monster zone.

As for Lavalval Chain, yeah I'll take one of him out.

And as for the Tree, think I should drop 1 MST for it? As I dunno what else to drop tbh.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

2 is good enough.

How about Monster Reborn?

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Panda wrote:
2 is good enough.

How about Monster Reborn?

2 of what is good enough? And I don't wanna lose Reborn, gives me Pegasus back and a free eff of his to get another CB in the S/T Zone Smile

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I think Panda meant that you don't have Monster Reborn. ._. Or even Dark Hole. Any of the trinity.

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True. You can revive it after you use Lightning Vortex or simply after when it's destroyed.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

XraishionX wrote:
I think Panda meant that you don't have Monster Reborn. ._. Or even Dark Hole. Any of the trinity.

Uh...yes I do! I have Dark hole AND Reborn! Not Heavy cos I don't wanna blow up my own backrow. But yeah of course I have Reborn and Dark Hole. Please look at the decklist, I even linked it at the start of the opening post to help people see what's in it... >.>

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

Since the field spell generally protects itself, have you thought of maybe running any Malefic? The big beater can become useful if/when you have no traps to use.

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

^^What Vox said. And I just saw the reborn and dark hole. >.>

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Eh, I don't wanna use Malefics as you can easily get out stalled by your opponent unless running Skill Drain. All they need to do is summon 2 monsters in one of their turns and you're not getting to their LP unless you kill off your own Malefic as they can just keep setting a monster while still having one more on the field, leaving you open to getting a nasty Synchro or XYZ monster popping up on you. And since I don't run Rageki Break or Crystal Rageki, I'd need to have Dark Hole already or draw one if I wanna go in for the kill.

As I've said, I just feel unless running triple Skill Drain then Malefics just let your opponent stall you too easily. But it was a solid suggestion for this deck regardless, so thanks :3

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

The thing is, they'll eventually have to run out of monsters in order to stall, since you can't spam two monsters per turn forever. Also, this means that they run out of monster resources, unless they're playing something that focuses on the graveyard (ex: Vayu Turbo). This also means they'll use up a lot of their resources to get over the Malefic monsters, putting you in an advantageous position. Say for instance, they'll have to use a Dark Hole or a trap card like D prison. Plus, Crystal Beasts aren't usually that offensive, are they?

descriptionCrystal Beast Deck Help - Page 2 EmptyRe: Crystal Beast Deck Help

I suppose, but then I'd have to lose either Dragonic Queen which gives me draw power and a self reviving monster, Hamon so I'd lose a 4000 beater that does damage no matter if my opponent plays defensively or not and can be used as a huge wall too, or Rainbow Dragon which is kinda the boss monster of the whole CB archetype. I dunno :/

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